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Once and forall, how do stats effect combat...

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  • Once and forall, how do stats effect combat...

    I really would like to know what each stat does, because ive heard a million different definitions. Some people say dex effects damage/swing spd on 'dex' based weapons (daggers,grapples,ect...), others say dex is JUST chance to hit, nothing more. And what about agility? It effects the accuracey of bows? So does that mean dex is useless? Argg sooo confusing...

    Please post only if you KNOW what stats do what. Formulas would be great too. God the UO devs were brilliant for making all the stat/combat calculations public. I mean, why does square want to keep all this secret? It just rewards people for lucky guessing. Lame.

    Somebody must know!

  • #2
    go here then go to jobs and scroll down


    • #3
      That site is incomplete, as it doesnt include any of the hidden stats.

      Here are some of the ones I know:

      DEX: Sneak/Decieveing attack damage+
      VIT: Deffense+
      AGI: Evasion+ Bow Accuracy+
      STR: Attack+
      INT: MP+ (adding INT wont add MP, but it does determine base MP upon leveling and whatnot. Tarus have high INT thus high base MP)

      There are prolly moer that I'm forgetting. If anyone else knows go right ahead.
      Seulgaist - | sam.60 | thf.54 | brd.52 | drk.49 | mnk.39 | whm.27 | war.23 | rng.17 | blm.17 | nin.15 | drg.11 | etc. |
      Tripmastermonky - The Guilding Slut
      Aikou - The EQ Slut


      • #4
        So dex only effects 2 skills in the whole game? It still effects chance to hit on all melee weapons right? The "final_fantasy_xi_a" FAQ says DEX effects attack speed as well. Can anyone confirm or deny?

        Also, does VIT actually increase your defense/armor in addition to increasing your HP?


        • #5
          dex doesn't affect weapon attacking speed, only the weapons delay, or monks passive ability for claws, or rangers passive ability for bows.

          I don't think vit increases your hp, but yes, it is your defence as well.

          The stats work like 2 dex=1 accuracy, 2str=1 attack, 2 vit = 1 defence, 2agi=1 evasion (and probably 1 range accuracy)
          Bastok Missions completed
          Zilart Missions completed


          • #6
            "dex doesn't affect weapon attacking speed, only the weapons delay"

            Guh?...isnt that the same thing? If a weapons delay is shortened by dex, wont you be attacking faster (ie faster attack speed)?

            You say dex also effects passive abilities for monks claws? Guh again? Can you please elaborate? How does dex effect a passive ability?


            • #7
              dex affects your chances of landing a physical attack and your chanse of inflicting/receiving a critical hit


              • #8
                STR - attack power. I believe both melee and range

                DEX - melee accuracy. critical damage boost. very important for all attackers. being able to hit the target means a lot.

                AGI - evasion. range accuracy.

                VIT - defense. im not so sure what else it affects

                INT - attacking magic power. some elemental WS such as Red Lotus.

                MND - resisting incoming magics. (sometime ago MND is believe to affects healing magic. I can't confirm about this tho)

                CHR - BST chance of taming, BRD song's efficiency.

                HP MP i believe is fixxed to race. nothing to do with int or mnd.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #9
                  But is what david said true? Does dex lower weapon delay? Also, does dex effect crit for all weapons? Or does it effect daggers more than staffs, ect...?


                  • #10
                    no. dex doesn't affect delay.

                    only magics can shorten the delay time. and mnk's ability to shorten their punching time.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #11
                      STR - Attack power
                      DEX - accuracy
                      AGI - Attack speed and evasion
                      VIT - Defense and HP
                      INT - MP and attack power for Black magic
                      MND - MP and healing power for white mage
                      CHR - affects amount of money for selling items and some BST skills and bard I think


                      • #12
                        Heh im guessing 95% of what kim just said is wrong.

                        But about dex - if its so important for hit%, how is elf a viable race? Sure they have insane str, but what does that matter when you cant hit for crap?


                        • #13
                          AGI isn't attack speed. It's only dodging and long range weapon's accuracy like stated earlier. VIT is only defense, and it does nothing to boost HP. FFXI isn't Ragnarok Online. INT and MND does not increase MP either. The only thing that determines MP (and any other stat) is your race and job combination. And there is no correlation between CHR and money.
                          WAR20 MNK12 WHM28 BLM31 RDM60 THF21 PLD14 DRK20 BST6 BRD42 RNG16 SAM11 NIN40 DRG10 SMN10


                          • #14
                            I'm not sure about the MP and int and mind then But I know for a fact Vit does up HP and defense I tested it with VIT armor same thing with AGI and CHR does effect amount of money from selling stuff to merchats. And Azure wtf why do you even ask about stats when someone tells you then without playing or knowing shit you say there 95% wrong.


                            • #15
                              Chill kim. Just because I asked for a ACCURATE definition on stats doesnt mean I didnt know shit about them before now. Ive read dozens of 'what stats do' posts, and while im not 100% sure on anything, I was 95% sure a lot of the stuff you said is wrong.

