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  • SubJob?

    Im a Level 9 BLM, I know my second job is far away, But I want to start Preparing. What is the best Second Job for a BLM?
    *???/BLM or BLM/???*
    Thanks ^_^

  • #2
    Sorry for posting 2 times, but I can't find the edit button *If there is one o_O?* I am willing to change my Job. But there isn't much for a taru to do other then magic *to my knowledge *


    • #3
      Any other mage job is fine. WHM, RDM, whatever you prefer. You could try SMN aswell if you wanted after hitting 30.

      oh, and the Edit option is in the panel on the left.


      • #4
        WHM,RDM, and SMN are all fine. Personnely I recommend WHM because you get a little more mp then the other two and you get some healing magic so you will be great in a party as a back-up healer. And whenever your leveling WHM the BLM is also the perfect sub-job

        I wish to live forever.
        So far so good.


        • #5
          WHM dude!! LOL
          (/.\) (_.\);


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sorian
            WHM,RDM, and SMN are all fine. Personnely I recommend WHM because you get a little more mp then the other two and you get some healing magic so you will be great in a party as a back-up healer. And whenever your leveling WHM the BLM is also the perfect sub-job
            You sure? I thought SMN gave more MP. RDM is the best sub for good nukage, it gives more INT than the others.


            • #7
              RDM as a sub is pretty limited. rdm is already halved in everything. halved again - not much.

              btw- dont bother preparing until you GET your subjob or else you will waste a lot of time.

              when you can sub blm as leveling whm it will go ALOT faster

              just my 2cents.

              [size=2] Loraus Elvaan Thf/War/Mnk & Lilis Whm/Blm


              • #8
                Originally posted by Kafeen
                You sure? I thought SMN gave more MP. RDM is the best sub for good nukage, it gives more INT than the others.
                I could be wrong but if I am the difference in mp isn't that much.

                I wish to live forever.
                So far so good.


                • #9

                  I think whm would be good... your would get more mp.. and more magic res.. can if things get bad i can throw in some cure spells =D......but i guess u can do that also with red mage..... hmm u should do what u want ..... lol im a blm war.. i dot knwo why, but it was all i had lvled at the time. Gave me alot of hp tho ^^ but u can really do what u want... its your game ^^ but if u want to help others out to i think whm would be good


                  • #10
                    Whm and rdm are both good subs. WHM offers more versatility
                    because of the -ra and -na series of spells. and the mp boost over rdm.

                    However when the most common sj to blm is rdm on many servers. because of the added INT. which means that most of the non-halved spells will land if your INT is high enough.

                    SMN is a great sj to blm on missions and BCNM tours. where the blm needs the mp boost and not the healing benefits gained.
                    AS smn SJ will give you the auto refresh which stacks with the blm refresh gear and ballad1+2, and refresh. Which is important in BCNM versus level up PT.

                    So all 3 are viable you just have to knwo when and where to use them.

                    BTW moving this to correct forum.
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                    A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                    BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                    • #11
                      well you can be a taru MNK they are cool and they hit a lot also
                      RDM75, SMN73, WHM39, BLM39, BRD35.

                      Current Main(s): Bard:35, Summoner:73

                      LuckySeven LS


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by FuzzGtp
                        RDM as a sub is pretty limited. rdm is already halved in everything. halved again - not much.
                        Uh RDM halved? We get cure2 at 14, whms do at 11..that's hardly halved.

                        That said, a taru blm/whm is a beautiful thing. I'd go with that.
                        Current Character Info: Xerlaoth Valefor, Windurst RDM 75, WAR 60, BLM 48, NIN 37, WHM 37, DRK 30, THF 30 (FUN!) Rank10 Windurst, Hume, Indianface Fer Life.


                        • #13
                          WHM - best sub

                          RDM - second best

                          SMN - last


                          • #14
                            Friend told me to go SMN/BLM, Im lv 10 *Slow lv'er * So if any experinced players suggest anything, could it be asap? ty. ^^


                            • #15
                              your friend needs to be shot.
                              DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11


