For anyone who cares, AV was killed by Resonce LS this past weekend, Summoners Perfect Defense was used in the success along with the standard locking of 2hr's and Regen. Big congrat's to those guys, and sell me an N.sash lmao.
No announcement yet.
AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
Bwuh? AV meteor spam gets dodged by Summoners using Alexander? Is that what I just heard?
Incoming emergency patch!Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
Name: Drjones
Blog: Mediocre Mage
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Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
wow nice, that bastard needed to go down ;p-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.
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Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
Agreed, DIAF AV.
But that DOES sound like a glitch, as PD is only meant to reduce damage and avoid ailments, not grant invincibility o.O
Also there was a maint earlier today so they may have already ninja fixed this.
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Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
Originally posted by Malacite View PostPD is only meant to reduce damage and avoid ailments, not grant invincibility o.O
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Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
Watch them nerf Fealty along with Perfect Defence now =P
Just kidding. It would only be delaying the inevitable - with or without Perfect Defence, someone's bound to kill Absolute Virtue legitimately somewhere between the Level 80 and Level 99 caps.
Still, kudos to the people who pulled it off.
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Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
My LS, iiZerg, killed yesterday ^^ Grat's guys
(I was not there as I was coming home from the Gym, and have been taking a break from LS events anyway to cap out my jobs @ 80)
It actually wasn't our kill, TheDarkGuys, A GMT based LS have been spaming him lately trying to get their kills, and they wiped at 10%. We claimed and killed at 10%, drops were: Raphael Rod, Aueroal(sp), Mars, and Bellona's rings.
We kept lolRod and Aeroula, and gave them the rings. We hadn't gotten along in the past for the most part, but our LS leader/ as well as most of the LS, felt it was the right thing to do, that we give them back most of the drops.
We'll be making our 1st real attempt soonish ^^
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Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
Originally posted by ShepardG View PostMy LS, iiZerg, killed yesterday ^^ Grat's guys
It actually wasn't our kill, TheDarkGuys, A GMT based LS have been spaming him lately trying to get their kills, and they wiped at 10%. We claimed and killed at 10%, drops were: Raphael Rod, Aueroal(sp), Mars, and Bellona's rings.
We'll be making our 1st real attempt soonish ^^sigpic
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Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
Aureole.Originally posted by ArmandoNo one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.Originally posted by ArmandoNintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.Originally posted by TaskmageGOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA
THE END IS COMING ONE OF THESE DAYS WHEN GOD GETS AROUND TO ITOriginally posted by TaskmageHowever much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
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Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
Originally posted by Cotners View PostStealing popped NMs is dirty lol. (Yes, I know he isn't directly popped)
It would have been better for us too basically help them out, and possibly have the favor returned at the cost of a single N.sash or G.katana.
I don't know about other shells, but I fell we just put Sea farming back into the schedule for the next few weeks until the level cap obsolete's those drops. /shrug
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Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
I’d say if they all dropped with no hopes of getting claim/kill, then its free game. Although I wouldn’t walk around bragging that my LS killing AV since technically…90% of the damage was already done for you. However, if I were in your situation, I wouldn’t wait till AV fully regen’d either lol.
Not that this situation is at all on the same level as AV, but there have been a few times where I’ve popped Despot or other NMs on Bst and people have been nice enough not to steal unless I wipe. Which I think is totally fair. Stealing during a mischarm or while swapping is just poor sportsmanship.
Also, kudos for giving some of the drops back. Very respectful. Cant believe people would be bitching if you gave rings back to them. Fail and get nothing? Or fail and get something…which would you choose ><99 BST, PUP, WAR, MNK, THF, WHM, BLM, SMN, RNG, BLU, RUN, PLD
-Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
-Farsha (90) Completed!!
-Verth (90) Completed!!
-Guttler (95) Completed!
-Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
-Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
-Aegis just started
***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***
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Re: AV killed 6Aug2010, gogo alexander!
Originally posted by MrMageo View PostWhy give them drops? They died the mob was free, a wipe means a loss.
Being nice to people isn't a bad thing, you know.
* * *
I wouldn't have taken any item at all. While there's no in-game mechanism to prevent it after the wipe, and there's no ethical requirement to not take anything, the other LS farmed the pop items for their AV pop, and it would show good will on your part. That good will is important.
It's not even about karma; the player population is only going to get smaller; sowing good will now will definitely reap benefits down the line. More likely than not, you will see these people again (and again), and probably can use a helping hand or two from them in the future.Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
leaving no trace in the water.
- Mugaku
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