Ok, I've decided to play a Taru to be different. I know they don't make the best melees without proper items. Can someone tell me what to get as a War or Pld? VIT gear, HP Gear (damn hard to find) or STR Gear?
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Items for a Taru Melee
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Vit gear HP gear for Pld. Basically don't get anything else unless there isnt anything left to put in a slot, at which point you get Agi XD.
As War it's a bit different, you still want some Vit gear, but working to getting a haubergeon/hauberk is also nice to have. War's have more versatility with what they wear, and because of it are quite expensive if you try to be more than 1 role.Full Cursed= O
Full Str Gear= O
Apocalypse= ; ;
DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O
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Well Tarutaru's are actually good Ranger's, Thieves, and Ninja's due to they're Agility and good dexterity. Thief may be tougher to level as a first job out of the original 5 though. Its definitely the hardest of the default classes to level, but it has its rewards later. I highly recommend leveling Warrior and getting it out of the way though. If you choose to level it past 30 thats great, but no matter what melee you want to take up the most, Warrior is thew most universally useful sub job for melee's. If you level it first, its always there and it open's a lot of door's for you.
In the beggining, concentrate more on getting used to the game itself. Master Macro usage, what each job's place is, controlling your offense or defense, making gil, and just anything in general. Make friends too, thats very important in any social game ofcourse.
But over time, these things are important to a Warrior. As a Taru Warrior I'd recommend concentrating on vitality a little more than usual. Later on the race difference doesn't matter too much, but earlier I think raising Vitality is more important than raw HP. A bit of HP doesn't hurt ofcourse, and try getting at least a little attack or strength equipment in there too. But generally out of Atk/Hp/Vit I'd concentrate a little more on vitality, just a little more. IT helped me a great deal, extra hp's useless unless you have a strong constitution anyways.
Also, even though its tried and true when you can use sub jobs use Warrior/Monk, leveling Monk to 10-15 once you unlock sub jobs. In fact...maybe leveling monk first until 18, THEN leveling Warrior all the way to 30 would be a good way to go as an alternative to getting to 18 as Warrior, going back and leveling as Monk to 15, then back to Warrior. That parts up to you, but War/Mnk with the right equipment will really get you parties all the way to 30, especially if you list your Stat plusses in your search comment (very important and extremely underused feature among English speaking players, use it.) Also, use Great Axe if you can, its Warrior's best weapon and at those low levels, War/Mnk using a Great Axe is pretty insane.
Once you reach 30 as Warrior, or whatever you choose to level first, the rest is up to you. Know that Warrior becomes a little less of a tank as the levels go up, and more of a damage dealer/backup tank hybrid in most cases, althoguh War/Nin can be an exception in certain situations.
As for Paladin, I'm not entirely sure since I haven't played one yet.
^. You have now seen everything..
Name: Kiyotaru.
Ethinticity: Windurstian.
Home: Norg
Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)
Linkshells: Come and go.
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Well I'm now lvl 73 Taru Drk. (stopped lvling for awhile.. gets kinda slow post 70).
I will grant you though.. you WILL get the odd idiot that gives you heck for being Taru Melee. Dont worry about it, the difference isn't at all much different.
You will still be good at you're job, and due to the diversity of War for example, you can even do pretty good.Full Cursed= O
Full Str Gear= O
Apocalypse= ; ;
DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O
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If you can really get into your job's purpose, and always know that its not just about what one person wants, but what everyone wants altogether, then regardless of your race your already better than 70% of the game's population.
^. You have now seen everything..
Name: Kiyotaru.
Ethinticity: Windurstian.
Home: Norg
Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)
Linkshells: Come and go.
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hmm, Kiyosuki's right. Player>race/job. When I was playing last year, I opted to use daggers as a Thief below lvl 33. I just liked them better (And I didn't wanna buy a sword. XD) Some people bitched at me, but I said "F.U. and watch this. *Kibo hits the Goblin Smithy for 230 damage*" That being said, I may play a Taru later, mainly for novelty, but Mithra seems to be calling me again....thanks though. :D
Kibo (Asura): RDM 6 ::cwy::
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