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i dont know what to be

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  • i dont know what to be

    i just got the game and i dont know what race i should be...
    i also dont know what job i should use...
    i was thinking a taru taru as a black mage but im not sure!!!

    please send a privite message thingy

  • #2


    • #3
      Be a Galka dancer/chocoboknight. Best friggin combo ever!
      The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.


      • #4
        save yourself hours of lfg and play a mage job


        • #5
          Tarus have a high amount of MP, which is wut a mage job reqires..........and low hp means that they would make a shitty warrior.

          Or u could go With Fingolofin's suggestion bro. :sweat:


          • #6
            Well Taru whm/blm or blm/whm will pretty much have you getting constant invites... although you will have to buy scrolls which once you use you can never sell again, unlike armor in melee classes.
            You can level fast as a mage and in most good parties you never die first so not much exp loss from dieing.

            The Mage classes are definatly the fastest to level but can require much money you will never get back.

            If you want to go for a popular melee class that you will get many invites for, become a Galka/Elvan Paladin. You will be the main target for mobs in battles and have a high chance of dieing first but in good pts no one should die ^^'

            It really does depend on how you want to pay. I dont suggest choosing a job thats easy to get invites just because it means you will level it faster. Choose something you like to do and if you dont know play around. Make other race characters while your 30 day trial is on and delete them before it is over.

            Play the game how you want to play it and just go for the class you find fun, its the best way
            Novox - Midgardsormr ~Mentor~
            Co-Founder of The Knights Of Chaos Linkshell
            Job: Dark Knight 40/Warrior 30

            ffxichaos-ffxi website and linkshell!


            • #7
              Originally posted by NanakiSuperNova
              become a Galka/Elvan Paladin. You will be the main target for mobs in battles and have a high chance of dieing first but in good pts no one should die ^^'


              Yea u can't always depend on the Whms so u gotta make sure to heal yourself when the Back up tank is tryin to draw hate, two targets for the Whm will allow u to be killed,. :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead:


              • #8
                Here's a few tips.

                Easy to play, good starting jobs:
                Monk: Downright the easiest melee in the game to play. So simplistic, but it doesn't need complexity. It gets good results no matter what, and even better with good equipment. Good melee early on, and later in the game an exceedingly powerful damage dealer.
                I think personally, its a great job to learn how to play the game with. Don't have to take it particularly high at first, unless you want to take it up to high level. But its good to experiment. Plus you can sub it to Warrior if you take that up...
                Warrior: Your parties won't be as plentiful earlier on, but if you sub monk and use a great axe you have a great starting character to learn the ropes with. Its also highly recommended as when you level this job, its just so bloody useful. It can successfully be subbed to almost all the physical jobs with success. Once you have it, for melee's you always have something "there". Its great to get out of the way. Warrior's later are pretty damn good too, but they're best with multiple sub choices. (/Mnk, /Nin, /Thf, after /60 Sam etc)

                White Mage: If you go the way of mages, not only will this get you invites but it does for the mages what Warrior does for the Melee's. Its a great job to just level and just have it there. It successfully subs to Black Mage, Bard, Summoner, Red Mage, and is also an excellent sub for Beastmaster. Although most perfer /Blm for Red''s, /Whm is considered the best sub for most of the other backline. Great job to have

                Overall in the game, for fastest invites:
                Red Mage: Its a tough job to level at first, because most will want either the dedicated black mage spells, or dedicated White Mage spells. But in the mid 30s when Dispel is available, you start to distinctify yourself. When you have Refresh and Convert in the 40's you begin to get invites that rival all the other backlines. Maybe even more so...except Bard ofcourse. I've never touched Rdm, but most I talk to love the job to absolute death.

                Bard: IE: Instant path to 75. Don't think its all fun and games...but really, this job is the no.1 Invite sponge in the game. Bar none. You're useful early on, and you just get more and more useful. Ninja's adore you, Mages want to date you, Melee's just want you there because your a Bard, and Paladin's will strip to get you to join. Everyone loves the bard' will almost never wait for very long on invite with this job. Take care of yourself and get the best songs available at the level, take time to learn exactly what each one does, and get great equipment and people will remember you even more. Everyone likes an Artist.

                Paladin: One of the three tanks of the game, and really one of the two best tanks of the game. Its considerably more begginer friendly than Ninja thats for sure, although that doesn't mean they're better at all. Equal in they're own ways of tanking. But Paladin's style isn't too hard to grasp on to to hold hate with ease. Everyone needs a Tank just as much as a backline. A Party can't start without a Ninja or a Paladin, or a good Warrior (Though they seem to lean more towards damage dealer, and have the distinction of being a DD and a great backup tank or a main if they need to.)Paladin's have lots of friends for a reason..

                Ninja: See Paladin. Right behind Bards and Red Mages, Tanks are just as needed. Ninja's are even rarer than Paladin, but Ninja is an intense job. It can yield insanely high results, but you need to put in just that much of insanity into the job to get it. Its also very expensive and the learning curve is higher. Once you know all the various methods of using Ninjutsu and how to mix it with melee, and how to build your equip up you get real used to it. But its certainly not the most begginer friendly job. But if you survive it and you make a name for yourself as a good Ninja, you'll have lots of friends as well..

                White Mage: Still never waits that long really, although they don't get the same invite monopoly once Red Mages start to gain better tier spells and refresh/convert. But White Mages are still mad useful no matter what, no one else gets great defensive spells like Erase and Raise II and on..

                Black Mage: You become a little more selective later, but you never wait that long yourself really..unless you have a bad rep. Careful, word on Blm's with bad attitudes/trigger happy personalities spread like Wildfire. Then you'll have problems..
                But you're very useful for Skillchains later. And earlier you're still very much asked for as the melee's don't fight particularly well as they do later.

                After that, I'd say Ranger, and possibly Summoner with all Summons including Fenrir get good invites. Ranger's definitely as far as the damage dealer's go. The rest are all very useful and should be considered, but they tend to wait longer for parties because many many people play melee's usually, and you know how supply and demand works..

                Choose well. Remember, best thing you can do for yourself is level either Warrior or White Mage first, or both. Great jobs to start because they lead to almost all the other jobs as far as sub use goes. Best thing you can do for yourself, but go whatever path you choose. Remember to really understand your job though..

                ^. You have now seen everything..

                Name: Kiyotaru.
                Ethinticity: Windurstian.
                Home: Norg
                Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

                Linkshells: Come and go.


                • #9
                  Talking about race advantages....

                  If I saw a Tarutaru PLD/WAR seeking with a message stating "+223 HP" I would pick him over a Galka PLD/WAR without a message. Then again, I would like to know how to have that much HP .

