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whats the ultimate job class?

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  • #16
    The ultimate job class...
    Orlandu from FFTactics, when you get him in the game, it almost felt like cheating to use him.

    In FFXI...
    My RDM/NIN will rape any of your DRK's, DRG's, SAM's, whatever.
    Some of the strongest of HNM's bow down to my feet, you will all do the same.
    Who cares how hard you hit, you'll still hit for 0 when you even land a hit against me. :p


    • #17
      the point is it's just Zanta and Kaylik going back and forth saying that they are the ultimate drk and drg which is more signing of a noob than I can even describe...not to mention making up about lvl 75 jobS, I dont believe I know any North American player with 2 75 jobs unless they guys gotta give up..noone believes you but yourselves
      [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


      • #18
        Zanta the reason I'm not 65+ yet is because I work my fucking ass off to have great gear. When I was level 25 thf/12 war I farmed beehive chips in giddeus for over a month to buy EH and LB among a crapload of other, less expensive +1 items. Anyone who has ever /checked me ingame knows I consistently have good equipment (something tells me its better than yours...) and now that I have started camping LL as much as I do, the gear just gets better and better.

        fk yes


        • #19
          first thing none of you guys know me or what jobs i have at what and secondly ffxi is not the only MMORPG or RPG in the world, despite any skill or lack there of on this game we've worked at DRK and DRG based abilities on runescape, ragnarock, IV, V, IX, X, as well as countless none ff games and on ff eleven we're going to do this by trial and error

          Take The Quiz Yourself!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Kaylik
            first thing none of you guys know me or what jobs i have at what and secondly ffxi is not the only MMORPG or RPG in the world, despite any skill or lack there of on this game we've worked at DRK and DRG based abilities on runescape, ragnarock, IV, V, IX, X, as well as countless none ff games and on ff eleven we're going to do this by trial and error
            That's his idea of making up for the lies and how he was wrong
            [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


            • #21
              Originally posted by Kaylik
              first thing none of you guys know me or what jobs i have at what and secondly ffxi is not the only MMORPG or RPG in the world, despite any skill or lack there of on this game we've worked at DRK and DRG based abilities on runescape, ragnarock, IV, V, IX, X, as well as countless none ff games and on ff eleven we're going to do this by trial and error
              not many games are as cookie cutter as ffxi is...runescape and ragnarok are completly SOLO games...all you do in that is attack and spam skills...

              ffxi is a very new type of ffxi game...each job has its reason...unliek the other ffs...every job cant take hits...every job has its place...and if you want a good pt you need the right combos...

              you have failed at defending your self...again...


              • #22
                All ive ever seen Buu say is flames... Let the people play how they want its not effecting you in any way so why the hell do you care?

                Warrior TP Warrior WS


                • #23
                  I think Buu is just annoyed to hell with Kaylik and Zanta. I mean, i am too, but i'm not posting because to hell with it. If they think they're ultimate, let them think that way. I can feel what Buu is feeling too... I mean, in the DRG thread, he made this thread about how drg's are teh awesomeness... he also made one here in the general forum before deleting it i think, also stating that drgs are the ultimate dmg weapon. and now he's posting it here again.

                  I mean, reading that many threads about it, it annoys people. ALSO, the fact that his punctuation and grammar is total crap adds fuel to the flame of annoyingness. I don't think i've seen either of them use a period yet.... -_- or give thought to any of the suggestions posted in the drg vs drk topic he started. He posted why he thought drg PWNZOR drk, and everytime someone makes a comment, he just says the same reason he stated in the begining, being oh so ever ignorant. Not to mention his reaons don't have any real evidence to back up his claim that sam sub is bestorz....

                  It's just the fact that they are so ignorant and "keep" claiming it to be the best that it becomes so irritating when it's been discussed so many times and a conclusion has been drawn. It's just.... annoying.

                  But yeah, i can kind of understand Buu and rogan, but i don't think they should bother, it's not worth it.

                  My grammar is pretty bad too, but atleast i have periods, commas and paragraphs. After all, they're entitled to play what they want, and what they feel like........ :spin:


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by dimsum86
                    I think Buu is just annoyed to hell with Kaylik and Zanta. I mean, i am too, but i'm not posting because to hell with it. If they think they're ultimate, let them think that way. I can feel what Buu is feeling too... I mean, in the DRG thread, he made this thread about how drg's are teh awesomeness... he also made one here in the general forum before deleting it i think, also stating that drgs are the ultimate dmg weapon. and now he's posting it here again.

                    I mean, reading that many threads about it, it annoys people. ALSO, the fact that his punctuation and grammar is total crap adds fuel to the flame of annoyingness. I don't think i've seen either of them use a period yet.... -_- or give thought to any of the suggestions posted in the drg vs drk topic he started. He posted why he thought drg PWNZOR drk, and everytime someone makes a comment, he just says the same reason he stated in the begining, being oh so ever ignorant. Not to mention his reaons don't have any real evidence to back up his claim that sam sub is bestorz....

                    It's just the fact that they are so ignorant and "keep" claiming it to be the best that it becomes so irritating when it's been discussed so many times and a conclusion has been drawn. It's just.... annoying.

                    But yeah, i can kind of understand Buu and rogan, but i don't think they should bother, it's not worth it.

                    My grammar is pretty bad too, but atleast i have periods, commas and paragraphs. After all, they're entitled to play what they want, and what they feel like........ :spin:
                    That pretty much summed up this thread, thank you. But with one final comment, I saw Kaylik in another post mention his 43 war, where you said his war was Zanta, Kaylik, you were obviously lying about your lvl 75 jobs, but I'm done with these threads, if you guys would like to keep calling eachother ultimate drk and drg most noobs do, so enjoy
                    [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


                    • #25
                      hehe, you're welcome!


                      • #26
                        removed comment after reading other post in DRG thread..............
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Kaylik
                          first thing none of you guys know me or what jobs i have at what and secondly ffxi is not the only MMORPG or RPG in the world, despite any skill or lack there of on this game we've worked at DRK and DRG based abilities on runescape, ragnarock, IV, V, IX, X, as well as countless none ff games and on ff eleven we're going to do this by trial and error
                          I'd like to know how you'd do something like that. I used to play Ragnarok and short of making a Spear Knight (which sucked) and a 2 Handed Sword Knight I can't see how you could do anything close to a DRG and DRK on that. None of the abilities are even remotely similar from what I remember.


                          • #28
                            Its tough to determine an "ultimate" overall class..

                            But I can certainly tell you the deadliest..

                            Night Blade, one of Hawkeye's ultimate class's in Seiken Densetsu 3. I swear some of the abilities he had in that game..if put into any other game, could take down anything! Its like Ninja in this game on crack (Master Ninja was awsome too, but Night Blade was just so bloody deadly..)

                            Although the Assassins in FFTactics Advance were pretty damn deadly too. Those ladies could take down almost any enemy in groups.

                            The most powerful Magic User in any game I think is Deis/Bleu from the Breath of Fire series, ESPECIALLY her 2 incarnation. Insanely powerful healing magic, insanely powerful attack magic, buffing and debuffing powers (pretty much every trick in the book), and to boot decent fighting ability AND best of all, an option to heal yourself to full life as many times as you like. Bleu was as close to the perfect wizard as any character has gotten for me in any RPG. I'm tempted to say Yuna too because if she was taken down certain paths, she was literally the perfect magic user. Decent Vitality, decent fighting ability, insane amounts of mp and full black AND white magic as well as summons. But thats all optional, Bleu came powerful the moment you got her.

                            If I had to choose a most powerful job in any game, I'd choose Hunter though. As in..Hunter from the Phantasy Star series. Think about it, deadly fighting skill, lots of vitality, and the ability to almost eternally heal yourself completely. That in itself is more than enough, but add to that the abiltiy to buff yourself and debuff the enemies physical ability, and some unique attack magic and the most powerful attack magic in the universe, Megid at your disposal.

                            They don't have too many abilities and are kind of jack's of all trades, but the abilities they do have turn them into almost the perfect melee character fully capable in groups and alone.

                            I could get flak for this..but I'm also tempted to say SOLDIER from FFVII. Why? Because they come with insane fighting ability and have access to pretty much any magic you can think of with the right materia. Its almost perfect.

                            ^. You have now seen everything..

                            Name: Kiyotaru.
                            Ethinticity: Windurstian.
                            Home: Norg
                            Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

                            Linkshells: Come and go.


                            • #29
                              ultimate job class = rich hollywood celebrity with billionare trust fund money

                              I'd quit playing games if I suddenly spawned in from my sleep into that life.

                              2nd most powerful job:

                              Being an Agent that controls this reality we call the matrix...

                              Best videogame job class:

                              whatever Edgar was from FF 6. Why? He's got a freaking chainsaw man! Come on! Chain Saw!!!!!!! If they made it so that you can wield chainsaws only as like uh.. galka blm w/o armor and only in subligar, I'd quit my taru that day!
                              75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk

