The ultimate job class...
Orlandu from FFTactics, when you get him in the game, it almost felt like cheating to use him.
In FFXI...
My RDM/NIN will rape any of your DRK's, DRG's, SAM's, whatever.
Some of the strongest of HNM's bow down to my feet, you will all do the same.
Who cares how hard you hit, you'll still hit for 0 when you even land a hit against me. :p
Orlandu from FFTactics, when you get him in the game, it almost felt like cheating to use him.
In FFXI...
My RDM/NIN will rape any of your DRK's, DRG's, SAM's, whatever.
Some of the strongest of HNM's bow down to my feet, you will all do the same.
Who cares how hard you hit, you'll still hit for 0 when you even land a hit against me. :p