Is there much of a difference in the two (FFXI DRK Vs. EQOA SK) in the sense of stats or abilities? (I know the selfish SK only uses abilities on himself)
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Yes I know FFXI is better, it's not a EQOA question, it is a question about FFXI regarding to EQOA. If you don't like my topics then there is a simple solition to it, stop reading them or atleast don't post negatively in them. It seems like you are one of thoes people that will 'ruin' the FFXI gaming experience when it is released in NA.
I just want to know a little about the dark knight to see whether I want to be one or not and I am asking for a comparasion between a dark knight and a shadowknight because I have used one and it would help me in better understanding the abilities of the dark knight.
But if you want to be ignorant and negative then don't reply you're comments are useless.
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I don't know how SK in EQ works. I only played a pally in EQ...
DRK in FFXI is the master of 2 hands weapons and darkness magics. They have ability to boost the attack power with a trade of lowering defense and draining their own HP. They can bash with 2 hand weapons which stuns the enemy, stopping them from casting or perform any death blow.
Useful darkness magics DRK can use are drain (steal HP) aspil (steal MP) and status absorbs such as absorb strength, absorb dexterity, and so on.
DRK in FFXI is all about attacking. with the boost of their abilities they can do tons of damage on each swings and also from their WS. but their ability also is a self-suicide in a sense... they already have low defense and their ability will lower their defense even more for more attacking power.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Waba, the DRK is all about power. In that sense the two are the same, they can do lots of dmg. The main difference you will find is that in EQOA SK's were tanks and could take a hit. In FFXI this is definately not the case. DRK's are weak and can't take a hit at all, they are their solely for the purpose of dmg.Signpost of Lakshmi:
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DRK in FF11 have high hp, low defense, high damage, crippling spells
SK in EQ (not sure about EQOA) had high defense, mediocre damage, life leeching spells, crippling spells, steal strength spells, etc. and could pull with Feign death. DRK has a different job than the SK had in EQ. SK was generally a puller if no monk was avail and also a main tank that could hold aggro better than warriors. DRK could easily get aggro if it has provoke and DRK/war makes their role similar. DRK alone is just there to do damage though.
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kamikaze warrior... that's a great choice of wordsThere are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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DRK are similar to SK's in EQOA in that they both Damage-Dealing "tanks."' I know DRKs can't really take hits but the are many similarities between the classes in FFXI and EQOA.
Paladin (EQOA) Highest Defense; Lowest Attack; Heals; Taunt
Paladin (FFXI) Highest Defense; Lowest Attack; Heals
Warrior (EQOA) Mid Defense; Mid Attack; Taunt, Many extra Attacks
Warrior (FFXI) Mid Defense; Mid Attack; Provoke
SK (EQOA) Highest Attack; Lowest Defense; Life Draw abilities; Taunt; Debuffs
DRK (FFXI) Highest Attack; Lowest Defense; Life Draw ability
Now, this is just of the "tank" type classes. Basically, I mean classes that equip the heavy metal armors. EQOA doesn't have equivalents of the Samurai, Dragoon, and... damn I'm tired. Anyway,s I've said my useless piece."Don't blame me, blame yourself... or God"
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Don't know much about FF11 DRK...
EQ ( PC ) Shadow Knights:
1) spells to increase hatred ( hold taunt / agro )
2) Stat steals. Atk, AC, mana, hp. whatever really. In addition to raising the stats of party members with these "taps" it lowers / cripples the enemy.
3) Amazing skill with 2 handed weapons.
4) Skeleton pet that adds to thier modest damage.
5) Harmtouch ( the average high end everquest enemy might have 9,000hp and, EQ Sk's can lower the boom.. 7500+ in 0.1 seconds once every 72 minutes * assuming they have AA for harmtouch*)
6) Very high Defensive ability, pretty high Hp.
7) nukes nukes nukes. Not hard.. But extremely fast and alot of damage considering thier quick casting time.
8) the ability to "Lifetap" ( directly steal hp from an enemy)
Alot like paladin SK's in EQ were overpowered Well i'm a newbie FF11 wise, however I can't help but to correct false EQ information
Haven't played FF11 yet however I can't wait. This game looks to be amazing already and the inevitable patches will make it even better.63 dragoon , 31 white mage, 30 warrior, 13 monk, 10 samurai, 5 thief.
Proud to be Timeless / Lunarian / Ancient!
Shadowlords Behind sufficently Kicked!
Wyvern: Jessie the Cute
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