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What are my options as a TaruTaru?

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  • What are my options as a TaruTaru?

    Hi everyone,
    I really want to be a TaruTaru in game cause they look so cute and cool from what i've read it seems like the best jobs for them are mages. but it would just be so cool to see a little Taru running around in armor with a giant sword. Does anyone play a character like this? Are there any other choices for Taru's besides mage characters? Or will i just be miserable if i try to be a Taru fighter? I usually don't like playing cookie-cutter characters in MMO's. Thanks!

  • #2
    Well a tarutaru warrior would struggle IMO, but here are some jobs that i think could work for one

    Black mage, white mage, thief, Red Mage, Bard, Summoner, Ranger, Paladin, Beastmaster, Dragoon, or Dark Knight could all work if you ask me. Some would be a lot more of a challenge, but i think all of those could be effective in one way or another


    • #3
      taru melee is ok..but taru mages...if they get a area at their level....1 hit can bring em to red or even kill em...i would rather be a diffrent class mage like hume or mithra....because they can take more davoi i was in a group with a paladin taru and a whm and blm taru....the whm died shortly to a orcish beastrider did 250+ damage in 1 shot to him but the pld was doing pretty good against em.....
      Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


      • #4
        Keep in mind, your job is what defines you. Do what your job is meant to do.

        Tarutaru has extra talent for using magics, high INT high MND high MP but they have low HP and low VIT.

        Now, if you play WAR or PLD, those jobs are there to provoke and take hit and you have to do it even if you're a taru. it's a bit draw back but that's what the job has to do. it has to be done.
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          be what u wanna be ciaran...its not really the job or the long as you have fun with whatever you want you choose...i wish you luck

          jei you are right tarus do excel in magics and lack in defense and HP..but if the taru gets too much hate from curing the tank or nuking the monster..and the tanks couldnt pull it off with just 1 the whm's 2hr ability..the taru whm would die in arguibly 1 hit because of the lack of good armor and defense and mana...
          Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


          • #6
            how would a Taru ranger be?


            • #7
     wouldn't do as good as some races..its all about experimenting..with what class you wanna be

              jei..if i have a benchmark score of 2500 would my pc do allright with FFXI??
              Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN

