Hello, there. I need some help on deciding which race my new
character will be. I am waiting for FFXI to be released on the PS2, but I'd like to be ready to start once I get it. I'm debating between Hume and Taru-Taru. Right now I'm leaning more toward Hume, but I'm still not sure. I have a few questions perhaps you could help me with
I know that Tarus are the masters of magic, but exactly how bad are they at melee combat?
Do Hume mages look cool?
Would a Taru ever be conidered for grouping if a tank/melee job was equipped?
Are racial differences very noticable at higher levels?
Thanks for your input!
character will be. I am waiting for FFXI to be released on the PS2, but I'd like to be ready to start once I get it. I'm debating between Hume and Taru-Taru. Right now I'm leaning more toward Hume, but I'm still not sure. I have a few questions perhaps you could help me with

I know that Tarus are the masters of magic, but exactly how bad are they at melee combat?
Do Hume mages look cool?

Would a Taru ever be conidered for grouping if a tank/melee job was equipped?
Are racial differences very noticable at higher levels?
Thanks for your input!
