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am i the only one who is like this?

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  • am i the only one who is like this?

    i have -no idea- what i want to pursue (job wise) in this game.
    those stupid tests dont work for me. i always have a job "flavor of the month in my mind" and i will always choose choices of it. IE if im starting to like SAMs, i will choose "Fav WEapon: Great Katana"

    i have played most jobs to 30 except summoner and bard (now 9 ,bard is a pain to level up solo, it makes me want to drown myself) i thought i wanted a black mage, and i took BLM all the way to 52, to find out it wasnt the job for me. i try to convince myself i enjoy doing XXX Job, but i really don't. i love the game, and want to be something, do something, and be good at it (and atleast ENJOY myself, not always have "fun") but i have no idea what i want.

    has anyone had something similiar to this happen to them? it happens to me on EVERY mmorpg i play. i have no idea why, i think i am the most indesicive person in the world.

    how did you decide what you wanted to be?

  • #2
    why do you like the game then?

    if you don't enjoy leveling a class, then don't. i know a lot of people that only synth or chat, and farm some to allow them to keep synthing.


    • #3
      Not to me. I am a BLM at heart. That's the role I play in every MMO I have played.

      I think the problem many have is that they are choosing the class instead of the role, then they try to make the class into something that its not. Eventualy they get disappointed because it wasn't what they though it would be.

      IMO, it's better to avoid the "summoner is cool", or "dragoon is cool" thinking when choosing a class, but think about what you would rather be doing in a party for the next 75 levels.

      Would you like to heal? support? tank? deal damage as a front line melee? or nuke from the back row?

      After you figured out which role you can live with, then you go and find a matching class.
      Junior Member?

      Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


      • #4
        Originally posted by Yuanlung
        Not to me. I am a BLM at heart. That's the role I play in every MMO I have played.

        I think the problem many have is that they are choosing the class instead of the role, then they try to make the class into something that its not. Eventualy they get disappointed because it wasn't what they though it would be.

        IMO, it's better to avoid the "summoner is cool", or "dragoon is cool" thinking when choosing a class, but think about what you would rather be doing in a party for the next 75 levels.

        Would you like to heal? support? tank? deal damage as a front line melee? or nuke from the back row?

        After you figured out which role you can live with, then you go and find a matching class.
        Wise words, every job has likes and dislikes when you play them. The one you stick with will most likely be the one that has dislikes you can live with and likes that you enjoy the most out of all the jobs.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Yuanlung
          Not to me. I am a BLM at heart. That's the role I play in every MMO I have played.

          I think the problem many have is that they are choosing the class instead of the role, then they try to make the class into something that its not. Eventualy they get disappointed because it wasn't what they though it would be.

          IMO, it's better to avoid the "summoner is cool", or "dragoon is cool" thinking when choosing a class, but think about what you would rather be doing in a party for the next 75 levels.

          Would you like to heal? support? tank? deal damage as a front line melee? or nuke from the back row?

          After you figured out which role you can live with, then you go and find a matching class.
          I agree with this statement. Just choose what u want to do far as attacking, melee, support, heal and what not and u should be able to figureout what u want to do.

          I always liked monks, and white mages(also known as priest in some MMORPGs).


          • #6
            I am just like you man, or was...

            I play Everquest first...played almost every single melee oriented class, and wizard, got them all up to around 15-30. Monk was the one I finally decided on.

            Same thing with Dark Age of Camelot.

            Now..waiting to get this game, I changed my class around 6 times trying to figure out what I want to be. Everyone is right. It all boils down to what role you want to fulfill within the class, and the awesome thing about this game, is that you can mix and match classes without totally starting over.

            For me, I love to be a melee damage dealer. So monk and warrior and dark are probably the classes I will like the most.




            • #7
              I never realy played an MMORPG before FFXI, but I did play Diablo II, which I think is close.. (I think)

              In Diablo II, I was a necromancer. And I loved it. Adjusted the play of the game with my curses, and summoned the dead to fight my battles. And every battle lasted a LONG time (because Necromancer was so "weak" in comparison to the other classes).

              In this game, I am a Monk. Not sure if it is the thing for me, but I stuck with it so far (I am lvl 42 Monk). The reason I kept at it is because I was using this time to figure out the game. It took me a long time to learn all the macros, abilities, spells, skillchains of all the classes (some of them are still a mystery to me, even after 30 days of playtime).

              Having said that, I do go through my phases where I try a class just for a change. I played my WHM/BLM/RDM and Dragoon to lvl 10 just for the hell of it (seeing a Monk/DRG doing a Chi Blast and then a Jump onto an enemy without drawing the weapon spells out DRAGON BALL Z!!!).

              I did the Paladin, Dark Knight, Beastmaster, Ninja, Dragoon quests just for fun, and I might lower lvl them at some point.

              And I will be going with my RDM soon. Just to try it out. After which I will go with Beastmaster with sub RDM!! Maybe I finaly will come to my days of playing Necromancer..... or something close to it.

              43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

              55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.


              • #8
                took me like 8months and I finally figured out the jobs I love to play
                I take my time to play each one to the fulliest, I probley know I'll never get 75, that has never been a goal, but having a fun time is
                LS- Dark nem.-Tehshexybeats
                Lu shangs-8-31-04
                Fishing 53 Blacksmith 39.4 Leather 15.7


                • #9
                  When I first got this game, back in November, I was intending to become a Dragoon... Cid Highwind, my favorite Final Fantasy Character was a DRG type character, so I decided Dragoon would be nice... another reason is that DRG is a "pure" melee class job, unlike Dark Knight. I don't really like using magic and the BLM type qualities of DRK was a turn off..

                  Surprisingly, I'm a 69 Dark Knight though... I'm glad I didn't go DRG because of what I've seen while leveling... after the brief period from Penta Thrust to the lvls when other classes get their powerful attacks, DRG doesn't really shine, anymore.

                  I even wanted to become a Paladin, somehow I became the job class I thought was stupid... I don't regret leveling Dark Knight, however... It's my favorite job class, now.

                  I can only suggest you lvl each job so far until you find the one that works for you.

                  It may be one you haven't leveled yet.


                  • #10
                    this is happening to me right now. I'm enjoying lvling my whm to lvl 30, and blm to around lvl 20 or so, but then afterwards i am not sure if i'm going with bst/whm, or whm/blm, or blm/whm, or smn/whm or whatever. My character is a taru so i dont consider doing any melee class, only ones that use magic. I'm even considering DRK/THF or THF/NIN but i still have not decided yet.

                    I like healing and buffing and such with the WHM, but then again i also like nuking, warping and being a great dmg dealer. I know what my problem is, its the people around me. Whenever I see a high lvl THF/NIN taru , i think "Man i want to be just like that". But then i realize after a few days that its not what i really wanted. Then is ee a high lvl BLM and "Man , i want to be able to train like that". But then again, not really what i was looking for.

                    For my taru character, i think that i will just stick with WHM until i get bored with it because i can always change class whenver i want. The only thing which is a turn off for me as a whitemage is the ability of not being able to farm/make gil easy. I'm getting the gear i need but mainly because of friend's help. Right now i'm trying to get into a craft, but that's not going well either.

                    Well, let's see what happens and if in a month or so i'll stick with WHM :D


                    • #11
                      My choice didn't start off like most other people's choices did. Most people think "Oh, this character was cool, so what class does he most resemble?" and go with it. Either that, or they choose a class they've seen in game at higher lvls and automatically think "That's so awsome, I want it!". My decision, however, was quite the opposite. Before the game was released in NA, and before I had it after the release, I spent a lot of time into research. 7 months before the NA released was when I started my research (yes, 7 whole months), and in that time I have accumulated an astounding amount of information about this game (you should see my hard drive ;D). I have surprised people in game with some of my knowledge, because the general thought is that low lvl = low knowledge about the game. During all this research I looked into each and every individual class to see what they were all about because this is my first ever MMO and I really had no job preferance. I learned that NINs as well as PLDs can be tanks, and each has a different style and method to it. I also learned about the BRD and RDM buffs and enfeebles and how they effect the party.

                      Although I must admit, the biggest portion of my time was spent in the melees, mostly because they are the majority of the classes in FFXI. I first became interested in the SAM. It's TP gaining properties and promise of constant WSs got me interested at first (nobody has fun being the melee who just stands there, weapons drawn, and pounds away). But I was eventually turned off by their style of dealing damage and their effectiveness to a PT over time. Another that caught my eye was the MNK. Even still, to this day I'm slightly interested in being a MNK. They can deal amazing damage through DoT (damage over time) and I learned their bonus to bones, (a primary lvling source at later lvls) was extremely helpful. However, what turned me off was the fact that MNKs are their to punch away unending, SCing here-and-there and just generally stacking as many hits at once as possible. Finally I stumbled upon DRK, and I instantly knew I had it. Everything about them was geared towards my likes. Responsibility (in having to control hate at 60+ with /THF), some helpful magics such as Drains, Aspirs, and Absorbs (which I knew could really help with farming, since I discovered before playing that farming would be a pain) that could help the entire PT, not just the DRK (Absorb-XXX spells), and the raw damage (while not as much as a MNK or RNG, enough to be considered a heavy damage melee) which had started to gain my interests. My quest for DRK set off, and I've enjoyed every bit so far.
                      Kailo(Elvaan):[75DRK], [37THF], 37WAR, 37SAM, 37RDM, 37NIN
                      Current Mission
                      San d'Oria [M8-2] - Lightbringer
                      Zilart [ZM14] - Ark Angels
                      Promathia [PM4-2] - The Savage
                      "Better to be pissed off than to be pissed on!" (°~°; )


                      • #12
                        Re: am i the only one who is like this?

                        Originally posted by navpops
                        i have -no idea- what i want to pursue (job wise) in this game.
                        those stupid tests dont work for me. i always have a job "flavor of the month in my mind" and i will always choose choices of it. IE if im starting to like SAMs, i will choose "Fav WEapon: Great Katana"

                        i have played most jobs to 30 except summoner and bard (now 9 ,bard is a pain to level up solo, it makes me want to drown myself) i thought i wanted a black mage, and i took BLM all the way to 52, to find out it wasnt the job for me. i try to convince myself i enjoy doing XXX Job, but i really don't. i love the game, and want to be something, do something, and be good at it (and atleast ENJOY myself, not always have "fun") but i have no idea what i want.

                        has anyone had something similiar to this happen to them? it happens to me on EVERY mmorpg i play. i have no idea why, i think i am the most indesicive person in the world.

                        how did you decide what you wanted to be?
                        Old topic.. but..

                        This is why I have two deleted characters in my sig. I simply could not decide what was my role in this game.

                        ~Stuck with the only thing I know how to do, that I pleased people the most with. I dont know if Whm is where I should be though. I'd rather not worry about it, just would finally like to play past 30.
                        Elathia :: Hume :: Female :: San d'Oria rank 7 :: WHM70 | BLM52 | RDM24 | THF15 >> Cerberus //Retired


                        • #13
                          There's nothing wrong with xping a bunch of jobs all at once. It would be better to xp all jobs and decide which one you like the most than pick one and, at level 62, decide you wish you would have been another job.

                          I started out as an Elvaan War in beta because my heart was set on being a Drg. After 7 levels of that, I switched to Rdm and LOVED it. I love how diverse our party roles can be- especially at low levels. I could use archery, debuff, heal, nuke, melee, and even take a shot or two if absolutely necessary. Between my little beta time and the real thing, I learned a lot about the game- including that Drgs weren't in high demand. After being used to Rdm party invites, I knew I couldn't switch to Drg.

                          I would never play anything other than a Hume Rdm as my main job. I have interest in others, but my heart will always be with Rdm!

                          The point is: the more you play and the more you learn will shape your decisions. Give the game all the time you need- if you need to play a lot of jobs to level 30, then go for it. That's an accomplishment all in of its own. There's a lot of potential to put many many hours into this game, especially at higher levels. Make sure that your number 1 priority at low levels is figuring out where you'd be happiest!


                          • #14
                            You are most definitely not the only one. Just see my pathetic ramblings in my topic.


                            sig created by the uber-wonderful Iyaeka of KI

                            Current Job Levels:
                            SMN 75 | WHM 50 | BLM 35 | RDM 20 | DRG 25 | WAR 20


                            • #15
                              for me i leveled most of the jobs to 5 before i chose one then i got my WAR to 9 and i kept on dieing then i took RDM to 10 then took WHM to 7 my MNK is still level 5 takin on the clips by the lake in w ron they are T and i take 'em on with no problem but i cant decide what job i want to be i just might level all jobs to 30 and take RDM to 75 (i like RDM the most it level 22 sofar and i like SMN but i cant be one yet >.<?
                              RDM75, SMN73, WHM39, BLM39, BRD35.

                              Current Main(s): Bard:35, Summoner:73

                              LuckySeven LS

