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am i the only one who is like this?

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  • #16
    I had this problem originally. I wanted to be a mix of melee and magic, and as we all know, that is frowned upon in the wide world of Vana'diel (though I'll still sneak it in where possible).

    I started as a Red Mage, but eventually, that became more mage then melee (though it worked just fine up to about level 35-ish). So I went and unlocked the advanced jobs, and for a while I tried DRK/RDM, which I really do enjoy, and still work in there when I can. Unfortunately, the FFXI mentality doesn't really let me get away with that, so I'll often change my sub to MNK or THF or something when people complain.

    Anyway, my point is, figure out what you want to play outside of the guidelines of the game, then see if there's any way to apply that to your jobs. If you end up with an odd combination, give it a try at least and see how it works out. I think the game is a lot more fun when you're not forced into a specific mold. ^^


    • #17
      There are a lot of jobs I want to play. Sometimes I get the urge to go and level Ninja or Ranger or Paladin or Dark Knight or whatever. I've successfully resisted these urges so far.

      I think almost every job at high levels is more fun than X job at low levels.

      I've taken a melee job (DRG) to the low 60s but I slowly lost interest in the pure melee role. My set PT breaking up when I took a break from the game was the nail in the coffin - I'm officially retired from DRG.

      Now I'm leveling Red Mage, which is the job I originally wanted to play when FFXI was first released. Currently 4000 exp from 60, and I'm going to force myself to get to at least 70 before I even think about trying out other jobs again (other than leveling WHM and BLM for use as subjob).

      I know everyone says blah blah blah about how this game isn't a race to 75, but for me it kinda is. I want to get to high levels as fast as possible. It's not so much of a race against other players as it is to want to see so-called "endgame content".

      The fact that I was once one of the highest level NA on my server (as DRG), but now am "merely" in my 60s whereas all my former friends/associates are 70/75 is a big motivational factor.
      Pounce (RETIRED) Mithra Bastok R.7 Titan server
      DRG 62 | RDM 65 | WAR 34 | SAM 30 | WHM 33 | BLM 33 | THF 15

      (guess my name =P) Mithra Bastok R.1 Titan server
      MNK 18 | WAR 3
      Future NIN -_-


      • #18
        i like my characters to be small and powerful. i think this is because in RL i'm small but not very powerful :D so i picked Taru BLM for my main.

        i tend to be very indecisive though, so i'm really glad this game lets me switch jobs whenever i want to try something new... sometimes it happens if i see a really cool looking high level character and i think "wow, i want to be like that" OR when when someone in my party plays a job badly and i think "i could do a better job than that" that makes me want to try out something else. but i'm trying to stick with BLM mainly or else i'll never get to high level! >_<


        • #19
          I started the game as a warrior, got that to 5, found it boring.

          Then i switched to red mage, got it to 30 "just to get adv jobs"

          Original plan was to be rng, tried that, boring. then bard, boring, then drk, boring...i tried a lot of jobs...

          Found my calling to be the job i had originally leveled just to get to 30...

          After i'm 75 i plan to lvl pld to AF lvls
          Current Character Info: Xerlaoth Valefor, Windurst RDM 75, WAR 60, BLM 48, NIN 37, WHM 37, DRK 30, THF 30 (FUN!) Rank10 Windurst, Hume, Indianface Fer Life.


          • #20
            355 total job levels. :sweat: 9 jobs 20+, 2 50+

            After all that I'm still unsure what my "main" is. :sweat:


            • #21
              Yeah I was like that, maybe still am a little ^^. It took me a while to realize which would be my primary job, PLD. However I still yurned for magic, so I still plan to lvl my RDM. Actually I plan to have to job combos, pld/war for melee and rdm/whm for magic. Makes it more fun I think.

              Still there are jobs like SMN I would really like to try but being a Elvaan I know it wouldn't be easy. It's kinda sad that the races have such a huge impact on jobs.

              RDM35 / WAR20 / DRG10 / DRK10 / RNG 10 / PLD 35 / BLM 17

