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Chemist ,,not workable, analysis inside

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  • #16
    You could always have the FF5 Chemist AF, much nicer looking. Who wouldn't want a turban after all? :sweat:

    Ille deus Morpheus non est Morpheus de Matrice, sed Morpheus, deus somni et mutantis!


    • #17
      To fix the probelm of inventory space they could simply add something like a "Component bag" it could hold all the items a chemist needed for their job skills only, and would only take up a single space on the main inventory slot. No other job could use the component bag, but it would allow chemist a clear inventory.

      Also, the most balancing would need to be done on making them a secondary healer class. Everquest had 3 healing classes clericbeing the best, then shaman, then druid. For FFXi they could simply have WM be the best healer, but with little variation, while chemist is a less effective healing class, but with the ability to do more things. Balancing ould be hard initially, but they are a viable class, and it would put more variety into the PT situation. I imagine that much like the summoner or bard, that chemist would be one of the jobs that is almost always used as a main though.

      And i think chemist AF armor would look just fine


      • #18
        One thing: how do you expect to scale the abilities of the Chemist up? It seems like you would allow the Chemist to mix whatever items you want at level 1. This creates the Chemist as an ideal sub job (its use in guns makes a Ranger/Chemist quite good), but a job nobody else would take as a main job.


        • #19
          As you may or may not have noticed, Mix is an active ability. Meaning that any character that took it as a sub-job wouldn't be able to mix items.

          (At least I'm almost certain subs don't have access to active abilitys, only passive.)


          • #20
            Wait, then does that mean that if I'm a Blm/Whm, I can't cast Whm? Or if I'm a Warrior/Dragoon, I can't Jump? That sucks!


            • #21
              OK OK OK well have any of you considered that toss would cost mp?? That would help with the anti-mp drain problem and i would have to think that to just be able to throw items would make the job pretty much usles as a sub.


              • #22
                I believe your half right. Jump is an active ability, however, White magic is a non-weapon skill. Therefore, BM/WM lets you cast WM magic.


                • #23
                  Would chemists be allowed to use gun weapon skills? I think only rangers can do that right now.


                  • #24
                    yeah, cuz im all confused now, what jobs can handle gunz? in the expansion movie there was a whm hume with a 1h gun

                    Expecting FFXI in a few days, probably going Elvaan Ranger.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Coinspinner
                      Would chemists be allowed to use gun weapon skills? I think only rangers can do that right now.
                      RNG can use all guns
                      THF and NIN can use some guns...

                      also, in keeping congruent with FFT, Chemists should be able to use guns...

                      Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


                      • #26
                        Instead of worrying about buying all the extra potions..why couldn't the chemist make their own through use of various other items? Instead of mixing damaging spells and super-heals..what if they only got to mix regular potions in a manner that would make it cheaper for the chemist to aquire them as opposed to buying them. You could have chemist's standing around the AH selling potions they made.
                        The only way to go is SOLO!


                        • #27
                          I made Chemists fairly good with guns to keep in context with FFT. I also made them good with throwing weapons simply because it made sense. :p

                          And as for only mixing regular potions... I don't want a repeat of Ragnarok Onlines merchant class. Every class in FFXI is combat worthy to a degree, and I didn't want to degenerate the class to that of shop keep. As it is, a Chemist would be a gil intensive class to play (like that of the Ranger). However, I tried to make the pay-off proportional to the cost. Also keep in mind that it will be somewhat cheaper for Chemists to make healing items, so selling potions, antidotes, ect. will likely still happen, were this class ever to exist.


                          • #28
                            Welllllll, they actually COULD become like RO merchants, depending on some system mechanics. The question is whether you mix two items and then use the resultant item or whether mixing two items causes an immediate effect (i.e., can you keep what you mix? Or does it automatically get used?). If you can stock Chemist mixes, then yes, a Chemist would take on some Merchant roles, but considering what happens when you mix Dark Matter and a Fire Gem in FFX, I seriously doubt they will suck in combat. What WOULD take the fun out of Chemists is if anybody can use mixed items. I mean, what's the point of having a potent restorative if just anybody can buy it off you and use it themselves? The only incentive there would be that Chemists get doubly powerful item usage.

                            Ideally, it would work like this:

                            1) Chemist mixes two items or reagents to create a new item. The item goes to the Chemist's inventory (I like the idea about a "Chemist Bag" a la the Spoils Bag in Zelda: WW), however, if he/she is in battle, the Chemist may opt to use it immediately.

                            2) If the resultant item is UNIQUE (i.e. it can ONLY be obtained by mixing), then only the Chemist in question may use or hold that item. (Perhaps it goes to the aforementioned Chemist Bag).

                            3) If the item is NOT unique (i.e. it could be otherwise obtained without the aid of a Chemist), then the Chemist in question may sell, trade, or give it to others for their personal use. (In this case the mixed item would go to the normal inventory.)

                            I think this class can and should exist. A well-stocked Chemist can unleash hell from a handbag...

                            Ille deus Morpheus non est Morpheus de Matrice, sed Morpheus, deus somni et mutantis!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DJplaeskool

                              RNG can use all guns
                              THF and NIN can use some guns...

                              also, in keeping congruent with FFT, Chemists should be able to use guns...
                              I know all those jobs can equip guns, but I read somewhere on this site that only Rangers could use TP skills (I believe one of them is called Sidewinder) with ranged weapons. I was thinking that if Chemists were allowed to do the same, the Ranger job would lose a lot of it's allure.


                              • #30
                                The allure of the Chemist is being able to throw the items. Some items (Grenades, ect.) would only be useable by throwing them, so only a Chemist class would get use from them.

                                Also, items Chemists make could be only useable by the Chemist class. So even though all potions they make are the same as any regular potion, only a Chemist would be able to use them, making the class more playable.

                                And even though a Chemist can use a gun, they would miss much more often than a Ranger or Theif would, and would be much less appealing as a damage dealer. Daggers or 1-H Staffs would likely be what most Chemists use.

