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Race Persoanlities

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  • #16
    I think this really depends on your server. I have found on Leviathan server that Mithras tend to be the know it all arrogant type. I had a level 24 Mithra WAR with no subjob tell me they didn't need one until level 30 and they could then get their advanced jobs and sub job at the same time.

    Most of my ingame friends are Elvaan and then are nice and considerate.
    Sergeant Major
    75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
    22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
    Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


    • #17
      I really don't think you can classify any of the races according to the players behind them.

      I've met many dumbass Galka, Mithra, Elvaan, Hume, and Tarutaru.

      I've met many rude/obnoxious Galka, Mithra, Elvaan, Hume, and Tarutaru.

      I've met l337 Galka, Hithra, Elvaan, Hume, and Tarutaru.

      Over all, I don't notice many people acting differently at all because of their race unless they're actual role players, who aren't very common.
      Langron, Dark Knight of Bastok. Level 75 Rank 10
      A Pheonix Role-playing linkshell.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Balgas

        Mithra: I only know three mithra that are female in reality. I just assume the rest are male. =P I find mithra to usually be humorous in a more mature way, like with witty comments. These players at least to me seem to be the most aggressive as well, and don't complain too often unless someone is being completely out of line.
        (Hmmm.) That's me specially the complaining bit, I just can't be nasty, even to teh bad guys
        75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
        Woodworking 91.9+2
        ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


        • #19
          Originally posted by modnar
          This is where it gets personal to me, and let me tell you right now: I AM HUME BECAUSE I MADE A DECISION, not because I can't make a decision. You know what the decision I made was? I made the decision to play only 1 character, and not have multiple characters. I also made the decision that I do not want to reply alot of the game over in terms of Rank missions and quests. I wanted 1 character to have everything I did on them, not to be shared with some other character.

          When I choose HUME, I choose it to ensure that I do not paint myself into a corner and be stuck. I will agree that I do have many jobs at many different levels, but that is not b/c I can't make a decision but b/c I want to explore different aspects of the game. Believe me, I played Monk for 10 months before I changed and started to play Red Mage to see the mage side of the gameplay.

          BORING PEOPLE?! :mad: {Impossible to gauge} {Hundred Fists}!

          Just a clarification about maxing characters: it might be true for me, as I still have not taken the time to get that high. So I can't defend myself on something that actualy is true thus far. However, I would like to point out that I DO BUY THE BEST EQUIPMENT (if I can afford it), and I DO FARM AND SPEND TIME TRY TO BUY GIL FOR GOOD EQUIPMENT (if I cannot afford it). One of the main reasons I did not continue with Monk and was stuck there for a little bit was that I was farming for my Kote, +3% Haste boots, and +accuracy armor. It is a big jump for Monk (and for me being a "gil-challenged" player at the time), but I spent the time and got the stuff!!

          I make it a rule not to play a job if I feel I am gimped in any way!!

          Don't look down on me b/c I a HUME!!! {Impossible to gauge} {/slap}
          ... ok, maybe I will not /slap... {Cure IV} :spin:

          Now that's funny, hume.

          Of course, I'm a hume myself.

          Here's what I found about the other classes' players...

          Elvaan: I've met the worst and the best of these players. It seems though most are too competitive for their own good, everything's got to be a competition.

          Galkan: Oohh, I love galkan players! Even when I pick on them for their smelly armpits or butts, these players become the funniest ever!

          Tarutaru: What the hell's up with these guys? I've come across a few good players, but the rest are plain-out n00bing! They are only interested in MONEY!

          Mithra: I love eating their tails, taste like hotdogs! Alright, I've been around enough of them to know they're very curious players.

          Now humes, that's something else. Most of us like to emote almost anything. We're naive, creative, extravagenzent (is that a word?), funny, mean, nice, but very optimistic.


          • #20
            First off, I'm an Elvaan male warrior ( As you can see.. yes I need to update my signature/Avatar <.<).. Anywho..

            I compare myself to others' gear and skill, but not openly. I don't complain too much unless some rouge no-subjob-warrior in Valkurm decides to provoke whenever I do, and I kindly ask him to only provoke when he sees,
            (Provoke) &(Utsusemi) ~~~ o.- (Blink)

            I try to even help people who need it, and sometimes even give advice to low-ish people. Sometimes it's even the people who already have their advanced jobs, but not quite sure what type of gear they need.

            Now mind you, sometimes I do get a little touchy when people think they know it all and try to tell me how to do my job when I know I'm doing perfectly fine.

            I /do/ Roleplay, and my character /does/ look down on those he thinks are just.... well, not as, how to say it... Well, let's just say the NPCs in windurst get picked on alot when I'm there. He doesn't show too much hatred to the hume race due to his wife is one

            As for Mithra, most of the ones I've met on fairy are either one extreme or another. They're either A~~hats, or very nice and helpful.

            Galka, most of these are Japanese on our server, the NA ones I've met were newbies, but the Japanese ones laugh alot at my wife and I's rediculous translations. ( Our favourite being ' I'm sorry. I'm allergic to penicillan)

            TaruTaru, I've also met the extremes here. Alot of Tarutaru I've met were nasty little buggers, but those were mainly Black Mages. I've met the perverted ones, and I've also met the ones that are too nice for their own good, provoke when it's the last resort, and fall due to a lack of WHM mp. I like having these little guys in my party, because alot of times we'll be fortunite to pick up the silly ones that play along with my wife and I's jokes and such... we had a 5 mage party and a warrior once, 3 of the mages were Tarutaru. We even had names for them all--
            One was Carbuncle, One was a Rat, one was a Duck. My wife was a fox, I a penguin, and the other mage a Seed...

            Hume, They seem to be all over the map in my opinion. There are those like my wife who are great at what they do, know it, but don't say anything about it. There are the types that know they're good, and make it known. There are the types that don't know what they're doing at all, but think they do. There are those that don't know what they're doing and want help, and there are the A~~hats, the perverts, and everything in between.

            Lastly, my race. I have met the Elvaan players who think they are better than everyone else, but I've also met the kinder elvaan who give away things to those who need it, help people, and such. I've also met the newbie ones that think They > Everyone even though their skill stinks to high hell.

            So yes, maybe the race can tell you about a person's personality, but don't base it on that. Get to know them well. Some Galka are big, nasty brutes... which I've had the 'pleasure' of knowing. Some tarutaru are deceptive, nice at first but then bite you in the hiney like some vicious Chihuahua with rabies.
            Some elvaan and humes are horses' rears at first, but then later on show they really care about the party and people's feelings.

            Also, most mithra I've met are infact, Manthra.


            • #21
              Ahahahahaah MANTHRA!
              I may l'eggo your Eggo, but I'll be damned if I rolf your waffle...


              • #22
                I am manthra.

                I also get accused at times for playing on acid, while all I have consumed recently is a bowl of Cheerios and some Vanilla Tea. Dunno what that tells yah.

                I am also a rather casual player. Not bothering too much with gear, levels, money etc. I am level 61 now and recently reaced my all time high on gil of a whooping 15o'ooo. xP
                At the moment all I want is to do Missions, and maybe make some money to buy some stuff I should get. Like the elemental staves, been mooching them of a friend for a while now and he wants em back soon. ;O
                I quit. :O


                • #23
                  I've met the same amount of Galka idiots as Elvaan idiots. There's always a good amount of skilled Galka players as there are Elvaan which is nice.

                  On Seraph the taru are very arrogant and they'll leave your party if the EXP isn't fast enough. Most of them have a very acute holier than thou complex.

                  Hume and mithra are both pretty bland. That's probably because I see mithra more as an object than a person. But hey, that's my problem. *swivels camera around for the close-up on the mithra butt*

