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  • H-e-l-p!

    Ok, I've been threw a BIG problem. I can't choose and I think you good people can help. I've been threw many Jobs in 2 races.

    First I was a Taru BLM, Then Taru MNK Then Taru BLM, Then Taru RDM, Then Elvaan MNK, Then Taru WHM. Now, Most of these were "recommended" by my friend but he gets bossy if i don't do what he wants.. I want truthful opinions here. I have many questions that I need to clear up. sugestions *Or flames, though don't think there will be* are GREATLY Wanted, here are my questions.

    1. Race
    2. Job/Subjob

    Question 3 is different, My friend and my LS is on Caitsith, but If someone would be that generous enough to help me in game, im more then happy to go to your server, My comminment to my LS isn't strong as I haven't played much, as I said before I am VERY open to moving to another server if I could be helped.. I don't expect gil or free items Just some help for a noob..

    Now, your going to say "experiment" I have, but I feel it wastes time.. if I could get help I said earlier and pick my "Perfect Job/Race" You'd be in all thanks ^^

  • #2
    Well, since we don't really know you, it's hard to give you an answer other than to "experiment." It'd be hard for me to tell you how to have fun. Which role in the party dynamic appeals most to you? Once you've decided that, it might be easier to answer your questions.

    Perhaps can help give you an idea of a job suited to your personality.


    • #3
      Well, I've done the quiz *all of them :angel: * And I've recived "Knight" and "Temple Knight" As for race, I'll decide then when I get my Job.. For the "Knight", what Job would you think that would be..? PLD to me sounds most fam.


      • #4

        Alright here is the best advice I can give you based on experience. If you want a lot of partys and constant invites and such be a white mage or a bard. Any job you can be will get invites as long as your a good player. Do what you think best works with your personality.

        I would perfer not to get a lot of partys and when I do to do a lot of damage and be respectful and not be a gimp in hopes that people see this and give me invites in the future when I do seek. If you want to be a damage dealer and get a lot of invites try Ranger as far as races if I were to do it again I would probably be a Mithra just because i think they are good at everything but not great at anything. If that makes any sense. If you need help just play the game my friend and sooner or later you will get with a group that will help you.
        I am Dexster of Ramuh

        75 Drk Rng Mnk Brd War Pld Sam Blm


        • #5
          Yeah, i'd say "knight" would most compare with Paladin.

          This thread has a ton of good information about PLD. I'd recommend checking that out if you decide to become a pld.


          • #6

            Thanks alot guys, Just 1 more thing that troubles me.. What race? xD I Love the Taru Cuteness but I want to be a good PLD..


            • #7
              As far as race goes here is the basic advantages each race gives:

              Tarutaru: Highest MP/INT
              Galka: Highest HP/VIT
              Elvaan: Highest STR/MND
              Mithra: Highest DEX/AGI
              Hume: Highest in None, Lowest in None (Generally right in the middle)

              Going as PLD with the races it kind of depends which way you going to try and play it.

              You want a PLD to be holding hate very well then Elvaan for the little extra damage and since MND is so high they can cast great heal spells.

              If you want PLD to have high endurance then Galka is the better choice, the High HP allows you to take more blows then anyone and the VIT helps so the damage is less.

              If you want to use your spells more to hold hate and whatever else then Tarutaru is a better choice.

              If you want your Evasion, Parry, and Shield abilities to kick in more often then Mithra is a better choice. With the high AGI those skills kick in quite often and if at respectable levels they can end up causing the monster to go through whiff storms like the players generally do.

              Each one is good in each of their respectable ways its just which way do you prefer to play it?

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #8
                Taru make excellent plds. Sure we have lower vit and HP, BUT such an imense mana pool that we can spam cures on us and live. my pld is level 51 and I have lived through MANY high damage attacks, because even if taru have low vit and hp doesnt mean we have 12 level 51 I have 810 HP, and 360 MP, I can cure 3 myself so many times in a battle that I never lose hate have enough mana for chain 5 and not die. dont let dumbasses that never played the job say otherwise
                Zeig Tarutaru Rank 8 Windurst Seraph
                WAR 62 PLD 61 NIN 32 DRK 28


                • #9
                  That test is so useless, if you actually looka t the classes then look at the descriptions, you can be any job you want from just 1 question. Those kinds of quizzes are always stupid...
                  Quoted to prove stupidity:

                  Knives, all stolen, of course...
                  [Um...] [Thief]

                  I got my fists, that's all I need!
                  [Um...] [Monk]

                  see what im saying?

                  Dont worry about race, do what ever job you want to do. Everyone says "oh this makes the best that." Its based moe on player skill than race, and you can always changed your job.

                  Warrior TP Warrior WS


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by LotusWing

                    but then Style>all

