i was just wondering what melee dd you guys thought had the best end game. by end game i mean doing hnm fights and such. not which is the best at the end of the game.
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Melee DD with the best end game.
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Ummm dark dont have close to the best end game as other jobs, a blm can stun so all a dark will do is go in a weak ass pt with other blms and rdm/drks to Gods and HNM.
And war doesnt do anything but Kite HNMs but is also very good DD with endgame cursed/God Equip
Although i am a mnk, i think mnk has very good end game because nothing will outdmg chi blast on an HNM every 3 mins for 1000+ dmg
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While a DRK can do 1700 ground/spin/spiral WS, a SAM can do 1000+ gekko/kasha, but more often.
Not only that, Samurais can do damage WITHOUT giving the mob TP. For endgame, this is absolutely vital for mobs that have lethal WSes.
I have an endgame DRK with endgame gear (adaman hauberk etc) but I'm not satisfied when I see SAMs outdamaging me with their TP gaining.
Oh and SAM 2hr+3 x spirits within is beautiful.I really should thank you for it afterall it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life.....Purpose of life, is to end.
I hate my life.
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Depends on the HNM.
Are we talking alliances where fat chance you're going to melee it
6-8 people HNM where it's risky for 6 but not impossible.
or regular 4-6 NMs that some people think it should be HNM.
Im most situations between a 6-8 - 4-6 situation the thf would most likely deal the most damage. Since they don't really need to hold back much.
Pure damage wize though, I would say mnk. With the oddness of standard HNM hunts, most classess don't have the HP be so reckless as much as a mnk/nin.
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OMG.... no thf lovers ><
Why is'nt ranger up there? lol"If silence is golden, then maybe more people should shut up and get rich 0o"
me @ cosplay 2004
me normal
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i gotta say the results are nearly what i expected them to be. although i am kind of thinking people are mistaking war as being war tank or war dd. in this case i am talking about only damage dealing. i know wars are great end game tanks with all their blinkin and still doing good damage. but i'm concerned with only the damage portion.
my main reason for making this pole is i'm trying to decide what to take to 75. i've wasted a lot of time playing lots of jobs and not getting any maxed out. quit pld in the 60's when i realized so many people prefer blink tanks.
for right now i'm finishing lvl'ing all possible melee subs to 37 (war, thf, whm). once thats done (should be done shortly). i'm trying to figure out what to do.
i made this poll thinking most people would pick mnk. since it can be mnk/war all out damage, mnk/thf SATA, or mnk/whm chi blasts. pretty versatile and does great damage. also until recently i've heard a lot of people trashing sam's, but lately things i've been reading make sams seem great at the end game.
thanks to those who gave some input, keep it rolling.
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Originally posted by LordBiGGs
also until recently i've heard a lot of people trashing sam's, but lately things i've been reading make sams seem great at the end game.
well truth be told, a RNG can actually outdamage a SAM, *but since RNG aint up there SAM gets the vote* MNK is another good DD, tho it cant multi-renkie with people. THF only works good with SATA, and DRK does'nt begin to deal good damage until after lvl 60, or late 60's. DRG was badly GIMPED by SE, there most useful job ability to gain TP back after a WS made them the ideal sub for a SAM. But now they hardly get invites after lvl 60.
I won't comment on WAR, its a good DD, but people will flame you if you say other wise. I say all a WAR is good for in the higher lvls is Blink Tanking, since a WAR subbing NIN may actually be better than a NIN subbing WAR because off all the DEF they get. IMO.
Samurai actually cant deal good damage alone in a EXP PT, but if you renkie with 3 people in there you'll find that your the main damage machine, like as if you carry your team mate's damage over to MB. Since Samurai is the most reliable SC partner.Banned.
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Any lvl 74 mnk would be subbing nin
Death is worse then speed when you fight HNM
obvious if you're killing 1 super hp monster, it's more endurance then damage.
any monk/non nin will quickly decide to change. Only exception is stuff that require chiblast only situations like kirin.
That is why rangers are not up there. Controlling hate is something good NM hunting pt should know. Not L33t damage.
I don't see many sam's in HNM but they certainlly don't outdamage ranger's and mnks. it's probably because SATA isn't really vaulable in HNM when no one but the tank wants hate. The only reason Thfs are so hot is because treasure hunter is so important
War/nin's might be good DD with axe, but joysusei/ riddel is nice to have, and all that rappid attack gets hate really nicely. WS though is weak.
and many HNM for some reason is usually easier to evade then IT monsters. Nin/war seems to be better tank.
Mnks here have 1 and only 1 luxury, they have massive HP to keep them alive till hate gets pulled off. THey're usually more reckless and thus more damage.
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theres 2 very simple reasons rng isnt up there.
1. from what i hear rng is the best at the end of the game and i dont want it taking all the votes. same reason blm isnt up there. i'm not concerned with nuking. although technically chi blasting is nuking...
2. i dont feel like shelling out the gil to play rng =P. i got about 4 million and i want that to last.
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In the case of damage dealt v.s. HNMs/Gods.
On serious HNMs/Gods, MNK (Chi Blast) and SAM/THF are about on equal ground with damage dealt.
Jeuno HNM (Serket, Roc, ect.), MNK/NIN is both the best damage dealer and the best tank. MNK's completely rape anything that's TW.
WAR/THF and DRK/THF does about the same on WS damage (Unless DRK does Soul Eater, then they have a couple hundred point advantage), but throughout the fight the WAR will hit more (Aggressor, Double Attack).
THF's damage dealt isn't all that good thanks to their A weapon.
I have never seen a DRG endgame, I can't talk about them.
I'd really suggest you take up a job you really enjoy playing, though.Originally posted by Luminaire
Fact - WAR has a ton of potential, the only limits on the job are the player
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Originally posted by ZQM
I have never seen a DRG endgame, I can't talk about them.
lmao, same here. my freinds and I were on last night and we did a /sea all DRG 70-75
all we found was a lvl 70 and a lvl 72 DRG on the WHOLE server of Ragnarok lmao. We asked him how long that took to get to that lvl and he was like "I regret it, I'd never get invites, I'd have to make my own Parties and go on /anon or else they'd want to join another Party."
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I'd take the results with a grain of salt.
I suspect there are a lot of votes from people that have no endgame experience at all...
And if you are talking "Best" endgame, you have to take into account the opinions of HNM LSes on your server.
My HNMLS is actually really anti-Melee... They don't want to mess with status cures, curagas, or giving a mob more TP. Basically, anybody that doesn't attack from range takes a back seat in some HNMLSes, regardless of their damage potential (Sam, DRK, WAR, Extra Thieves).
Now... not all HNM LSes are like that, which is why you need to check with the leaders on your server. Mine is gradually switching over... we took a samurai recently who is also a high level monk. That made him very flexible.
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