Selphiie’s Guide To Party Leaders
- Be a follower before you become a leader:
- Know where you want to go before you start a party:
- Level gap:
- Don’t start a party unless there are enough people seeking:
- Don't discriminate based on jobs:
- Know what your going to kill:
[Armando] Overhunting:Basically it's when you (try to) kill mobs that too high for the party's level. You know, those really god-awful fights where every mob gives 200 EXP and it takes for-freaking-ever to kill them D:
I think it's the single most common mistake parties that are otherwise good make. It really grinds my gears knowing that I could be making much better EXP if the party would just kill something a few levels lower.
- Asking people who aren't seeking:
- Try to keep the party balanced:
- Read Search comments:
- Don’t make a party then give someone else leader:
- Your responsible as party LEADER:
- Search ahead before going to camp:
- Don’t just invite people who are sitting in town:
- Give a little respect to Beastmasters/(And other soloists):
- If the camp you are at starts to become a little more crowded, then go somewhere else:
- Inviting A Puller:
Ask a member if he would be alright pulling before heading out .(Somepartymember â—€Fishingâ–¶ OK?) That way he can grab a range weapon and ammo first if he doesn't already have it. Avoid asking members with MP (DRK can do it, especially with Refresh), shouldn't be asking DRG or MNK for the role at all.[IfritnoItazura]
- Most importantly, be mature:
Also, I'm open to suggestions/additions~