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I really hope they NEVER raise the level cap

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Sharma
    Organised Chocbo races...intresting... My LS held a player based one from San d'Oria -> Windurst, was fun. :p
    Ronafare > la theine > junger > next place :D > jeuno > airship. Owned.


    • #62
      well they can raise caps just make level reguirements like the advanced quests

      p.s. i havent read the whole topic it is too long sorry
      RDM75, SMN73, WHM39, BLM39, BRD35.

      Current Main(s): Bard:35, Summoner:73

      LuckySeven LS


      • #63
        There is really no point to raising the cap. Does MNK really need Martial Arts XI? Does RNG need to fire 10 arrows with Barrage at LV90? No one gets any job abilities post-60 anyway... it's just trait enhancement after trait enhancement.

        There are only two things that will happen with further level cap raising:

        1) more pointless exp grind
        2) additional subjob JAs/spells become unlocked, making certain subs become so good for a given job that you can't use anything else (see: /NIN post-74), resulting in way less variety... every mage uses /RDM, etc.

        Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1


        • #64
          DRK/THF show's that they'd be more than willing to raise the cap and give away most of the traits/abilitys that make a job what it is.(slightly gimped versions, but more than willing)

          Name one other job where your main ability is randomly going to fail you and even one fail is enough to kill you at higher lvs where exp loss is huge and you will almost never get raises.

          A failed charm has a 2-3 second bind.

          Anyways summoner's astral flow blood pacts won't activate if you don't have enough mp.(by the time you use it you probably won't)


          • #65
            I see where your coming from, but I have another solution. Give LOTS of xp for killing huge stuff. Maybe Im being an idiot, do they give a LOT of xp for these mobs on this game? Only time Ive raided any really big mobs was on eq (not even eq pc :confused and they gave some seriously shitty xp.


            • #66
              I find it highly amusing that the primary argument against increasing the level cap is that white mages might be able to convert.

              The HORROR!

              What people who post that fail to acknowledge is the simple fact that pretty much every unique ability that White Mages have that's useful during the course of the average fight is already possessed by a 75RDM/37WHM. White Mage does not possess a level 40 ability, and the only thing increasing the subjob cap to 40 would do is make Stona available.

              While Stona is quite useful, how often do you really need it?

              Everything my job does has already been farmed out to one degree or another - most frequently to Red Mages. What are they so uptight about?


              • #67
                lol. regen 2, 3, raise 2, 3.

                no comparison really.

                and i personally don't care if other mages get convert. its lvl fucking 80 for christs sake.


                • #68
                  Things missing in this discussion. The rumor part of lv. 255 that is actually a game design, this game has the potential design of getting a character to level 255. Please remember this is an MMORPG, that means the abilities that exists now are not the end all thats all that'll ever exist (DRGs "Spirit Link" as well as the Sublte Blow, Fenrir, and other adds should make that obvious to everyone).

                  The other thing is if an ability is going to definitivly make a job second rate and actually remain that way then there is nothing stopping the developers from adding restrictions. There are still tons of WHM possible abilities and spells that can be added in to break apart that RDM/WHM superiority over WHM. After all to prevent an overdose in power every jobs 2hr ability was made useable by that Main job only.

                  Though it would of been insainly wicked to see Mighty Strikes coupled with Hundred Fists, or Chainspell with Manafont.

                  Anyway point I was making is there is really nothing that prevents the possibility of the level being raised higher. They already made the merit points effectiveness vary by your level so freeing to be a customizing option that gives you varying boosts in certain areas and letting you advance in levels should give you the ability to customize yourself just enough to make yourself unique in certain functions and still be striving for stronger equipment to defeat the harder challenges thrown at them.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

