Originally posted by Rones
Only difference in def between a mithra and hume with same equip would be 4-6 from the mithra having 3 less vit than the hume. Other than that they would be identical def wise, except mithra has a considerable amount more agi.
Only difference in def between a mithra and hume with same equip would be 4-6 from the mithra having 3 less vit than the hume. Other than that they would be identical def wise, except mithra has a considerable amount more agi.
Just do the math on it out of 2,000 attacks you take Elvaan with his 10 STR more translating to 10 more Damage and set base damage as 100 and base Accuracy as 60%. Then the Elvaan is going to hit 1,200 times total damage being 132,000.
A Mithra using the same bases but accuracy getting an 8% bonus at most is going to hit 1,360 times total damage being 136,000. Not with accuracy being at .8% per 2 Dex will be 5.6%, now in this senario the Mithra will hit 1,312 times total damage being 131,200.
Since it is said that 1 sniper ring covers the accuracy difference, then simply by the Elvaan having that 1 ring he now surpasses the Mithra. This is using all basic math of it all, in actual game play the 1 sniper ring for the elvaan will help him but it won't make him some superior amount greater then the Mithra.
That is game balance, the playstyle of the two are different and yet equal still. In the end if you factor this with Hume and then compair it to Galka and Taru you should notice Hume to fall somewere around the middle of all the damage.
Like some have already said here in the end every job is quite viable for any race.