Right now, I'm in the midst of doing AF for both RNG and THF. I've completed AF1 (bow) and AF2 (hat) for RNG, and I've completed AF1 (dagger) for THF, as well as started AF hat and AF gloves (I got the old gauntlets for THF from Monastic Cavern already).
Here's my question: you have to accept RNG AF gloves quest before you can do any more RNG AF, but I'm already in the middle of THF AF gloves. Does this mean I can't get any more RNG AF until THF gloves are done?
Furthermore, what would happen if I killed Dark Spark and got the flames as RNG? Would I get RNG AF gloves when I turned it in? What about if I went and got the old gauntlets for RNG right now? Can I have two sets on me? They are a key item, so I'm not sure.
It's already been proven that you can do a lot of AF stuff as the wrong job (THF can get old gauntlets for any job, THF/RNG can Scavenge for Old Earring, etc.). I'm wondering how far this goes.
Here's my question: you have to accept RNG AF gloves quest before you can do any more RNG AF, but I'm already in the middle of THF AF gloves. Does this mean I can't get any more RNG AF until THF gloves are done?
Furthermore, what would happen if I killed Dark Spark and got the flames as RNG? Would I get RNG AF gloves when I turned it in? What about if I went and got the old gauntlets for RNG right now? Can I have two sets on me? They are a key item, so I'm not sure.
It's already been proven that you can do a lot of AF stuff as the wrong job (THF can get old gauntlets for any job, THF/RNG can Scavenge for Old Earring, etc.). I'm wondering how far this goes.