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Chemist ,,not workable, analysis inside

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  • Chemist ,,not workable, analysis inside

    sorry took so long to post but real life caught up to me and had to take care of some things.
    After much thought and talking to friends , the chmeist class is not doable in this game . Primary reason is space.
    You simply do not have the space in your inventory neccessary to make this a viable class , even after doing the goblin bag quest , which lets you carry 50 items, its just not enough space. and once you start adding loot from kills and what not it gets crowded kinda quick.
    Also the MIX skill. Again there are just too many items , it would a logistical nightmare trying to devise what each item will do when mixed with another. Unfortunately I am only one person and just dont have the time for the table of mixes.
    the last thing is that when looking at the alchemy guild already in game and the fact that youcan already make your own potions and what not , it seems redundant to make a classs that does the same thing . Square got their money right on this one. Sorry about this I failed on this account
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  • #2
    ...did you even consider the fact if a Chemist would be added, that they would post likely have a passive skill that increases their inventory. yet, i really doubt they WILL add a Chemist, i am just saying...i dont think you have really looked at what Square could possibly do with a Chemist.

    Although, i honestly believe that we wont see a Chemist job in ffxi.


    • #3
      I di dkef

      Originally posted by Keftenk
      ...did you even consider the fact if a Chemist would be added, that they would post likely have a passive skill that increases their inventory. yet, i really doubt they WILL add a Chemist, i am just saying...i dont think you have really looked at what Square could possibly do with a Chemist.

      Although, i honestly believe that we wont see a Chemist job in ffxi.

      I did look at it very carefully actually , thats why i mentioned the goblin bag quest . If chemists got a increase in carrying capacity thered be a nerf cry from the whole world. The chemist liek i said after careful thought would be redundant,,, now if we didnt have a alchemy guild a chemist might be doable might......
      It's Official Promathia Hates me....
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      • #4
        I could protest and argue about the whole chemist thing untill my fingers fall of typing but i'll take your word in that your tried to make it work and couldn't seem to make it work. . Its more than okay and i'd like to thank you for taking the whole chemist thing into consideration!!

        Does suck that you couldn't get it to work but i'll get over it



        • #5
          .... if they put chemist in game it's gonna be 1 of the most expensive job to play for sure....

          now that you started, i got some points that might be interesting about chemist...

          FF XI we can't use items on friends.... the ability to use high-ether or something to instantly heal the mages' MP would be really helpful.... now there's a certain thing we can make this thing come to live...

          FF V Chemist
          - they got the ability to mix items that other jobs can't, created a special medicine that can boost status in certain area. this can be implemented.
          - they use all potions for DOUBLE effects. so if potions heal for 100, it would heal 200 if used my chemist.

          so chemist role in a PT in my imagination would be mainly to boost status with their special potions mixed from special gradients. and real potions such as high-ether or high potions would only be used in emergancy or BC/boss battles. 50 storage space is more than enough if the chemist gradients can stack up to 99. high potions high ether will not be used that often if the chemist /whm he can cast cure instead.

          but that doesn't sound so useful to the PT yet.... unless the status adds are really..... obvious... like +20DEX....
          high ether heals.... normally 150MP right? hmm i can't remember. Doubling MP healed by high ether will be really great if you can ignore the fact that 1 high ether is 4,000+ gil....
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #6
            what if the "mix" abilty opened up a sub menu , like when you open magic you get a list of spells , with chemist , you open mix and get a list of a available mix's

            you buy mixing recipes from the shop , which in turn gives you the option to mix a new potion etc etc ,

            then when in battle , just pic mix - and all the potions you can mix will be there , but if you dont have the right ingrediants with u , it will be shaded out so you cant use it , i think this would work pretty well ,

            all ya have to do is eliminate "manual" mixing , and leave it like spell casting

            looks to me like you didnt explore all posibilities


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jei

              FF V Chemist
              - they got the ability to mix items that other jobs can't, created a special medicine that can boost status in certain area. this can be implemented.
              - they use all potions for DOUBLE effects. so if potions heal for 100, it would heal 200 if used my chemist.

              so chemist role in a PT in my imagination would be mainly to boost status with their special potions mixed from special gradients. and real potions such as high-ether or high potions would only be used in emergancy or BC/boss battles. 50 storage space is more than enough if the chemist gradients can stack up to 99. high potions high ether will not be used that often if the chemist /whm he can cast cure instead.

              jei makes good arguments and the one thing i did not think of was if ffxi could stack to 99
              right unless its beast coins stacks go to 12.
              IF they were to implement it that wold be nice .
              the only downside is the overall class power .
              Theyd be weaker than a summnoer and summoner is pretty weak physically.
              and the chemist would pretty much be a PT heal /stat monkey.

              good thing no lack of PT
              bad thing no solo ability.

              also If not for the alchemy guild it'd be cool.
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              • #8
                I think that Chemist could be pretty strong: They could use medium level guns, and could mix attacking potions ala FFX. This would mean yes they are weak but could be pretty strong. They should also have an ability to have maybe 100 item slots or 150. And to strengthen their weakeness they could make potions that would strengthen their endurance. Overall the chemist might work but Jei said it would be exspensive (which would be a turn off). AF would suck too, you'd look like a nurse.


                • #9
                  Should be a thief then!!!!

                  Expecting FFXI in a few days, probably going Elvaan Ranger.


                  • #10
                    Well, here's what I would work out for chemist:

                    Gun: B
                    Dagger: C
                    1-H Staff: C+
                    Throwing: B
                    Evade: C-
                    Shield: D
                    Item Toss: A+*

                    Passive Abilities:
                    Resist Sleep: Lvl 1: Sleep resistance up
                    2x Effective: Lvl 1: Items used in combat are twice as effective
                    Max Hp Up: Lvl 10: Maximum Hp increases
                    Extra Space: Lvl 20: Inventory can now store 55 Items
                    Fast Pitch: Lvl 30: Speed of Item Toss improves
                    Resist Charm: Lvl 40: Fascination resistance up
                    Extra Space: Lvl 45: Inventory can now store 60 Items
                    Resist Blind: Lvl 55: Darkness resistance up
                    Extra Space: Lvl 60: Inventory can now store 65 Items

                    Active Abilities:
                    Super-Charge: Lvl 1: Interval 2:00:00: Duration N/A: The next item you throw will be super-effective***
                    Mix: Lvl 5: Interval 0:01:00: Duration 1 Use: Allows you to mix reagents**
                    All-Or-Nothing: Lvl 30: Interval 0:15:00: Duration N/A: The next item you throw will have a random, super-effective effect.****


                    Keep in mind the chemist can already use and throw all items that can be normally used on a player, and that already exist in-game. Also, as another player mentioned, reagents can be stack up to 99, but items you mix could only be stacked to what they normally can in FFXI (12?).

                    Armor would be light with a bit of medium. Also, stats would be similar to a Red Mage and similar to a White Mage, but with higher agility and less strength.

                    * Item Toss: Lets you throw items to foes and allies, as long as they are within a certain range (Not stupidly long, but far enough for any normal battle.)

                    ** Mix: By mixing reagents you can create various powerful items, some that can only be obtained by the Chemist job. A list of some items the Chemist can create are below. (Note: Items will be layed out on a grid structue, like a previous person suggested. Items that you do not have the proper reagents for will be grayed out, and items that are too high level to create will be red. Also, in-game items will have reagents that are easier to find, therefore making it a bit cheaper to have a Chemist make potions than to buy them.)

                    Potion - Basic FF Potion, heals some Hp
                    Hi-Potion - Basic FF Hi-Potion, heals more Hp
                    Tonic - Heals some Hp and Mp
                    Elixer - Heals all Hp and Mp
                    Mass-Potion - Heals some Hp for all allies
                    Dynamite - Some damage to a foe
                    Blight Gas - Confuses a foe
                    Dark Matter - Massive damage to a foe
                    Nitro - Some damage to all foes
                    Echo Balm - Cures silence
                    Antidote - Cures poison
                    Memory Draught - Cures confuse
                    Snail Oil - Slows one foe
                    Warp Extract - Warps a friend or foe to another place in the general area
                    Summoner Essence - Brings forth a summon to do one attack
                    -More items, of course would be in the real game-

                    *** Super-Charge: Now your items get more bang for their buck, as well as a new name. (These are the evolution of the same items as before, so cross-reference if you feel like it.)

                    Mass-Potion - Heals some Hp for all allies
                    Mega Potion - Heals all Hp
                    Nectar - Heals some Hp and Mp to all allies
                    Special Blend - Heals all Hp and Mp, casts regain
                    Mana - Heals more Hp for all allies
                    Grenade - Deals more damage to a foe
                    Mustard Gas - Confuses all foes
                    Anti-Matter - Massive damage to all foes
                    Naplam - Some damage to all foes, poison effect
                    Throat Drop - Cures silence for all allies
                    Anti-Venom - Cures poison for all allies
                    Rememberizer - Cures confuse for all allies
                    Tar - Slows all foes
                    Time Bender - Warps a foe out of battle (This cannot be done on bosses, and some special battles. Also, nobody in the party gains experience from this.)
                    Esper Call - Brings forth a summon to do one powerful attack
                    -More items, of course would be in the real game-

                    **** All-Or-Nothing - You produce one random Super-Effective version of an item. However, items that could normally target foes will target foes and allies, and items that could only be used by allies can target foes as well. Also, multi-effect items will look like they target only one ally or foe; however the item will still have effect on the group. In other words, it can be a big gamble, but not without rewards.


                    In closing, I hope this will prove that Chemist could be a truly viable job. I think it would be a fun and supportive class that would certainly break away from the standard.

                    And as for the AF comment, they would look like they did from FFT! Not like nurses .


                    • #11
                      some problem would be when you store extra items and change job.... where they gonna go?
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #12
                        When you change jobs I would transfer all the extra items to the Mog House. However, if the Mog House cannot store all the extra items, I would warn the player and state that they either needed to make room in the Mog house or in their inventory. Untill the player had room, they could not change jobs.

                        This isn't the greatest way to solve the problem, but I think that it is probably the easiest and would cause the least amount of problems (Like lost items/equipment).


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Nico Silius
                          Well, here's what I would work out for chemist:

                          Gun: B
                          Dagger: C
                          1-H Staff: C+
                          Throwing: B
                          Evade: C-
                          Shield: D
                          Item Toss: A+*

                          Passive Abilities:
                          Resist Sleep: Lvl 1: Sleep resistance up
                          2x Effective: Lvl 1: Items used in combat are twice as effective
                          Max Hp Up: Lvl 10: Maximum Hp increases
                          Extra Space: Lvl 20: Inventory can now store 55 Items
                          Fast Pitch: Lvl 30: Speed of Item Toss improves
                          Resist Charm: Lvl 40: Fascination resistance up
                          Extra Space: Lvl 45: Inventory can now store 60 Items
                          Resist Blind: Lvl 55: Darkness resistance up
                          Extra Space: Lvl 60: Inventory can now store 65 Items

                          Active Abilities:
                          Super-Charge: Lvl 1: Interval 2:00:00: Duration N/A: The next item you throw will be super-effective***
                          Mix: Lvl 5: Interval 0:01:00: Duration 1 Use: Allows you to mix reagents**
                          All-Or-Nothing: Lvl 30: Interval 0:15:00: Duration N/A: The next item you throw will have a random, super-effective effect.****

                          veri good job on the chemist an glad soemone else worked out a class idea.

                          Now if you dont mind a little critism..... its no flame...
                          1) the mix skills listed are very white mage like. and you will efffectively kill the whitemage class with a chemist. they can do everything and have no mp at all to lose.
                          CHEMIST= INSTANTLY vauable to a PT never worry about being healed..

                          2) the 2hr ability doesnt really do anything special and waste two hrs just for one effective item is bad news for a PT.

                          3) the passive abilities are too varied to be effective. evenif they are passive you still would have to "activate " them and to have that many in a macro or scroll thru menu would not be fun.

                          4)Guns, just killed the ranger class also.

                          5)OKANE/GIL/MONEY: you are sssooooooooo brokek its not funny, have to buy all those regents and activators and junk.

                          6)space: not enough

                          7)space again: MORE space = nerf to class by square others would want the extra space also

                          8)PT ability: I know you listed some of the benefits for this class as far as PT goes. BUT the armor selection treads on red mage territory ...nerf... and if you cant select better armor you will get squished quickly.

                          9)POWERFUL: You make the chemist not need other classes to be effective. It can solo forever.. Remeber most chemicals and regents act liek a DOT or damage over time spell.

                          EXAMPLE : you fight a lich in lets say lizard armor level 30
                          You have a gun and Phoenix downs . GUNS in this game hurt. You hit the lich them throw chemicals on it for the DOT and then phoenix down it . you may not even get a chance to use renkei at all because it'd be dead. Undead hate healing items like in all FF's to date .You just soloed a lich which would normally require full PT and pre set renkei to be good against it.

                          I looked at this class from the stand poitn of playing it already and seeing the interactions of a PT an dits members. all the classes have to be PT friendly , without treading on anothers skill area.

                          BUTother wise You did a DAMN good job on the chemist.

                          It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                          それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                          A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                          BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                          • #14
                            Chemists looked like nurses in FFT IMO.


                            • #15
                              tazirai, you brought up some good points. However, I'd like to bring up a few points that I *think* would counteract it a bit.

                              1. The issue of gil is a major one. The huge cost, if anything, would prevent this class from becoming too over-powered. Ranger is an excellent class, yet so many people stop playing it because of the cost involved in just useing bows and arrows. Using Guns, Items, and Reagents would make this class very cost prohibitive, preventing an incredibly massive influx of players.

                              2. A chemists accuracy, while good, wouldn't be that great and certainly wouldn't be that of a Rangers. Also, if a chemist can afford to throw out items AND waste ammo, then they must be gushing gil like no tommorrow. Plus, their stats are between that of a Red and a White Mage. I don't think the class would truly threaten Ranger.

                              3. As far as space goes a Chemist won't be able to hold very much loot. Perhaps there would be an item that could be released that takes up one slot but can hold four reagents. Space would be at an extra premium for this class, one of the points that I tried to counteract all the things great about it. As for the extra space the class gets I tried to make it small enough to prevent most complaints, but help with some of the inventory issues. Maybe I failed. :sweat:

                              4. It's super ability isn't that great. However, I think that, at the least, that it's as good or somewhat better than the Ninja's. Also keep in mind that the super-powered items would be quite a bit better than the average items and that to make a super-powered item would cost a fortune, so more than anything the super ability is versitile and helps keep the gil cost down.

                              5. Hmm, I don't quite understand the passive ability complaint. As for the varied status guards, I mostly threw those in to make the chemist more unique. They could go, but I thought varied protection was at least interesting.

                              6. As for items like Pheonix Down... I would imagine that the reagents to make t would be so hard to get and expensive that killing a Lich with it would be like throwing valuable gil down the drain. (Even if there was Pheonix Down available, it probably wouldn't heal anywhere near 9999, maybe only a revive with a few hundered hp, as I don't want to totally cripple WM.)

                              7. I was thinking that with even faster item toss it would be something like casting a spell; that is it wouldn't be instant, and if you were hit it would mess up your aim and the item you wanted to throw would be destroyed.

                              8. I agree with the armor issue. It would have to be a bit stronger than a WM, or a BM, but not much stronger at all.

                              The problem with gil would be the biggest issue preventing Chemist from being too strong; in fact I think it might make the class as rare as Ranger.

                              Still, you brought up some excellent points, and the class would have to be balanced for quite a while before it would be truly playable. In fact, I think this class would be the hardest to balance in the game. It can be too weak, or too strong very easily.

                              WM would still be in trouble, even with the points I tried to work on. Something would have to be done to the items and balancing would need work, but I would like Chemist to be a bit faster in healing, and a bit more varied than a WM, but at the cost of gil and reagent hunting. Just another way to have an additional healer on the team.

                              You brought up some great points, though. If anything you helped bring to light some of the inherent problems of making a Chemist.

                              As for the Af... for the females they may look like nurses... but to me the males look like a cross between a delivery boy and a boy scout. So there. :p

