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question from an interested player

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  • question from an interested player

    hi folks,

    I am pretty new to FF11 (as in mechanics/classes...etc), I already pre-ordered FF11 for the US release version and will always be duo with my GF.

    My class will probably be: thief/ninja

    I like to make a fun but supportive class for her, would monk/whie mage or red mage/xxxx be a good duo with my character?

    Any Suggestions?


  • #2

    2 person PTs are suicide, but aside from that:
    -NEVER mix mage and melee, it blows.
    -Bards make good support
    -Red Mages make good support and Summoners make ok support
    -I think that Red Mage/Black or White Mage is best fro what you want


    • #3
      If you want to be an effective duo I would recommend you both going BST because they are really the best for solo/duo play. Or so I've heard. I also think a PLD and RDM combo would be pretty damn decent. If you are really bent on thief I think maybe a PLD/WHM and your THF/NIN would also work quite well.

      P.S.: Just thought I should also let you know that you will die more often than not and that unless you end up deciding to go BSTs, you will most likely get so frustrated with duoing that you will quit the game. <<< just because it's so hard (nearly impossible) to solo/duo with any other class than BST. At least from what I've seen.
      Fishing : 57
      Cooking : 29

      The Shanger : about 4k/10k

