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What jobs do Mithras excel in?

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  • What jobs do Mithras excel in?


  • #2
    Hmm.. Mithra.. they're good at being thf's nin's and rng's i believe.. really in the end all of the races are gonna be pretty good at about any job ^^
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    Sam: 60 Mnk: 31 War: 31 Thf: 22 Brd: 18 Ninja: 23 Pld: 13 Drk: 13 Whm: 11 Drg: 9 Rng: 20 Bst: 6 Smn: 8

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    • #3
      they make decent WHMs and MNKs
      "Nihilistic sky, inhale magic power...Bizen Boat!"

      " Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet? And also, you're drunk."

      -Jack Handy


      • #4
        rng/nin/thf, all melee jobs ( mithas dont have acc problems that elvaans/galkans/taru do ).

        Mithras are probably a better all rounder than humes.

        They lack str, but if you hit more times a fight you will do more damage than 2-4 damage per hit extra.
        55% Skill
        35% Equipment
        10% Race

        White Mage - 75 - Completed
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        • #5
          as your levels increase, youll be able to make up more and more for any deficiencies in your race, so go for any you really like. ^^
          BLM75 RNG65 BRD50 NIN37 RDM37 WHM25 WAR25 BST21 THF7
          Elemental Magic Skill Merits 1/5

          Thanks to Kazuki for the awesome sig!


          • #6
            They excel at most any melee job thanks to high dex/accuracy that is so critical later on. They make ok mages like hume. So most anything works.
            Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


            • #7
              They excel at most any melee job thanks to high dex/accuracy that is so critical later on.
              False. Critical hit rate difference translates into maybe 2 more crits than an Elvaan in 30 minutes, and the dex difference in accuracy is barely noticeable, even at high levels. For other melee jobs, STR difference is noticeable however and isn't quite as easy to compensate as accuracy. Not to say Mithra is only functional at 3 jobs, all races are mostly functional at any job (some races are just utter shit at some jobs though), they just don't excel at it.

              they're good at being thf's nin's and rng's i believe
              True. DEX and AGI affect Sneak Attack and Trick Attack modifiers which means higher damage output, which makes them pretty well the best THF choice. Higher agi = better ranged accuracy which is nifty for RNG, as the str deficiency doesn't seem a problem for RNG, and as NIN goes, I've never grouped with a Mithra NIN, just hume, galka and elvaan ones, and they haven't had problems evading a lot. Evasion is an odd thing, I've seen nothing conclusive to suggest higher AGI will noticeably improve your evasion rate. There have been lengthy debates by PLD who use those 3 agi earrings and don't notice a difference, and most NIN I know use +evasion items exclusively, very little in the way of just +AGI items. Point being despite the large AGI difference, most hume/elvaan/galka NIN have no problem avoiding hits, or they don't seem to at least. I might even prefer Galka NIN the most honestly, since STR doesn't matter, DEX doesn't matter, Galka have Hume AGI (average), and the highest HP and VIT progression, which means in the event they do get hit (it happens), it just means more room for error/more time to get Utsusemi going again, but again I haven't seen anything conclusive to say such and such race makes the absolute best NIN.

              The one job you don't want to be Mithra is BRD in my opinion. Same low CHR as a Galka, just the higher mp makes them mildly better choice than Galka as a BRD. While Mithra/Hume are functional mages, might as well leave it to the Tarus. Just because Elvaans or Galkas can be mages doesn't mean its a good idea, and no, equipment won't really make up for racial defiencies, at least where MP is concerned. You'd be getting more mp items simply to be slightly less sub par to a Taru, or conversely more INT if you want to be a BLM, again to be sub par to a Taru.


              • #8
                Well, the simple fact is that any non-Taru BLM is gimp compared to a Taru. However, a Mithra BLM is as capable of handling the job as any other non-Taru is, and is probably roughly tied with Hume for second-best.

                I have yet to find a job that Mithra does not do well. I haven't tried BRD or BST yet, the low CHR might be a hindrance there, but in everything else they do just fine. This is not to say that they are the BEST at every job, because this is obviously not true... the only job where they have a clear-cut, indisputable advantage is THF. They do, however, make very good RNG and I would expect very good NIN.

                They are at least decent at everything else. And yes, that includes PLD, don't listen to those who say otherwise.
                FFXIV - Lyri Saranna - Rabanastre
                Gladiator 6/Pugilist 8/Physical 10

                "Fanatics find their heaven in never-ending storming winds..."
                --"Key of the Twilight", .hack//SIGN


                • #9
                  THF is probibly the only job you can really say mithra just win hands down on. They are verry good at RNG, and also NIN(depending on how you play, some nin dont like evasion as it makes it harder to count shadows). I also like mithra SAM better than other sams, just because SAM exist to use WS and extra damage on a regular hit isnt as important as maybe getting those two extra hits in each fight that make up another 26-27tp.

                  For MNK, and to a lesser extent WAR, i really think galka are the best.

                  For DRK mithra can do ok, but i like elvaan, or even taru=p better *taru drk = teh pwn*

                  PLD, well, every single race can be a good PLD.

                  Mages... if you want to 'play mages' make a taru, naturaly. But if you just want to levle up a mage job for some other reason and wouldnt really consider it your 'primary' job choice, they work out nicley, as do humes. *and ofcorse, they will work all the same, im just saying that if you are set out to 'be a mage' then why not start as a taru?=p*

                  Really as i see it, mithra are an 'all around with a verry slight push towards melee', and humes are an 'all around with a verry slight push towards mages'.. Strangley you see tons of hume PLD, i dont see that many hume DRK, i mean.. i do.. but relative to the entire population and whatnot.. :sweat:


                  • #10
                    Best job for mithra?

                    Mithra best job is : Pin-ups catgirls
                    Fenchy Canuck who Rock On in Hong Kong!
                    " Take life with a smile for we're not getting out of it ALIVE! "
                    Matt: Lv up for New Abiltity "Cantonese Language"


                    • #11
                      Everything really, though lack of VIT and CHR does hurt, but mithra is as flexible as hume

                      <--Mithra MNK, wasting chakra, and doesn't hit very hard...
                      <--Mithra PLD, low VIT really hurts, and the low CHR making my hate meter low =_=;


                      • #12

                        Mithra PLD = Taru PLD - MP. :p


                        • #13
                          Mithra Bards do just fine since Charisma isn't nearly as important as the instruments you use. The only impacts that Cha has when it comes to a bard are when you're trying to affect a Mob. Really just your Requiems, Threnodies, Elegies and Lullabies. Even before I got Monster Signa I was landing my Elegies, Threnodies and Requiems no problem and that was only with +18 Chr. Now that I've beefed up a bit to +25 Chr I have no trouble at all landing anything. Of course having the right instruments doesn't hurt at all, and plays just as much a roll.

                          Just to bad I had to spend 120k on Mary's Horn ><.

                          Charisma has also yet to be proven to impact hate, so it doesn't play a factor yet. There has been a -lot- of debate as to how Chr affects Provoke and how it affects Hate, but the Dev Team has never, to my knowledge, expressed just how it affects things. All we know for sure is it impacts songs cast on Mobs and the rate of Charm for Bst.
                          Fairy Server, part of SuiGeneris. Bard 70/Sam 56/Rdm 41/Drg 40/Whm 37/War 36/
                          Rank 10


                          • #14
                            What jobs do Mithras excel in?
                            THF and... only THF actually. They pretty much suck at everything else.


                            • #15
                              They excel at most any melee job thanks to high dex/accuracy that is so critical later on
                              False. Critical hit rate difference translates into maybe 2 more crits than an Elvaan in 30 minutes
                              Reread what I wrote and you will see I mentioned nothing about critical hits. I said critical as in necessary in reference to needing high accuracy against the insane evasion mobs get at upper lvls.

                              the dex difference in accuracy is barely noticeable, even at high levels.
                              Just a quick comparison for you:
                              Elvaan Drk/war lvl 59: 73 str, 54 dex
                              Mithra Drk/war lvl 59: 63 str, 68 dex
                              Last I checked, drk spend millions on things like peacock charm to get all the +accuracy and +dex gear they can get. Doing all that will still put them below a mithra in accuracy. You can't tell me 14 dex is barely noticeable, otherwise elvaan drk/war would be buying str+ rings instead of sniper rings just to be on par with a mithra's accuracy.
                              Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm

