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Favorite Race.

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  • #61
    Humes then Elvaans... Humes are very sexy ... even hot...

    Elvaans... well their necks are too long and I could cut their heads off easily so I just don't want to be one... but the faces are nice...

    TaruTarus are cute... but I don't want to be cute *teehee *summons meteor* teehee sorry*

    and Galka and Mithra are too hairy... nuff said!


    • #62
      BORING! mithra and taru! yay! some change! finally!

      Humans have been around too long,, boring,,,

      Elvann are over-used, too many people wanting to be like Link or other ELf oriented characters,,boring

      Galka are the same as every other strong race, big, bulky and the same as everything related to a barbarian...boring,,

      Mithra and Taru Taru aRe the only different types as a whole, they make the game MUCH MORE interesting than typical human, old elvann, or overly sized galkas, which we have seen TOO many times in different games,, portraying my friends,,its all the same,



      • #63
        ok, but...

        Humans have been around too long,, boring,,,

        Elvann are over-used, too many people wanting to be like Link or other ELf oriented characters,,boring

        Galka are the same as every other strong race, big, bulky and the same as everything related to a barbarian...boring,,

        Mithra and Taru Taru aRe the only different types as a whole, they make the game MUCH MORE interesting than typical human, old elvann, or overly sized galkas, which we have seen TOO many times in different games,, portraying my friends,,its all the same,

        You're entitled to your opinion, but...

        What about the fact that Mithra are just a ripoff of all those Japanese cartoons, comics, and who knows what else..? It's the famous Japanese Kitten/Human hybrid that has been used WAY too often.

        Taru-taru? Ha! Don't make me laugh. They're midgets... All that cutetsy, wootsy little people... oh boy.. Taru-Taur's on a league off their own in this game.

        Don't put down humans. You are one, if you can't remember.
        They are so balanced, so skilled, and so perfect.
        These guys can take on any job.

        Galka, well, they're a big hunk of lard and muscle. I don't expect many people to see that as a popular character.

        *Looks at poll*

        Anyway, Elvaans... They are Elves? I mean you can't have a fantasy without Humans and/or Elves.. Well you can, but it's rare.
        I would expect the Elvaans to be the smartest and most powerful with magic. I would never think elves as... the strongest warriors.. I always veiwed them as well balanced, super smart creatures.

        Come on, though. Everyone seems to love Mithra.

        *Looks at poll*

        Well, I don't want to play Mithra, although they do look cool.
        I would definitly play a male Mithra.. Maybe, you might with a character changer? possibly.

        But... I am a Hume.. They are so balanced...

        A Red Mage Hume? Forget it! You can't get any more balanced!

        Mithras are cool, though.. I'll have to agree..

        I'd like to PT with one just to add a little more ethnicity into the group.

        Humes and Mithras would be the greatest of Rivals

        But with Humes winning, of course..

        Heh heh heh..

        *Looks at poll*

        *Points out poll to TiraTheMithra*
        WHM 5/ BLM 10/ RDM 34/ THF 15/ WAR 4/ MNK 1/ DRK 14/ DRG 1/


        • #64
          Going be an Elvaan!

          Human females though.... :spin:

          _Nya /\_/\
          \\~ =(*'


          • #65
            Come on, though. Everyone seems to love Mithra.
            I may be bringing this out of context... but the Mithra look pretty lonely nearly at the bottom of the poll to me ._.


            • #66
              I still can't decide...Both Hume and Elvaan are lovely!


              • #67
                *looks at av*

                Yesh... pretty obvious from people's avatars but mines an original!!!

                HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?

                (I don't expect anyone to answer I just wanted to ask anyways)


                • #68
                  Galkas are my favorite race, and I'll tell you why. They're big, hairy and very masculine. Just like me. lol. They may not be the most physically attractive race, but they look strong and able bodied. Maybe it's the 'misunderstood inner child' in me that identifies with them and their monstrous appearance. lol. Besides looks though, I don't really know how each race plays, as I haven't bought the game yet, but I tend to like physical fighter types. Galkas look like they'll be good at surviving group battles, and they seem ideal for soloing. And besides, what good is looking pretty going to do? lol.


                  • #69
                    no i lie
                    i love all you guys :-P


                    • #70
                      mithras, it used to be humes cuz i liked looking like myself but owell mithras kick ass

                      fk yes


                      • #71
                        I just started playing.. What are the most popular races on the servers? I want to be something you won't see as much.


                        • #72
                          Be a Galka
                          Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                          Merits - 98
                          Goldsmith - 85.2


                          • #73
                            Hume isn't really a favorite race... it's what you pick when you don't have a favorite race :/
                            Theres nonthing wrong with the humes...Their great but i have to admit i'm only going to be one becauses i really don't like the others.

                            I'll pay SquareEnix $100,000 if they can make my ingame character be a moogle.

                            I want to be a moogle
                            Me too!Kupo!
                            KUPO! ^^.....Kupo? O_O...........kupo...


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by DrMrLordX
                              I think the main reason why Galka are losing out in this poll is that . . . well . . . what job are Galka supposed to do the best? Humes have Red Mage, Mithra have Thief and . . . maybe Ninja and Ranger? Dunno. TaruTaru have Black Mage and Summoner locked up, and vie for being the best White Mages. Elvaan are probably the best Warriors, Monks(for damage, anyway), Paladins, Dark Knights, Samurai, and Dragoons. And Beastmasters too? sheesh. And some even consider Elvaan to be the best White Mages(ooh ooh me! Though levelling the BLM sub stinks). Some also consider Elvaan to be the best Bards, but I think that's a three-way tie between Hume, Elvaan, and TaruTaru.

                              So . . . what exactly do Galka do the best? A defensive Monk? Is this really the kind of Monk you want to play in a party? It sounds like a cool idea, and a Galka monk might make a halfway decent tank(maybe), but if I wanted to lay down the smack, I'd have to pick Elvaan.

                              Galka are the best paladins and monks not Elvaan! Pretty dang good at most other jobs too.


                              • #75
                                Look at sig... there is no better

                                Taru !
                                Full Cursed= O
                                Full Str Gear= O
                                Apocalypse= ; ;

                                DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                                1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O

