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PLEASe check out my website! I just added new forus, wallpapers, and more!

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  • PLEASe check out my website! I just added new forus, wallpapers, and more!


    I added a lot of things to my site and i'm still adding more and making it better. PLEASE check it out, maybe sign my guestbook, and PLEASE join my forums. They're just like the ones here. Thanks to all who are kind and look at it.

    A MMORPG designed with the X-Realms Engine. Release planned for June or July 2006.

  • #2
    That site is going to give me nightmares.


    • #3

      A MMORPG designed with the X-Realms Engine. Release planned for June or July 2006.


      • #4
        I think you're having trouble bringing people to the forum because you dont offer anything new; you instead offer less than most established sites. You might want to rethink this whole thing, you know?

        You state on the site that you were tired of large forums and topics getting lost in them, but I can pretty much guarantee any question I ask here, on, will be answered much faster and by a much larger group of people than it would be if I asked it on your site. --> ffxi weblog


        • #5
          I registred
          It's a good site IMO, and not as immature as this one (sometimes).

          Keep up the good work
          The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.


          • #6
            Thanks everyone. Incase you didn't notice you can go to deleted instead of the geocities link. :-)

            -Administrator Blitz @ deleted

            A MMORPG designed with the X-Realms Engine. Release planned for June or July 2006.


            • #7
              It stinks.


              • #8
                yaaa... right... i said if u were goin to flame u can at least make a suggestion. Don't critisize and be lazy. at least tell me why ou didn't like it and i can fix it. ihave plenty of people who like it, so i don't see you u hate it so much...

                A MMORPG designed with the X-Realms Engine. Release planned for June or July 2006.


                • #9
                  I'm experienced in HTML and graphics design. Any of my criticism may crush your spirits.


                  • #10
                    Don't let that lun4tic bother you, he is always flaming everyone and everywhere. I guess he has RL issues...
                    Your site is cool. Remember however, that this site is still the leading fansite/forum.
                    The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.


                    • #11
                      If speaking the truth is flaming, then yes I'm flaming. The truth makes peple angry, unfortunately.


                      • #12
                        What truth is there in an opinion that says that in relation to other sites you've seen, this site is not as good. Now, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. However, you can not take that as truth. Now, you may be more proficient, but that does not make his sight better or worse, it simply means that in relativity, you do not like his site. Now, instead of everyone flaming, why not use your html skills to help him. If you don't want to, fine, but when critizing, at least tell him what is wrong, and what could be done to make it better. Sorry if I'm insulting anyone here, but I see so much pessimism, and no optimism.

                        On a related note, the site's not too bad, I mean in comparison to this one it has no true strengths, or any reasons at all to truely go there, but instead of relying on forums, make it into a predominately faq/screenshot sight, where people know they can get relible answers. Although, the forum colors should be changed. Thank you for listening, but that's just my two bits.
                        If you had phobiaphobia,
                        Which is the fear of fear,
                        You'd always be afraid,
                        Of the fear you feared you'd fear.


                        • #13
                          On an unrelated note, this topic is in the wrong forum, and also, I think it seems a little amoral to come to this site to bring others to yours, but I suppose that you don't mean to steal any users. So hey, make your site the best it can be.
                          If you had phobiaphobia,
                          Which is the fear of fear,
                          You'd always be afraid,
                          Of the fear you feared you'd fear.


                          • #14
                            The truth is, it sucks. Get over it.

                            If I wanted to help him, I'd pay for an HTML class and send him to it. But of course, it isn't just HTML, so I'd have to send him to a graphics design course too. Judging by his posts so far, I don't think it would do him any good at all.

                            Jesus Christ, learn to recognize fact and fiction. The scale is isn't set by some grade you get in a high school class, it's set by the people who set the standards.


                            • #15
                              Well, you may not like it,I personally don't care for it, but that does not mean that it cannot become better, I just think that your insults aren't at all stimulating, and it is this type of talk that destroys our individulism. Also, I don't think that using religious refrences is going to make your case any stronger. I would rather you not continuously insult someone who decided to have some fun and make a place where he could talk about one of his intrests. Yes it fails to impress many by our current standards, but that does not mean that he is unable to do better, it is definately a preliminary site gaining ground in a premade and standerdized field. I do not insult you personally, and I doubt that you should do so to me. Again, I do apologize for any insults that come out of that, but I just believe that he could make a good site, so I encourage him to.

                              Now, for the site again, I do not think it should be modled in any way, shape, or form, after this site. Instead, as I said, make it more unique, and I noticed people were volunteering to help, and I would definately take them up to it.
                              If you had phobiaphobia,
                              Which is the fear of fear,
                              You'd always be afraid,
                              Of the fear you feared you'd fear.

