Gahr, I think I have some kind of disease. I can never stick with a character long enough, if I would've stuck with my first char I most likely would be lvl 75 by now! (FFXI owner since early-mid November of 2003) Please, post your tips of sticking through with your char, and please post the ups and downs of your job if you can. Your tips will go to help a sick man become cured. ><
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I can't take it anymore!
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I started a new char because my first char was female. I was convinced by my bro to play one. At around lvl51 I got sick of being harassed by guys, so in lieu of actually continuing the character and listening to more moronic pick-up lines and "toucing" I dropped the char. Wickeds been treating me rather well, but I liked the game to begin with so when I started anew I was fine with it, I dont mind relaying things that I've already done. Guess its different with everyone though, eh?When you're born, you're given a free ticket to the freak show.
Rank 5
Wickedsteel - 35 DRK; 27 BST; 10 WHM; 12 NIN; 31 WAR
Sathia (retired) - 51 DRK; 32 WAR; 28 SAM; 25 WHM; 16 THF; 9 BLM; 2 RDM (lol)
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(Original Poster) Wait, are you saying you start a brand new CHARACTER or just switch jobs alot?
If the first, I have not fallen into that trap... but I think it is because I am a Hume Male in both real life and the game... so I never found myself "out of character" so to speak...
Now, the latter which is switching jobs alot, I think many people fall into that problem. Me being a VERY good example of such a case... I mean look at me, I am Rank 5, got good fame in Windy, and yet I am still lvl 43 Monk (my VERY first job!)! I mean, COME ON!!! People I have started with in the US release are now lvl 65+ Advanced Jobs!! While I am still lv 43 Monk with Warrior being my 2nd highest at lvl 25... :dead:
So I guess I am the last person to give you advice... but I know a few tips that can help...
My biggest problem is that I love traveling and exploring... THE SAME PLACES OVER AND OVER AGAIN!.... I mean, say I am lvling my Black Mage and I reach lvl 9... Do I continue to lvl until 10? no... I go and switch to Red Mage (lvl 18) and travel to the Dunes from Windy. I lvl my Red mage until lvl 20, and then I GO BACK to Windy and lvl my Black mage to 10 or 11... then I go to Qufim Island and lvl my Red Mage to 23... THEN GO BACK AGAIN to Windy to lvl my Black Mage... YOU SEE THE PROBLEM YET?!
1) When lvling a job, DO NOT STOP until you reach a key lvl. Example: lvl 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 37, (37+ depends on job). This at least gives you a goal to reach and might stop you from wasting time going back and forth for subjobs and the like...
2) Lvl your subjobs to BIG NUMBERS. See the key points lvls above? FORGET THEM! Make the following: 20, 25, 30, 37. Having an under-lvled subjob is NOT that big of a deal when you are under 20. A lvl 18/7 BLM/WHM vs lvl 18/9 BLM/WHM will not be the end of the world. Continue to at least lvl 20 and do not waste time going back and forth (like I have...).
3) Lvl efficiently... Know how much time I wasted in low lvls because I partied before partying was better than soloing? AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!
Anyways... Sorry about that. I am more angry with myself than with anything else... so much time wasted and I am still "low lvl"... <sniff>... I need to get my monk to lvl 51+!!! :dead:Modnar
43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.
55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.
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anyone who would drop their character because of race (not gender, race) has some serious mental issues. Its like, "omg, like, i dont like my like hair color like choice, so like, I'm going to like, start completely like over."
if youre doing it cause of the stats, youre STUPID. If you are doing it for the looks, then you should have picked the "right" one from the very start... gg, this thread makes me want to puke.
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Wow, take it easy, LawDawg. Everyone has the right to change their mind.
I've got several characters, now, and I'm not using the one that I started with. To put it simply, I got sick of looking at him. He didn't look at all like he did in the opening animation and I simply got tired of watching him. I'm a visual person and, if I'm going to be staring at someone fighting for hours on end, I want that person to appeal to me in some way. Anyone can get tired of a certain look. It's like when you watch a movie a lot and, after a while, even though it was a good movie, you get sick of it. Same thing.
On the other hand, there are some movies you never tire of. Just like that, there are certain looks in character models that you never tire of. My current character, Faeryl, is wonderful and I don't get the same bored reaction from watching her fight that I did with Vorn. I still have Vorn and take him out occasionally, but mostly he's my mule in Bastok.
When it comes to changing characters because you think you made the wrong choice in race... I've never really felt that. Just about any race can perform adequately well in any job if they know what they're doing. That's why you'll see Galkas in full SUM AF running around. Sure, Mithras make slightly better THF than any other race and Tarutarus make great mages, but that doesn't mean that the other races suck completely. Just choose a race, pick a look that you'll love, then stick with that character like glue. Make up a personality for him or her, give them a story, background, something that'll actually make you feel a little guilty if you decide you might want to get rid of them down the road. Then just level every job you can until you find one that's really, really fun. The longer you stick with it and the more effort you put into a character, the more he or she will grow on you. Whatever you choose to do, good luck.
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most people have a right to change their mind. But after 10-11 months of constantly changing characters, you must realize that there is a severe problem... a severe mental problem. You are like the type of person who cant decide what to order at mcdonalds and after 1-2 hours just ends up not eating anything, or ordering something and regretting it... And you said it yourself, you have some kind of "disease"... I'd say its a mix of paranoia (of people judging you for your fantasy avatar! wowow), uncontrollable anal retentiveness (not poop enough as a child?), and obsessive compulsive disorder. i think its time you see a doctor.
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I'm gonna have to agree with LawDawg on this one. First of all why bother to make a new character when you can just as easily switch jobs in your mog house. If you're doing it for the stats then you've wasted a lot of time. Skill and Equipment > Race when it comes to playing. You got to look a little deeper into LawDawg's sarcastic comments cause he knew what he was talking about.Pld: 45 War: 34 Mnk: 20 Thf: 18 Whm: 30 Blm: 15
Bastok: Rank 5
AF1: Completed
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*Looks at LawDawg*
Moments like these I really dislike my "8" warning points. I mean to the mods I am pretty much equal to "Yell-At-Somebody-For-No-Reason" over here... shesh take a chill pill.
I suggest picking a Hume or Mithra and switch jobs if you dont like the looks/gameplay. Then again... any race works with any job.
Good luck in your adventures in Vanadiel ^^. Well if you ever stop making new chars.
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Originally posted by CarbonFibre
Where do you see your warning level?
i'd say you don't have a problem, but you are afraid of something...
you probably hear everyone saying how great partying is, but since you've only experienced valkurm and maybe qufim, you have probably had bad luck with parties.
i'd assume (with no evidence) that you are afraid of getting bad parties, so you keep changing your character to keep going through the solo levels, and maybe maze of shakhrami near windurst, where parties can be pretty good.
the stupid people in valkurm parties also think that you have to be the right race for your job, so i'd assume that you are afraid of what they would say if you were the "wrong" race for a job.
you also probably hear how great this game is, but haven't really realized that it's in the later levels that it becomes great. you probably continue playing because you HAVE had good parties, and know what the great game feeling is like. but those parties are in the beginning levels, then don't exist much between levels 15-35, unless you get lucky.
this is all pure speculation though
my advice: get through valkurm and qufim, the parties get better. your race and job don't need to be matching, it helps, but it's not that important. your equipment doesn't need to be perfect either, just good. you can leave a bad party if you want to, there is no obligation to staying, don't bother with courtesy if the rest of the party sucks. it's actually not THAT bad in qufim and kazham. kazham is packed full, but try to convince your party to kill gobs instead of mandies in yhaotor, or ask them to go kill things around other areas on yhutunga. Qufim is about the same as valkurm, but there is still a fairly good chance that you will get a good party. Garlaige Citadel is... similar to kazham, try fighting somewhere else if it's full, like simply just outside killing yagudos.
most of that was probably stuff you heard before
but you WILL get more of that great game party experience in later levels, especially if you bring it into a party with you.Check out this internet radio station!
that's my Music Tachnology class's work, along with a bunch of independant artists picked by us!
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Okay, the disease thing was a joke. And I'm not really like that in real life, I always know what I want. And I've figured out my problem....somewhat....or at least what causes it. When I hear people talk about how high of a lvl they are or whatever with their race/job I start to think that's the greatest thing ever and want to be I do. But I've been up to Qufim as a WHM, hated it and hated being taru so that was done. And that was my latest char.
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