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Best Two Classes for Level Duoing?

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  • Best Two Classes for Level Duoing?

    Hello all,

    My brother and I are getting the game in about a month and we want to play together as much as possible for as long as possible just the two of us.

    I want to play a melee class and he wants to be a magic class.

    I am wondering what are the two classes that would benefit from each other and get levels together the best.

    I am thinking (me) Monk/War and (my brother) Bard/WHM.

    Is this right?

    If please!


  • #2
    You can lvl war to 30, he can do whm
    then at 30, get bst and go bst/war
    he can then switch to rdm, rdm/whm
    make ok pt there you can always solo, cuz you are a bst, just dont expect so much exp
    LS- Dark nem.-Tehshexybeats
    Lu shangs-8-31-04
    Fishing 53 Blacksmith 39.4 Leather 15.7


    • #3
      NIN/WAR and RDM/WHM would probably be the best. NIN doesn't require much healing at all, and RDM combines all the mages togeather.

      If you choose to be MNK, he needs to be a differnet mage. You'll be hit for too much too often and will have to be healed a lot.


      • #4
        So... ok..

        Little confused and I definitely do not want to play a Beastmaster, just not my playstyle...

        Could you give me a basic rundown of what mage goes with what melee combo?

        War/Nin - which mage?

        Nin/War - RDM/WHM?

        Sam/War - which mage?

        Drk/War- which mage?

        Mnk/War- which mage?

        Thanks for your help! :spin:


        • #5
          I'd say most of those you need a whm/smn (MP boost and those sexy passives). SAM might make a bit of a difference cause every minute 1 attack will miss him. Good luck getting through the game with a 2 person party, either you will spend the rest of your life killing "decent challenge" mobs or "easy" mobs =P
          RDM - 33
          BLM - 17
          THF - 41
          DRK - 25
          WAR - 19


          • #6
            WAR/NIN - WHM or RDM. You get Utsusemi: Ichi and a good amount of DEF, but still quite a bit of healing needed.

            NIN/WAR - RDM, BLM, or BRD. I suggested RDM because they have basically everything (buffs, debuffs, healing, nuking, and meleeing). BLM will be able to do a lot of nuking, decent dubuffs, and good enough healing. BRD is pure buffs and would probably take awhile to kill.

            SAM/WAR - WHM. Will require a lot of healing, and they don't have any way of healing themselves.

            DRK/WAR - I would suggest RDM because you'll need to heal MP. DRK gets drain so they can do a good amount of healing themselves too (1 minute cooldown though).

            MNK/WAR - WHM, just like SAM. Though you do get a bit more deffensive abilities (Dodge which raises evasion, Chakra which heals HP depedant on your VIT (normally around ~100-200 HP)), but they have too long of a cool down (5 minutes).


            • #7
              Duo all the way? doesn't quite sound effective.... farming with duo sounds more feasible..

              My suggestion..

              Melee type : Ninja/war
              Mage type : Rdm/Whm

              This is suggestion only beyond lvl 40 though when rdm have refreash and ninja and Utsusemi :NI

              These 2 combo would get you started on a pty very easily too should you guys decided to form 1 up.

              Plus... it's a pretty good farming option too with ninja/thf and rdm/whatever job.

              Click to see my profile Whm/Blm

              Click to see my profile Thf/Nin


              • #8
                Thanks so much man. That was really nice of you to help me out like that.

                Hmm leaning towards war/nin drk or monk....



                • #9
                  to be honest, this game is about grouping. 2 people EXPing will be so PAINFULLY slow if they arnt BST/XXX and Mage/XXX

                  honestly.. pick what you want, duo to like..11 or12, then start grouping. youve already got 1/3 of a party


                  • #10
                    A NIN/WAR and RDM/WHM can rake in decent exp an hour in the mid-levels against EM/T's, which isn't bad at all considering the fact that they don't have to wait for parties and such (which is why, even though BST gets crappy exp per hour, they normally level faster).


                    • #11
                      Duel RDM/NIN > all. Period.
                      3 Star General of the GHLA
                      Ground Hog Liberation Army

                      Free Ipods, just cancel your offer as soon as it accepted!!!


                      • #12
                        Two BST/WHM is the best. You can exp together up to 75, farm and kill NM. Best setup. Its not too expensive either and WHM for sub will level easily. You will make tons of cash and get tons of coins together too. RDM and NIN are not good for solo/duo. Only effective for NM hunting, you can't make exp with those jobs outside a PT.
                        BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

                        San d'Oria Rank 10
                        Zilart Mission 14
                        CoP Chapter 4-2


                        • #13
                          People PLEASE!!

                          If you ask me, since you and your friend are keep in playing together, I say try to choose jobs that will keep both of you in the same party when you do party and keep both of you going when you both are playing without other party members.

                          Your choices are: WAR/MNK or PLD/WAR.
                          You will be filling in the role of tank in the party, and will do the same when alone with your friend.

                          Your friend: WHM or RDM. I would lean towards more WHM if you end up being WAR/MNK, and more towards RDM if you end up being PLD/WAR.

                          I notice that most ppl are saying NIN. I say forget that option until a few months from now. You are starting, and you will not have that much money. Go with the jobs that are affordable and feasable to start with.

                          My recommendation plan:

                          WAR and WHM >> 18. (get subjob)
                          MNK/WAR and RDM/WHM >> 15
                          WAR/MNK and WHM/RDM >> 30

                          At this point if you choose to go PLD/WAR, I suggest you go get the quest done and then lvl until 15 solo.

                          During the mean time, your friend should see if he/she can farm or find a way to get some gil (since he is a mage and needs more spells). He/she should join you again as RDM/WHM @ lvl 15 and off you go up to lvl 30 again.

                          This is, at least, what I would forsee as the route if I got a friend I want to play with throughout. This would be a nice begginning.

                          Hope that helped (and I hope you are still around to read this).

                          43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

                          55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.


                          • #14
                            if you really want to duo all the way, rdm/nin for both, past the level where you get phalanx and stoneskin its a very powerful solo combo, duo even more so if you learn how to control your hate.

                            You will realise how slow duo is though ( around 1000-1500/hour tops ).

                            The best choice would be if one of you tanks
                            ( pld/war or nin/war
                            I recommend pld/war because nin is extremely expensive )
                            and one of you goes brd or rdm.

                            You will never not be able to form a party with that combination


                            whoever is going war should go mnk->18, war->30->pld
                            whoever is brd/rdm should go blm->->18, whm->30->brd/rdm

                            rdm will need whm and blm subs available.
                            55% Skill
                            35% Equipment
                            10% Race

                            White Mage - 75 - Completed
                            Ninja - 75 - Completed
                            Summoner - 75 - Completed
                            My Livejournal


                            • #15
                              Hi, just want to share my experience duoing as a rdm with a drk friend. We started doing this at Lv15 and currently we are at Lv35.

                              As rdm drk we can take T and VT without any problems, and depending on the monster type, ITs (mandras are easy whereas bettles are hard for example) are sometimes do-able with a lot of down time.

                              Because we are on our own all the time, we always invest in top gears (+1 versions, hairpin, leaping boots etc.) and I usually bring along the ingredients to make juice (eating food is a must).

                              It's a lot of fun being able to take down ITs with 2 people, and we usually are able to do one skillchain/monster with both of us MBing on it. However, you have to realize that it IS a lot slower than your standard 6 person parties, for obvious reasons. Because of that I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have the patience for it or if you don't like the idea of dying ocassionally without raise. It gets easier though as you gain levels and new job abilites, and I expect the down time to reduce once I aquire refresh.

                              It is do-able and it's fun, especially if you enjoy figuring out what to fight at what level with two people, and what job combinations you have to use. I switch my sub between whm and blm depending on what we fight, and when we are fighting mandras for example, my drk friend would sub whm to cure sleep instead of the standard war. We are thinking to try out nin sub in the future too.

                              So that's my experience, if you think you might enjoy it, I would say go for it and see what it's like. Good luck and most of all, have fun!

