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Dynamis configuration tweak

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  • Dynamis configuration tweak

    So, my fourth Dynamis run I was the whm put in the main assist party which didn't freak me out at all

    It didn't go as well as I might have hoped, a lot of which was my struggling horribly against the lag so I was hoping for some advice. Last week, I wasn't in the main assist party but we had nearly 3 full alliances and the lag wasn't nearly as bad as it was this evening which I don't really get.

    The lag was crippling, had a lot of trouble firing off macros. A few times someones health bar dropped from full to 0 instantaneously and then a number of hits would show up in the chat log a second or so afterwards (not 100 fists, I checked).

    At the moment I have most of the chat stuff filtered out. The only things I see are special actions by my party, damage taken by party members, the mobs attacks, resists by the mobs (which I might take out because of the sleepga spam) and resists by the players.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that I might not have enough effects turned off, it's only really just occurred to me this evening that that might be some of the problem.

    Any tips for minimising lag would be very much appreciated.
    Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress

  • #2
    Re: Dynamis configuration tweak

    Originally posted by Saren View Post
    So, my fourth Dynamis run I was the whm put in the main assist party which didn't freak me out at all
    So, not tank party, right?

    Originally posted by Saren View Post
    I have a sneaking suspicion that I might not have enough effects turned off, it's only really just occurred to me this evening that that might be some of the problem.
    You might as well just turn off all effects; battle, weather, footprint, shadows, etc. Focus on the HP bars; tell people under your care to call out status cure they need in case you miss it in logs.

    One trick I'm forced to use is to turn the camera angle away from people whenever it's safe to do so. Freaking 2 frame per second is impossible to operate FFXI under, no matter how much I try to anticipate.

    Use F1~F6 key to select party members, F11 and F12 for leaders of other parties in alliance. You probably already put <stnpc> in Repose macro, but if there are quite a few critters, it may be slightly better to run up to the one you want to use Repose on, face it, then hit the macro--so it'd be the target selected. <t> on macros is a hindrance for me.

    * * *

    As a RDM crowd controller in Dynamis, this is what I want from my WHM:
    • Prioritize status fix for me. >_>; Unless the WHM is also covering tank, of course.
    • A big crowd of monsters means I may need that Cure V right after the Sleepga wears off.
    • Raise me ASAP if I go down--if there are critters, I'm not off-duty--those monster won't stay asleep just because I'm eating dirt.
    • Personally, I cap my exp every week, so Raise 1 is fine if MP is a concern; just get me off the floor fast. (Note: Not all RDMs feel the same. )
    • Toss me Protect and Shell after Raise if possible; my MP is better spent on Sleep and other spells. (Yes, I'm still on crowd control when weakened.)
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #3
      Re: Dynamis configuration tweak

      Personally, dont have any filters except stuff done by people outside party/alliance. Until SE bring in Filter "sets" I'm too lazy to configure it each time :/

      Lag isnt a major issue for me, and everyone gets those time you describe when people are dead before their HP bars even move. They should understand.

      However, if it bugs you that much, turning off effect as Itazura suggested should help. Good thing you are enjoying it still, Dynamis becomes so boring after the 800th time >.>

      Becomes eaiser as you learn the mob names and jobs too, you know to top HP up more on NIN mobs and throw a barfira, you know PLD mobs tend to wake much earlier (if you are a fan of repose and take some crowd control duty), you'll know which mobs love to spam dispelga and paralyga etc... when you have done ti a few more times, its almost as dull as an exp party becuase you know exactly what is coming.


      • #4
        Re: Dynamis configuration tweak

        Hongman: I'm pretty sure there's a third party program out there that will safe configuration sets for you. Mog Config or something
        MogToolz: FFXI configuration tool home

        har we go
        Last edited by Feba; 02-06-2008, 03:30 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


        • #5
          Re: Dynamis configuration tweak

          Once i moved to my laptop I have had no problems with lag what so ever. I run in the offical windower, and usually stream tv shows from abc/nbc/etc or pop in a dvd and run crisp. When i was on ps2 i shut down everything every last option and it ran very smooth
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • #6
            Re: Dynamis configuration tweak

            Thanks for the replies


            Not quite sure what you mean, still not up on how people refer to things. It wasn't the pld party, had that my first two times, that was pretty easy. By main assist I mean the people who engage first and end up tanking them 90% of the time, they were war/sam last night. It's the party that takes all the damage.

            Targetting I use F1 to F6 for my party and that neat little compact keyboard function for the rest of the alliance, it's very fast. I haven't been reposing at all, the rdms and blms tend to have sleep pretty much locked down tight.

            Status effects I am not too worried about because I don't seem to be struggling with them too much and as you said, people tend to shout. Also batpetra + barstonra ftw, full resists are nice.

            Thanks for the tips but two of my friends is rdm so I have had the lectures on how not to drive the rdm in my party crazy. They covered pretty much most of what you said Haven't actually had a rdm die on me yet.

            I think more filters might be the answer.


            Still new enough to be fun barring the frustration of last night.

            I actually read quite a lot in advance and because I know what I'm like I have a page with a few things scrawled on, like which mobs on this run are nin, which mobs have AoE I need to worry about. It's sad but I prefer to have it there so I can glance if I need to. nin mobs are barfira, top everyone up and then finger hovereing over curagag 3-4

            I haven't actually been worrying about crowd control really, probably something I need to work on.


            Running the official windower on my PC and the only thing I have running background in Dynamis is my music player so pretty sure it's not that.
            Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


            • #7
              Re: Dynamis configuration tweak

              Originally posted by Saren View Post
              I haven't been reposing at all, the rdms and blms tend to have sleep pretty much locked down tight.
              Slimes are resistant to dark based sleep, so RDMs like me do appreciated when WHMs use Repose on those. (Plus, I think a lot of WHMs are bored in my Dynamis LS; I see them randomly reposing critters left and right for relief.)

              Originally posted by Saren View Post
              Thanks for the tips but two of my friends is rdm so I have had the lectures on how not to drive the rdm in my party crazy. They covered pretty much most of what you said Haven't actually had a rdm die on me yet.
              Ah, sorry. For some odd reason, I tend to get K.O.'ed a lot, even in like Dyanmis - Bastok. My first thought after going down is always: "Get me up!" I'd like earn my Relic gears, not lying down on the job while other people are working.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku

