after having done some research on the web, along with the help from other members i have gathered EVERY SINGLE AF armour stat for every job. (since a translator was used, i would really appreciate it if any mistakes could be pointed out). Some info has been slightly altered for presentation purposes.
heres a link to see ALL the AF armours on most/all races:
(edit) - site is down, whether it's temporary or not is unknown
In the meantime, if you are really ancious to see the AF armour, the best solution I can give you right now is to look in the screenshot vault/request forum or search on
SWORD : damage 22 speed 224 MP+ 10 INT +1 MND+1 Lv41
BOOTS :DEF 13 MP +11 AGI +3 water resistance +10 Lv52
shield skill +10
GLOVES :Def 16 MP +12 DEX +4 DRK resist +10 Lv54
parry skill +10
LEGS :DEf 33 MP+13 MND+3 Lv56 Healing Magic+10 Strengthening magical skill +15
TORSO:Def 44 MP+14 CHR+5 Lv58 cast failure 10% down weakening skill+15
HEAD :Def 23 MP+20 INT+3 Lv60 Spirit magic (buff spells) +10
Fast cast effectiveness raised
2 HANDED STAFF : damage +22 speed+ 366 MP =20 lvl 41
PANTS : Def+ 25 MP +15 Evasion Skill +10 summons Accuracy +10 summoners Hate -2 Lv 52
GLOVES : Def+ 11 Mp +15 Vit +4 Damage done by Avatars are occasionally converted into MP. summons Hate - 2 Lv 54
BOOTS : Def+ 10 Mp +15 Agi+5 summons Evasion Skill +10 Hate -2
TORSO :Def 35 Mp +15 Mnd +3 Sumons power +20
mp Consumption -2 summon hate -2 summoner power+20 summoner resistance to status +20
HEAD: Def 15 MP +20 INT +3 Summoning skill +5 summon hate -3 Lv 60
AXE: (lv40 1H axe) D32 delay288 STR+2 CHR+2
GERTLE: (lv52 feet) def10, HP+11, AGI+3, "take care of pet" effect up, tame+2
GLOVES: (lv54 hands) def12, HP+11, DEX+3, evade+5, tame+3
HELMET: (lv56 head) def22, HP+15, INT+5, "calm pet" effect up, tame+4
BEAST JACK: (lv58 body) def44, HP+20, VIT+3, "take care of pet" stat up - poison recovery improves etc, tame+5
TROUSERS: (lv60 legs) def30, HP+15, CHR+4, "killer" stat up, tame+6
GRAPPLE :D+4, Delay+48, DEX+2, VIT+2, Hit+3, Lv42
FEET: Def 12, HP+12, DEX+3, Light Resist+10, Evade Bonus UP, Lv52
LEGS: Def 29, HP+18, Guard SKill +10, Counter +1, Lv60
Lost Manitou Armguard of Bolghertz Quest
(Every class has an AF that requires this quest):
Temple Glove(Hands)
Def 14, HP+14, STR+4, Dark Resist+10, Boost UP, Lv54
Coffer 1: Garlaige Citadel:
Temple Crown(Head)
Def 21, HP+16, MND+5, Concentration UP, Lv56
Coffer 2: Beadeaux:
Temple Gi "shikurasu"(body)
Def 41, HP+20, VIT+3, Hit+5, Chakra UP (VITx3), Lv58
SWORD : D28; Delay240; VIT+2; MND+2
Gallant Leggings - Defense14; HP+15; CHR+5; Blocking with Shield Skill+10; Strength of Holy Circle Up
ARMOUR : Defense47; HP+20; VIT+4; Holy Magic Skill+5;
Hate +2
GAUNTLET : Defense16; HP+11; DEX+3; light magic resistance +10 Hate +2
CORONET : Defense24; HP+12; MND+3; Strength of Ability
Shield Up; Hate +2
BREECHES : Defense34; HP+15; AGI+3; Strengthening Magic Skill+5; Hate+2
WEAPON:DMG 15 / DELAY 195 / DEX +2 / AGI+2 / LVL 40
HELMET: Def23 / Lv54 / HP+13 / INT+5 / Parry+10 / Steal+1
BOOTS: Def13 / Lv60 / HP+12 / DEX+3 / ice resist+10 /
Tonzura(splint) duration up / steal+2
HANDS: Def15 / Lv52 / HP+10 / DEX+3 / ice resist+10 / steal+1
LEGS: Def32 / Lv56 / HP+15 / AGI+4 / Sheild skill+10 / steal+1
BODY: Def44 / Lv58 / HP+20 / STR+3 / earth resist+10 / Hide
duration up
SPEAR: D61 Delay 492 DEX+1 VIT+1 Lv42
HELMET: Def+ 16 - HP+12 - MND+5 Wind+10
Uses Breath effectively. Heal breath is also more effective.
ARMOUR: Def 38 - HP+15 - VIT+4 - Water resistance+10 Gives your Wyvern insta-regen. (SWEET!!)
DRAKEN FINGER: Def 15 - HP+11 - DEX+3 - Parry Skill +10 Increases your Wyvern's accuracy.
GREAVES: Def 10 - HP+12 - AGI+3 - Dodge Skill +5 Increases the damage of Jump.
PANTS: Def 27 - HP+15 - Earth+10 Increases effectivity of Enchanted Circle (def against dragon monsters) 10% hp bonus to wyvern.
SCYTHE: D68 Delay 528 STR+2 INT+2
HEAD: lvl 60, def 23, hp+12, str+4, dark magic skill +5, darkness effect up
BODY: lvl 58, def46, hp+20, vit+3, atk+5, weakening magic skill +5
HEADS: lvl54, def12, hp+11, dex+3, dark resistance +10, weapon bash effect up
BOOTS: lvl 52, def10, hp+15, mnd+5, arcane circle effect up
LEGS: lvl56, def31, hp+15, int+3, evade+5, parry+10
2H KATANA: lvl42, d56, delay450, str+1, agi+1
BOOTS: lvl52, def13, hp+20, fire resistance +10, evade +5, hate +5
HEAD: lvl60, def20, hp+10, mnd+5, protection circle effect up, silent concentration effect up
HANDS: lvl56, def15, hp+15, dex+4, hate +2, eating rice balls is more effective
LEGGINS: lvl53, def30, hp+15, str+3, earth resistance+10, parry +5
BODY: lvl58, def41, hp+10, vit+3, dark resistance +15,sometimes tp growth increases when suffering damage
1H KATANA: lvl 40, d 21, delay 216, str -1, dex +2
1H KATANA: lvl 40, d 23, delay 238, str +2, dex -1
HEAD: lvl 56, def 21, hp +10, chr +5, ice resistance +10, ninjutsu +5
BODY: lvl 58, def 41, hp +15, vit +3, 'Two swords style effective rise. occasionally add blazespike attribute.
HANDS: lvl 60, def 14, hp +13, dex +3, range atk +5, thowing weapon skill +5
LEGGINS: lvl 52, def 29, hp +15, range hit +10, night: evade +10
BOOTS: lvl 54, def 12, hp +12, agi +4, night: movement speed +25%
WAND: D27 every other 324 MP+10 MND+2 Lv41 - white magic increase
CAP/HOOD: def+ 21 MP+13 MND+4 resistance darkness +15 Lv54 - hate-1
ROBE: def+ 40 MP+15 wind resisting +10 Lv58 - weakening magic skill +10 hate-4
MITTENS: def + 14 MP+10 STR+5 Lv60 - white recovery magical skill +15 hate-4
FEET: def+12 MP+10 AGI+3 Lv52 - cast failure 20% down
TROUSERS: def+28 MP+15 VIT+3 Lv56 - white holy magical skill +15 hate-1
WAND :D12 every other 216 MP+20 Lv41 - black magic increase
HAT: def+ 20 MP+25 INT+4 resistance thunder +10 Lv60 - black hate-4
COAT: def+ 38 MP+16 VIT+5 Lv58 - weakening magic skill+10 hate-3
GLOVES: def+ 13 MP+12 CHR+3 Lv54 - darkness magic skill+15 hate-1
FEET: def+ 11 MP+10 AGI+3 Lv52 - cast failure 20% down hate -1
LEG: def+ 27 MP+14 HP +5 Lv56 - black dark magical skill +15 hate -1
KNIFE: EX D 15 every other 195 AGI+2 CHR+2 Lv40 - sing effective rise
HAT : def+ 15 HP+11 MND+3 Lv54 - parry skill +5
ARMOUR: def+38 HP+13 VIT+3 Lv58 - string instrument skill rise +3 hate -1
GLOVES: def+15 HP+14 CHR+4 Lv60 - sing song skills +5 hate -1
SHOES : def+10 HP+10 AGI+3 wind resisting +10 HP+5 Lv52 - sing
PANTS : def+ 27 HP+12 STR+5 Lv56 - sing wind instrument skills +3 hate-1
BOW :D 27 every other 360 AGI+4 Lv41 - bow skill increase
HEAD: def+ 21 HP+13 INT+3 ranged weapon attack +5 Lv54 - rapid shot ratio up
TORSO: def+41 HP+20 VIT+3 ranged weapon accuracy +10 Lv58 -hunting camouflage effective rise
HUNTER BLURRING: def+10 HP+10 DEX+3 resistance darkness +10 Lv52 - hunting shadow sewing effective rise
SOCKS: def+ 12 HP+10 AGI+4 HP+5 Lv60 - scavenger effectiveness rise
PANTS : def+ 27 HP+15 MND+5 Lv56 - sharpshooting ability up
1H AXE - D31 every other 276 STR+2 DEX+2 Lv40
HEAD: def+ 24 HP+15 DEX+3 INT+1 Lv56 - hate+1
ARMOUR- def+ 47 HP+20 VIT+5 fire-resistance +10 Lv60 - game hate +8
MUFFLER: def+16 HP+13 STR+4 Lv54 - game shield skill +10 hate +3
FEET: def+14 HP+12 AGI+3 Lv52 - game double attack effective hate +1
PANTS: def+ 34 HP+15 accuracy+3 AGI +3 Lv58 - game hate+2
Tazirai -stats for summoner AF and Red mage AF
Kagetsu- stats for Beastmaster AF, Monk AF, Paladin AF, Thief AF, Dragoon AF
Exile2k2- stats for scythe
Zsedc- Stats for the rest of Dark Knight AF, Samurai AF
Atma- for making the artifact armour website (link at the top of faq)
Maxim- for major corrections and dragoon spear stats (see his posts for exact details)
Russta- for samurais 'rice ball' correction
Last but not least me, RPGdemon, for organising this topic, putting the info together and finding the AF stats for: White Mage, Black Mage, Bard, Warrior and Ranger
A big thank you for eveyone who contributed, hope you find this mini FAQ helpful everyone
***Feel free to use this info on your site or where ever you want since this is to help people afterall, however please give credit to me and the people who contributed since its the right and respectable thing to do. im sure youll agree as well
heres a link to see ALL the AF armours on most/all races:
(edit) - site is down, whether it's temporary or not is unknown
In the meantime, if you are really ancious to see the AF armour, the best solution I can give you right now is to look in the screenshot vault/request forum or search on
SWORD : damage 22 speed 224 MP+ 10 INT +1 MND+1 Lv41
BOOTS :DEF 13 MP +11 AGI +3 water resistance +10 Lv52
shield skill +10
GLOVES :Def 16 MP +12 DEX +4 DRK resist +10 Lv54
parry skill +10
LEGS :DEf 33 MP+13 MND+3 Lv56 Healing Magic+10 Strengthening magical skill +15
TORSO:Def 44 MP+14 CHR+5 Lv58 cast failure 10% down weakening skill+15
HEAD :Def 23 MP+20 INT+3 Lv60 Spirit magic (buff spells) +10
Fast cast effectiveness raised
2 HANDED STAFF : damage +22 speed+ 366 MP =20 lvl 41
PANTS : Def+ 25 MP +15 Evasion Skill +10 summons Accuracy +10 summoners Hate -2 Lv 52
GLOVES : Def+ 11 Mp +15 Vit +4 Damage done by Avatars are occasionally converted into MP. summons Hate - 2 Lv 54
BOOTS : Def+ 10 Mp +15 Agi+5 summons Evasion Skill +10 Hate -2
TORSO :Def 35 Mp +15 Mnd +3 Sumons power +20
mp Consumption -2 summon hate -2 summoner power+20 summoner resistance to status +20
HEAD: Def 15 MP +20 INT +3 Summoning skill +5 summon hate -3 Lv 60
AXE: (lv40 1H axe) D32 delay288 STR+2 CHR+2
GERTLE: (lv52 feet) def10, HP+11, AGI+3, "take care of pet" effect up, tame+2
GLOVES: (lv54 hands) def12, HP+11, DEX+3, evade+5, tame+3
HELMET: (lv56 head) def22, HP+15, INT+5, "calm pet" effect up, tame+4
BEAST JACK: (lv58 body) def44, HP+20, VIT+3, "take care of pet" stat up - poison recovery improves etc, tame+5
TROUSERS: (lv60 legs) def30, HP+15, CHR+4, "killer" stat up, tame+6
GRAPPLE :D+4, Delay+48, DEX+2, VIT+2, Hit+3, Lv42
FEET: Def 12, HP+12, DEX+3, Light Resist+10, Evade Bonus UP, Lv52
LEGS: Def 29, HP+18, Guard SKill +10, Counter +1, Lv60
Lost Manitou Armguard of Bolghertz Quest
(Every class has an AF that requires this quest):
Temple Glove(Hands)
Def 14, HP+14, STR+4, Dark Resist+10, Boost UP, Lv54
Coffer 1: Garlaige Citadel:
Temple Crown(Head)
Def 21, HP+16, MND+5, Concentration UP, Lv56
Coffer 2: Beadeaux:
Temple Gi "shikurasu"(body)
Def 41, HP+20, VIT+3, Hit+5, Chakra UP (VITx3), Lv58
SWORD : D28; Delay240; VIT+2; MND+2
Gallant Leggings - Defense14; HP+15; CHR+5; Blocking with Shield Skill+10; Strength of Holy Circle Up
ARMOUR : Defense47; HP+20; VIT+4; Holy Magic Skill+5;
Hate +2
GAUNTLET : Defense16; HP+11; DEX+3; light magic resistance +10 Hate +2
CORONET : Defense24; HP+12; MND+3; Strength of Ability
Shield Up; Hate +2
BREECHES : Defense34; HP+15; AGI+3; Strengthening Magic Skill+5; Hate+2
WEAPON:DMG 15 / DELAY 195 / DEX +2 / AGI+2 / LVL 40
HELMET: Def23 / Lv54 / HP+13 / INT+5 / Parry+10 / Steal+1
BOOTS: Def13 / Lv60 / HP+12 / DEX+3 / ice resist+10 /
Tonzura(splint) duration up / steal+2
HANDS: Def15 / Lv52 / HP+10 / DEX+3 / ice resist+10 / steal+1
LEGS: Def32 / Lv56 / HP+15 / AGI+4 / Sheild skill+10 / steal+1
BODY: Def44 / Lv58 / HP+20 / STR+3 / earth resist+10 / Hide
duration up
SPEAR: D61 Delay 492 DEX+1 VIT+1 Lv42
HELMET: Def+ 16 - HP+12 - MND+5 Wind+10
Uses Breath effectively. Heal breath is also more effective.
ARMOUR: Def 38 - HP+15 - VIT+4 - Water resistance+10 Gives your Wyvern insta-regen. (SWEET!!)
DRAKEN FINGER: Def 15 - HP+11 - DEX+3 - Parry Skill +10 Increases your Wyvern's accuracy.
GREAVES: Def 10 - HP+12 - AGI+3 - Dodge Skill +5 Increases the damage of Jump.
PANTS: Def 27 - HP+15 - Earth+10 Increases effectivity of Enchanted Circle (def against dragon monsters) 10% hp bonus to wyvern.
SCYTHE: D68 Delay 528 STR+2 INT+2
HEAD: lvl 60, def 23, hp+12, str+4, dark magic skill +5, darkness effect up
BODY: lvl 58, def46, hp+20, vit+3, atk+5, weakening magic skill +5
HEADS: lvl54, def12, hp+11, dex+3, dark resistance +10, weapon bash effect up
BOOTS: lvl 52, def10, hp+15, mnd+5, arcane circle effect up
LEGS: lvl56, def31, hp+15, int+3, evade+5, parry+10
2H KATANA: lvl42, d56, delay450, str+1, agi+1
BOOTS: lvl52, def13, hp+20, fire resistance +10, evade +5, hate +5
HEAD: lvl60, def20, hp+10, mnd+5, protection circle effect up, silent concentration effect up
HANDS: lvl56, def15, hp+15, dex+4, hate +2, eating rice balls is more effective
LEGGINS: lvl53, def30, hp+15, str+3, earth resistance+10, parry +5
BODY: lvl58, def41, hp+10, vit+3, dark resistance +15,sometimes tp growth increases when suffering damage
1H KATANA: lvl 40, d 21, delay 216, str -1, dex +2
1H KATANA: lvl 40, d 23, delay 238, str +2, dex -1
HEAD: lvl 56, def 21, hp +10, chr +5, ice resistance +10, ninjutsu +5
BODY: lvl 58, def 41, hp +15, vit +3, 'Two swords style effective rise. occasionally add blazespike attribute.
HANDS: lvl 60, def 14, hp +13, dex +3, range atk +5, thowing weapon skill +5
LEGGINS: lvl 52, def 29, hp +15, range hit +10, night: evade +10
BOOTS: lvl 54, def 12, hp +12, agi +4, night: movement speed +25%
WAND: D27 every other 324 MP+10 MND+2 Lv41 - white magic increase
CAP/HOOD: def+ 21 MP+13 MND+4 resistance darkness +15 Lv54 - hate-1
ROBE: def+ 40 MP+15 wind resisting +10 Lv58 - weakening magic skill +10 hate-4
MITTENS: def + 14 MP+10 STR+5 Lv60 - white recovery magical skill +15 hate-4
FEET: def+12 MP+10 AGI+3 Lv52 - cast failure 20% down
TROUSERS: def+28 MP+15 VIT+3 Lv56 - white holy magical skill +15 hate-1
WAND :D12 every other 216 MP+20 Lv41 - black magic increase
HAT: def+ 20 MP+25 INT+4 resistance thunder +10 Lv60 - black hate-4
COAT: def+ 38 MP+16 VIT+5 Lv58 - weakening magic skill+10 hate-3
GLOVES: def+ 13 MP+12 CHR+3 Lv54 - darkness magic skill+15 hate-1
FEET: def+ 11 MP+10 AGI+3 Lv52 - cast failure 20% down hate -1
LEG: def+ 27 MP+14 HP +5 Lv56 - black dark magical skill +15 hate -1
KNIFE: EX D 15 every other 195 AGI+2 CHR+2 Lv40 - sing effective rise
HAT : def+ 15 HP+11 MND+3 Lv54 - parry skill +5
ARMOUR: def+38 HP+13 VIT+3 Lv58 - string instrument skill rise +3 hate -1
GLOVES: def+15 HP+14 CHR+4 Lv60 - sing song skills +5 hate -1
SHOES : def+10 HP+10 AGI+3 wind resisting +10 HP+5 Lv52 - sing
PANTS : def+ 27 HP+12 STR+5 Lv56 - sing wind instrument skills +3 hate-1
BOW :D 27 every other 360 AGI+4 Lv41 - bow skill increase
HEAD: def+ 21 HP+13 INT+3 ranged weapon attack +5 Lv54 - rapid shot ratio up
TORSO: def+41 HP+20 VIT+3 ranged weapon accuracy +10 Lv58 -hunting camouflage effective rise
HUNTER BLURRING: def+10 HP+10 DEX+3 resistance darkness +10 Lv52 - hunting shadow sewing effective rise
SOCKS: def+ 12 HP+10 AGI+4 HP+5 Lv60 - scavenger effectiveness rise
PANTS : def+ 27 HP+15 MND+5 Lv56 - sharpshooting ability up
1H AXE - D31 every other 276 STR+2 DEX+2 Lv40
HEAD: def+ 24 HP+15 DEX+3 INT+1 Lv56 - hate+1
ARMOUR- def+ 47 HP+20 VIT+5 fire-resistance +10 Lv60 - game hate +8
MUFFLER: def+16 HP+13 STR+4 Lv54 - game shield skill +10 hate +3
FEET: def+14 HP+12 AGI+3 Lv52 - game double attack effective hate +1
PANTS: def+ 34 HP+15 accuracy+3 AGI +3 Lv58 - game hate+2
Tazirai -stats for summoner AF and Red mage AF
Kagetsu- stats for Beastmaster AF, Monk AF, Paladin AF, Thief AF, Dragoon AF
Exile2k2- stats for scythe
Zsedc- Stats for the rest of Dark Knight AF, Samurai AF
Atma- for making the artifact armour website (link at the top of faq)
Maxim- for major corrections and dragoon spear stats (see his posts for exact details)
Russta- for samurais 'rice ball' correction
Last but not least me, RPGdemon, for organising this topic, putting the info together and finding the AF stats for: White Mage, Black Mage, Bard, Warrior and Ranger
A big thank you for eveyone who contributed, hope you find this mini FAQ helpful everyone

***Feel free to use this info on your site or where ever you want since this is to help people afterall, however please give credit to me and the people who contributed since its the right and respectable thing to do. im sure youll agree as well
