Hi, Im gonna start playing again at christmas and seens as i was never in hmls or anything i was wondering what jobs are needed most melee wise? I really want to go a ranger but if im just starting off i dont think ill be able to fund it these days.
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If you consider tanks melee, tanks. PLD should be easy to fund.
As far as HNMLS go, I've never been in one, but as far as I know, if the LS has been around for a while, they probably have secured PLD spots. Thats what I think, I really don't know.There is no knowledge without experience.
San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8
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I think im just gonna play ranger. got my last one to 21 in 2 days (about10hoursplaying) so i can just spend the rest of the time farming to buy arrows75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
Woodworking 91.9+2
ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27
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