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  • Mnk/nin

    ok i know just about everyone will say this is a crappy sub for a mnk, cause it has bad statsnor whatever. I'm not looking for stats i'm asking if you think this would be a FUN class mix to play. i mean think about it a mnk dealing awsome damage and suddenly castin ninjitsu magic, i thought it would look cool , be fun and challenging. just wanted to know how fun you think this would be.

    P.S. some may say i'm waisting the duel wielding ability of a nin, I couldnt care less about deul wielding i just want it to be fun and challenging.

    Take The Quiz Yourself!

  • #2
    you won't be doing "awesome damage" with nin sub.

    ninjitsu when subbed is near useless.

    if your idea of "fun and challenging" is sitting in jeuno for hours because of your sub.... you'll have a lot of that.


    • #3
      actually ninja is a great subjob for monk, its just highly situational.

      one of my ls ninjas tanks king ranps parties, we've actually done

      mnk/nin mnk/nin mnk/thf mnk/thf whm/blm brd/whm

      , he also SJ's nin for BC fights etc where its inevitable he'll turn hate, its also really useful for stuff like the AA fights.

      not great for exp though.
      55% Skill
      35% Equipment
      10% Race

      White Mage - 75 - Completed
      Ninja - 75 - Completed
      Summoner - 75 - Completed
      My Livejournal


      • #4
        Originally posted by poweryoga
        ninjitsu when subbed is near useless.
        its nothing great when mained either...

        in the end...monk/nin will only have ninjitsu...wich isnt even that fun...i aready got two weapons...



        • #5
          MNK/NIN is only an endgame combo for Dynamis runs and some HNM fights. You get no benefit at all for subbing NIN at any other time.

          You won't be landing any of the Ninjitsu on IT mobs with only half of the Ninjitsu skill of a NIN main. Not only that, but you have no reason to use anything else but Utsusemi with the NIN sub, and its simply to make it so you can stay alive longer without help from mages (especially important in Dynamis if you a random melee)
          Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
          Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)


          • #6
            actually a friend of mine has use this for a BCNM 40 in feiyin against the skeleton. I forgot the BCNM name but it's basically a skeleton mob that raises itself 4 times, 3 as drk, 2 as blm.

            The pt set up was whm/blm, pld/war, and mnk/nin

            This works out a lot better than mnk/war since mnk almost always pull hate from the pld from time to time... and having the images up definately help me to conserve a lot more mp since it's such a long long battle =D

            We were only able to complete this bcnm with mnk/nin. Using mnk/war cos too much hate, and thus cost me too much mana to heal him.
            Brd 67/ Whm 42 / Blm 26
            Clothcraft 72.0


            • #7
              Undying Promise, and yes MNK/WAR is just too much hate for anyone, war/nin nin/war both lost hate to my mnk without beserk or focus up at all.


              • #8
                mnk/nin is a great soloer. . . which you're gonna be doing alot of if /nin is the only subjob you have available.


                Rank 10 San d'Orian.


                • #9
                  MNK/NIN is situational, yes.

                  I've "tanked" Serket many times as MNK/NIN, tanked Simurgh, Roc, etc etc. It's honestly not that hard, another MNK/NIN in my LS has tanked Bune & Tzee Xicu. It's doable. It's not a crap sub. The whole point of NIN sub isn't to use the elemental or enfeebling ninjutsu it's to use utsusemi: ichi and utsusemi: ni, let's not beat around the bush.

                  The other thing I'd like to point out is that as an Elvaan MNK75/WAR37 I have 75 base STR. As MNK75/THF37 I have 71 base STR. And as MNK75/NIN37 I have 73 base STR. So it's not exactly like you're doing shit damage, you're just losing berserk (marginally increases ws damage) and double attack.
                  Talus, Rank 10
                  Max Fame - San d'Oria
                  Purple Belt Quest Complete
                  Brown Belt Quest Complete
                  Black Belt Quest Complete
                  New Job: RDM56/BLM28.
                  THF AF:O MNK AF:O PLD AF:O
                  Current Title: Professional Loafer


                  • #10
                    oh and mnk/nin is not a bad combo for ballista too unless u have sam up with meditate ^^~
                    Brd 67/ Whm 42 / Blm 26
                    Clothcraft 72.0


                    • #11
                      DarkSEED's leader, Renza, can solo a lot of weaker HNMs with MNK/NIN and tanks just about anything ;P.


                      • #12

                        And his MNK/WHM...
                        I quit. :O


                        • #13
                          A lot of you are focusing on non-leveling situations, where indeed, MNK/NIN can be kinda useful.

                          But I don't think that's what the original poster is asking.
                          Pounce (RETIRED) Mithra Bastok R.7 Titan server
                          DRG 62 | RDM 65 | WAR 34 | SAM 30 | WHM 33 | BLM 33 | THF 15

                          (guess my name =P) Mithra Bastok R.1 Titan server
                          MNK 18 | WAR 3
                          Future NIN -_-


                          • #14
                            Talus... lets not forget ur thf and /thf buddies who help keep the hate on you........ but ya.... mnk/nin isnt really a bad combo in certain situation

