K, i've had the game for not quite a year, but im just now starting to play, im currently a 15 Galka War on Asura. im heading for paladin but i've heard some stuff that kinda makes me wanna start over.... I heard that galka paladin was best tank and is reasonably inexpensive so i thought i would go that route, but i grouped with a Nin in valkrum and its crazy, he barely even got touched blink tanking, why would anyone take a paladin over that? and he held aggro pretty well too... and i know galka suck at nin, so can someone please tell me somethin that'll make me wanna be galk pal? dont rly feel like starting over but if paladin is way outshined by nin i prob go taru whm, lol. Thanks :confused:
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Question about Pal and Nin...
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I dont wanna start a big Paladin vs Ninja fight..... we got too many of those on this forum...... but here goes. Paladin can hold hate much better than a ninja, but as a galka you will even have problems with holding hate unless u get some astral rings wich are pretty expensive, galkas low mp pool makes it hard for them to hold hate. i dont think either nin or pld is better...... nin can probly get your party more total exp, but with more deaths in the process (from my expierience, nins cant hold hate worth crap) paladin parties require a bit more downtime usualy, but parties will love you becuz you keep them alive....
to sum things up, niether pld or nin is better, just different styles of tanking, galka can be a great pld, just have to focus on some mp+ items.......Gallant Leggings - Obtained
Gallant Gauntlets- Obtained
Gallant Coronet - Obtained
Gallant Breeches - Obtained
Gallant Surcoat - Obtained
Thats right, Paladin AF complete... booyah
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Re: Question about Pal and Nin...
Originally posted by OWA_900
and i know galka suck at nin
How did you figure that, or who told you that? I don't see that as a true statement. Am I missing something?Modnar
43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.
55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.
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dont get discouraged, PLD is not much different from a war until lvl 30+ when you learn flash, then you can hold hate much better. And also as you get higher lvl monsters start double attacking so the ninja blinks sometimes wear down fast. i would take PLD over nin any day unless it is a nin w/ Thf party.:p
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ya, nin require a thf in the pt to tank effectively, at 50+ (im on asura as well) i dont see many thfs lfg so nins often have to pt without one, wich makes hate just a big loop pretty much.Gallant Leggings - Obtained
Gallant Gauntlets- Obtained
Gallant Coronet - Obtained
Gallant Breeches - Obtained
Gallant Surcoat - Obtained
Thats right, Paladin AF complete... booyah
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why would anyone take a paladin over that?
No seriously, PLD is still a very good tanking class with excellent hate-keeping abilities. You might want to get Astral Rings because you're Galka, which are expensive, but NIN is an expensive job too because of the amount of tools you need. Getting Utsusemi is time consuming or expensive too.
I wouldn't lose sleep over this issue.
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What nins can tank good, they tank verry well, but against things that can destroy them.. *dual wielding mobs, things that cast slow (yeah.. erase.. but its still a pain), and other things like that (can you say diaga?)* they just kinda implode.
Pld on the other hand can tank just about anything.
In the end nin are probibly a little bit better because as always, when you are alowed to min/max things you can just ignore your weaknessess. In this case, you can just not hunt the things nins suck agains. However pld are still verry good, and again, they can do it all, just some things not as well as a nin. And besides the normal tanking thing, a rich pld is just a rich pld, a nin who can afford to throw money away is a god.
I 'like' plds better.
Galka plds are gona have a problim before they can get refresh layed on them.
The ol' wars are (can be) the best in the end (74).
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Originally posted by Quezi
The ol' wars are (can be) the best in the end (74).
Carnage Elegy makes a world of difference.Originally posted by Luminaire
Fact - WAR has a ton of potential, the only limits on the job are the player
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well in my experience tanks arent the most party specification seeking, I've found it rather rare that a pld and nin seek at the same time from like 55+ or around that area anyways.. I enjoy both really...pld deffinitely hold hate better and keep everyone safer but nin cause less healing downtime if they can do their job correctly, I would say go pld because it is also extremely expensive to be a good nin as in blink tank and enfeeble to gain enmity.[Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria
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I extremely enjoy either
Rdm + Pld + Blm or
Brd + Nin/War or War/Nin + Thf
My opinion comes as a 61 rdm or 36 Brd.
If you really can't decide I'd go with Pld, It's cheaper and it's easier to find Rdms.
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Just a clarification, Paladins can party with Bards and get the Ballad effect while the other melees get the things like madrigal, etc. All it requires is that the PLD be facing the mages and the other DD melees be on the other side of the mob. It takes a little more work from the Bard to get the spacing down, but it can work very well.
PS: I'm in love with a pt that has both Rdm + Bard. Sure it may be overkill, but I'll never turn down a Refresh and Ballad II - I regen MP faster than I can cast it
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You don't really need a Thf to keep hate past 50 as a Ninja, its just a convenience. But 70% of the time I'm invited to a party that doesn't have a Thief.
You just have to understand that how a ninja keeps hate is a gradual process, not a hate spike style like Paladin.
Ofcourse in certain party setups if I am not partying with a Thief, if a member goes overboard early in the fight I'll lose hate but another thing one has to understand is that a Ninja will never have an overload of emnity, you have to do it in a way to where you keep it at you on a thin hook, but you keep it to you nontheless. After a while the subtle hate building from the enfeebles, dodging, utsusemi, and melee attack will build up a nice amount of hate in no time if you do it right. Provoke and Elemental wheel as a mini hate spike to keep it at you in the mean time while the other stuff works behind the scenes.
Course partying with a Thief saves ninjutsu powders, but I've rarely found myself in a situation where I felt I couldn't function without a Thief. Its a convenience, not a necessity to me.
^. You have now seen everything..
Name: Kiyotaru.
Ethinticity: Windurstian.
Home: Norg
Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)
Linkshells: Come and go.
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