Ok, there are a few things that bother me, I was lvling on my friends lvl 24 whm, lvl 12 blm. Im grouping and one of the other white mages starts giving me crap about how The weapon im using is bad, and I should sue the same as his, I tell him that I like mine fine, and then he starts telling me that I should try being more effective for not using a weapon that is 1 lvl higher then mine. so I look him up, and see that he's a lvl 23 whm lvl 7 blm. elvaan. I ask him why hes playing an elvaan mage. He says the higher mind helps early on, that bothered me slightly, but the fact he was giving me crap about being ineffective, and his sub job isnt even high as it could be? I told him he was being an ass, he said I should quit, so as people like him would be happier.
Right after that part I get invited, so I accept, then I look at the person who invited me. lvl 25 whm lvl 3 pal. what the hell is wrong with people these days?
Right after that part I get invited, so I accept, then I look at the person who invited me. lvl 25 whm lvl 3 pal. what the hell is wrong with people these days?