Re: Selphiie's Guide To Party Leaders
Why would I be pulling with Pebbles as a Dragoon when I can pull with a Chakram? >.>
Will I be the dedicated puller even though I have a decent pulling weapon?
Heck no!
I have yet to find an instance where one of these jobs was not LFG: Warrior, Thief, Ranger, Corsair, Bard or Sam/Rng.
Depending on the amount of people on, the day, the star's alignment, it can take far longer to find a replacement than 30 seconds, especially with all the AFK people LFG lately.
Also, unless they bring in someone who is an identical job/subjob combo, and in some cases identical level, I am easily offended by people replacing themselves without asking me first.
I, not you, am the party leader.
I, not you, have a specific plan for this party.
I, not you, will decide who, what, and when to invite to the party.
If you do not like that then form your own party. I will not tolerate backseat party leaders who, after I invite them, proceed to tell me who I HAVE to invite and where I HAVE to go with the party. I will accept suggestions, I don't take orders from someone too lazy to form their own party and who will not take responsibility for if/when the party goes bad.
Back to the people getting their own replacements thing. It is always best to tell the party leader something like, "Hey, I need to leave in about 30 minutes, do you want to find a replacement for me or shall I?" This gives the leader a chance to find out how long the other people will be staying, and it gives him the option of having you look or looking himself.
I have had far to many key jobs replace themselves with something idiotic, like a Whm replacing themselves with a Warrior or something equally stupid. That is unacceptable to me. If you are going to replace yourself at least get someone who can fit your role in the party.
Why would I be pulling with Pebbles as a Dragoon when I can pull with a Chakram? >.>
Will I be the dedicated puller even though I have a decent pulling weapon?
Heck no!

fact is lots of times parties wont have a defacto puller, because there are none.
I notice alot of the time plaers no longer respecet the party by finding a replacement, when im the leader i find it really irritating because it becomes my issue to find a replacement. No matter what the excuse is you have to leave right away blah blah blah players can always take the 30's logout to find a rep and send him to you or tll the leader i asked so and so.
Also, unless they bring in someone who is an identical job/subjob combo, and in some cases identical level, I am easily offended by people replacing themselves without asking me first.
I, not you, am the party leader.
I, not you, have a specific plan for this party.
I, not you, will decide who, what, and when to invite to the party.
If you do not like that then form your own party. I will not tolerate backseat party leaders who, after I invite them, proceed to tell me who I HAVE to invite and where I HAVE to go with the party. I will accept suggestions, I don't take orders from someone too lazy to form their own party and who will not take responsibility for if/when the party goes bad.
Back to the people getting their own replacements thing. It is always best to tell the party leader something like, "Hey, I need to leave in about 30 minutes, do you want to find a replacement for me or shall I?" This gives the leader a chance to find out how long the other people will be staying, and it gives him the option of having you look or looking himself.
I have had far to many key jobs replace themselves with something idiotic, like a Whm replacing themselves with a Warrior or something equally stupid. That is unacceptable to me. If you are going to replace yourself at least get someone who can fit your role in the party.