So, my fourth Dynamis run I was the whm put in the main assist party which didn't freak me out at all 
It didn't go as well as I might have hoped, a lot of which was my struggling horribly against the lag so I was hoping for some advice. Last week, I wasn't in the main assist party but we had nearly 3 full alliances and the lag wasn't nearly as bad as it was this evening which I don't really get.
The lag was crippling, had a lot of trouble firing off macros. A few times someones health bar dropped from full to 0 instantaneously and then a number of hits would show up in the chat log a second or so afterwards (not 100 fists, I checked).
At the moment I have most of the chat stuff filtered out. The only things I see are special actions by my party, damage taken by party members, the mobs attacks, resists by the mobs (which I might take out because of the sleepga spam) and resists by the players.
I have a sneaking suspicion that I might not have enough effects turned off, it's only really just occurred to me this evening that that might be some of the problem.
Any tips for minimising lag would be very much appreciated.

It didn't go as well as I might have hoped, a lot of which was my struggling horribly against the lag so I was hoping for some advice. Last week, I wasn't in the main assist party but we had nearly 3 full alliances and the lag wasn't nearly as bad as it was this evening which I don't really get.
The lag was crippling, had a lot of trouble firing off macros. A few times someones health bar dropped from full to 0 instantaneously and then a number of hits would show up in the chat log a second or so afterwards (not 100 fists, I checked).
At the moment I have most of the chat stuff filtered out. The only things I see are special actions by my party, damage taken by party members, the mobs attacks, resists by the mobs (which I might take out because of the sleepga spam) and resists by the players.
I have a sneaking suspicion that I might not have enough effects turned off, it's only really just occurred to me this evening that that might be some of the problem.
Any tips for minimising lag would be very much appreciated.