Ive been reding the posts by nico for a while on this topic
Qustion i have is this
In my anaylsis of the chemist is a class beyond the regular alchemy guild in game already.
But My question is how would you stop this class from being over powered.
WHM/RDM is in a PT fo rthe reasons of raising if neccessary and aslo because of weakening magics.
Rdm is best status inducer in game as it stands and whm also best healer.
Now when you raise your weakening and healing magick skills instead of say healing for 20-30 using cure 1 at max cap for healing you would heal for 30 everytime.
Also even though you can heal when an ally is being attacked there is the problem of casting time .
When i thought about the chemist I realized RDM/WHM?RNG are now defunct with this class.
Chemist mixes his items to create the desired thing like a potion.
Now with now healing skill level he tosses the potion to an ally auto 30 hp restored casting time involved at all. If you have a throw macro OMG hes awesome. He can toss all day long. NO casting time .. So his heals would have 2 benefits, one they would always do max healing, and two the have no casting tiem and would be effective immediately.
How would you fix the problem of time and healing issue also when a chemist uses other chemicals liek DOT's and weaking chemicals the only danger i can see a chemist being in is the amount of hate he would generate ..
I'd really liek to hear your thoughts on this NIco....
How would you stop that hate ....
Ive been reding the posts by nico for a while on this topic
Qustion i have is this
In my anaylsis of the chemist is a class beyond the regular alchemy guild in game already.
But My question is how would you stop this class from being over powered.
WHM/RDM is in a PT fo rthe reasons of raising if neccessary and aslo because of weakening magics.
Rdm is best status inducer in game as it stands and whm also best healer.
Now when you raise your weakening and healing magick skills instead of say healing for 20-30 using cure 1 at max cap for healing you would heal for 30 everytime.
Also even though you can heal when an ally is being attacked there is the problem of casting time .
When i thought about the chemist I realized RDM/WHM?RNG are now defunct with this class.
Chemist mixes his items to create the desired thing like a potion.
Now with now healing skill level he tosses the potion to an ally auto 30 hp restored casting time involved at all. If you have a throw macro OMG hes awesome. He can toss all day long. NO casting time .. So his heals would have 2 benefits, one they would always do max healing, and two the have no casting tiem and would be effective immediately.
How would you fix the problem of time and healing issue also when a chemist uses other chemicals liek DOT's and weaking chemicals the only danger i can see a chemist being in is the amount of hate he would generate ..
I'd really liek to hear your thoughts on this NIco....
How would you stop that hate ....