My suggestion is, be a Hume. That's a good start right there, since Humes are good for anything. If nothing else, DON'T be Taru or Galka. Admittedly, these races *can* succeed and even excel at odd jobs, such as excellent Galka mages or Taru paladins, but it's not common, it's not easy (or even moderate difficulty), and it's really, really expensive (you MUST get the best equipment at each level bracket if your race and class are opposed like Taru PLD or Galka mage, or you just won't cut is the only thing that will make up for the severe racial deficiency).
Being a hume starts you off on the right foot, at least. Second step is to get at least ONE class up to high levels. This allows you to truly *experience* the high level game. Then, if you see a class you think you will enjoy playing more than your current class, you can switch to it. But at least you'll have seen them in action, probably many times throughout their career, so you understand them relatively well and can make a decently informed decision. Not to mention you now have a high level character and can farm stuff way easier. And your life is a whole lot easier because you can ride airships. Plus you can lord your high rank over the pathetic weaklings that inhabit Valkurm and Qufim when you level up your next job, and treat them like the peons that they are! Or not, your choice. :p
The first 30 levels or so are absolutely not an example of what the rest of the game is like. At these levels, all sorts of classes can tank (hell, Red Mage/Warrior still works up to ~30). People have no idea of agro control. Groups that can actually chain decently high are pretty rare. Thieves don't even *get* Trick Attack until 30, so right there you see a vastly important portion of the high-end game left out of your first 29 levels. Red Mages don't get Refresh until 41, so until your 40's you won't have that, and Refresh is possibly one of the biggest game-changing spells in the game...changes the entire way a group goes about things. So you can't judge what playing a White Mage is going to be like by your experience in Qufim. It will be completely different in the future. Same with almost any class, even the most basic ones like Warrior, or even White Mage itself. Sure, your job's going to be to heal, but the way of doing it changes significantly.
By playing a Hume, (or a Mithra if you want to be female), then focusing on one class to the exclusion of others until you're at least 60-65, you'll get a damn good idea of how any other class you might be interested in is going to play, all the way up the ladder. And you might like the one you stuck with better than all the others.
Me, I hope to level all my classes, eventually.
Being a hume starts you off on the right foot, at least. Second step is to get at least ONE class up to high levels. This allows you to truly *experience* the high level game. Then, if you see a class you think you will enjoy playing more than your current class, you can switch to it. But at least you'll have seen them in action, probably many times throughout their career, so you understand them relatively well and can make a decently informed decision. Not to mention you now have a high level character and can farm stuff way easier. And your life is a whole lot easier because you can ride airships. Plus you can lord your high rank over the pathetic weaklings that inhabit Valkurm and Qufim when you level up your next job, and treat them like the peons that they are! Or not, your choice. :p
The first 30 levels or so are absolutely not an example of what the rest of the game is like. At these levels, all sorts of classes can tank (hell, Red Mage/Warrior still works up to ~30). People have no idea of agro control. Groups that can actually chain decently high are pretty rare. Thieves don't even *get* Trick Attack until 30, so right there you see a vastly important portion of the high-end game left out of your first 29 levels. Red Mages don't get Refresh until 41, so until your 40's you won't have that, and Refresh is possibly one of the biggest game-changing spells in the game...changes the entire way a group goes about things. So you can't judge what playing a White Mage is going to be like by your experience in Qufim. It will be completely different in the future. Same with almost any class, even the most basic ones like Warrior, or even White Mage itself. Sure, your job's going to be to heal, but the way of doing it changes significantly.
By playing a Hume, (or a Mithra if you want to be female), then focusing on one class to the exclusion of others until you're at least 60-65, you'll get a damn good idea of how any other class you might be interested in is going to play, all the way up the ladder. And you might like the one you stuck with better than all the others.
Me, I hope to level all my classes, eventually.
