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  • Skillchains?

    Sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I'm curious about skillchains and their releveancy to the game.

    I've been playing for almost 2 months and in my entire time I've only seen one skillchain, and I often hear posts saying things like "I haven't seen a skillchain in months."

    I'm curious why?It seems like it'd be a fun and tactical part of battle, but I don't see them used, are they only used at higher levels, or is there a reason why people aren't doing them? Maybe it's because I usualy play backline jobs?
    BRD 75 WHM 44 RDM 20 NIN 23 WAR 20 THF 16

    Score: Maat 3 Prons 1
    Bard Maat Masher: Shiva Record Holder, 4 minutes, 47 seconds.

  • #2
    Re: Skillchains?

    The main problem regarding this is Treasures of Aht Urghan.

    Y'see, before that expansion was released, Skillchain/Magic Burst parties were common at all levels of play, while the "TP Burn" play style and mentality were limited to King Ranperre's Tomb, behind the Moongates in Ro'Maeve, or in the deepest reaches of Tu'Lia. Everyone built parties around finding the proper jobs that wielded the correct weapons that made the right Skillchains that the Black Mages in the parties (yes, BLMs got parties back then) could properly Magic Burst off of, for maximum damage on pre-determined camps.

    Then ToAU came along, and more specifically, Colibri and Imps.

    Now, you only see Skillchains either by A] a Samurai self chains, B] a Blue Mage does the dame, or C] Random. The "TP Burn" style has reached almost every level of play, and as a consequence, player skill in a Skillchain/MB setup is all but lost.

    If you want to see a Skillchain in action, I'd suggest making your own parties with the express purpose of doing so, going after mobs that aren't so squishy, but I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you "Good Luck" when trying that.

    Last edited by LilithAngel; 01-29-2008, 10:57 PM. Reason: Yes, sometimes Story Time doesn't have a happy ending...


    • #3
      Re: Skillchains?

      The efficiency of skillchains is overrated in many XP-related cases. Why?

      Because a Weaponskill's power is dependent on TP and for many weaponskills the TP points from 0 to 100% are more valuable than the TP points from 100%-300%. Therefore, any TP you "waste" by putting it into the 100-200 zone causes a requisite decrease in your overall damage.

      For instance, most multihit weaponskills are modifier 1.00 under all conditions. Therefore, if you charge to 125% or even 300%, you get the exact same damage as going to just 100%. A similar problem happens with single hit WS like Tachi: Gekko that has modifiers of 1.5625, 1.875, and 2.5. Each TP point from 0-100% is worth .015625, but the points from 100-200 are only worth 0.003125 and the points from 200-300 are worth 0.00625. Therefore, the SAM who WS's at 100% each time does approximately 87.5% more damage than a person who charges to 300% (I do 3 WS's @ 1.5625 = 4.6875 and he does 1 WS @ 2.5, 4.6875/2.5 = 1.875). Therefore, it is a waste of TP to let even a single hit of my precious TP go into the 100-200% buffer.

      Basically, it all comes down to parsed statistical performance. In quite a few cases, skill chains can be quite beneficial (especially when you want to land some very nice unresisted nukes). Most of the time people focus on XP since we spend so much time doing it. In XP it is inefficient. In non-XP situations, it can be very beneficial. You'll see skillchains, just don't expect them in XP parties unless you have a BLM.


      • #4
        Re: Skillchains?

        Skillchain in exp parties is pretty "efficient" under some unusual conditions, such as a weak front line, monsters which spam very dangerous TP moves while low HP, and those annoying Dhalmels with crazy Healing Breezes.

        Even then, it's worthwhile only if you have one or more strong nukers who can Magic Burst for big damages.

        That said, I've always found SC+MB to be more fun than WS spam parties. =/

        * * *

        My last SC+MB party was on SCH, in Bibiki Bay, fighting rabbits. That party moved to Garlaige Citadel later, and still SC+MB'ed. That was less than three weeks ago. A few days before that, I had another SC+MB party in Yuhtunga Jungle. (Again, on SCH.) Less than two weeks before that (I think), had a merit party on Trolls--you gussed it, SC+MB.

        So, SC+MB isn't quite dead for exp--just rare.
        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
        leaving no trace in the water.

        - Mugaku


        • #5
          Re: Skillchains?

          I miss doing a SATA VB to close Distortion for crazy damage. /sigh
          FFXIV Balmung Server
          Tenro Matashi


          • #6
            Re: Skillchains?

            I always figured the wasted TP would be more than made up for by the SC damage and additional damage to the MBed spell. Worse than wasted damage from extra TP is having to use a weak WS in order to produce a SC that the enemy won't outright resist. It's just not worth doing.


            • #7
              Re: Skillchains?

              Originally posted by Coinspinner View Post
              I always figured the wasted TP would be more than made up for by the SC damage and additional damage to the MBed spell. Worse than wasted damage from extra TP is having to use a weak WS in order to produce a SC that the enemy won't outright resist. It's just not worth doing.
              I imagine it depends on how much you're "wasting". 125% or so, yeah, you're probably right. 300% every time and there's no way a SC+MB bonus damage is going to make up for lost damage on most ws's due to too much tp.
              In my static (which hasn't xp'd in months) my SAM sc's with the THF. I can get off 2+ with meditate in the time it takes the thf to get 1. So I'll usually SC one and solo the other.
              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

              PSN: Caspian


              • #8
                Re: Skillchains?

                Another point with Skillchain is, you have to build a party for that: You have to consider the DD's weapons type, speed of TP gain, mob's weakness/resistance, what WS to use, who is doing the MB, etc. In other words, you won't expect good result if the party just randomly throw in 2 DD to do SC.

                For example, at level 40 if you want a THF to close Distortion with SATA Viper Bite, you would want to invite a RNG, DRG, SAM or a Great Sword using DRK to open Distortion.

                Back in the days some DD job is not "wanted" in parties because they can be part of certain Skillchain and players' ignorance, even though that DD job is great itself.

                Today's generation of DD, a lot of the old school stuff is lost, like back-up tanking, link handling, line up of SATA, Skillchain, several capped weapon skill for SC, alternative tanking gear, pulling without killing the party, etc.

                For a DD, the first step of SC is report TP consistently:

                /p TP @ <tp>

                Sigh... it used to be very fun when exp. as DD, instead seeing those who draw the weapon out and then watch TV~
                Last edited by Celeal; 01-30-2008, 11:01 AM.
                Server: Quetzalcoatl
                Race: Hume Rank 7
                75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


                • #9
                  Re: Skillchains?

                  Originally posted by Caspian View Post
                  I imagine it depends on how much you're "wasting". 125% or so, yeah, you're probably right. 300% every time and there's no way a SC+MB bonus damage is going to make up for lost damage on most ws's due to too much tp.
                  In my static (which hasn't xp'd in months) my SAM sc's with the THF. I can get off 2+ with meditate in the time it takes the thf to get 1. So I'll usually SC one and solo the other.
                  Certainly. And if the tank also reports TP then there's occasionally an opportunity for another SC there too.


                  • #10
                    Re: Skillchains?

                    Skillchains happen in Burn parties too, they're just usually not planned in advance. You see so-and-so WS, and just wait a tick before WS'ing yourself, and you have yourself an impromptu Skillchain with a requisite damage boost. Pre-planned SC's have a tendency to waste more TP. Try WSing with one of us pathetic RDMs in a Skill-up/Latent PT.


                    • #11
                      Re: Skillchains?

                      Anyway, to OP:
                      1. Skillchain is still an important part of FFXI; you need to learn about it.
                      2. Skillchain isn't as important in exp'ing, leveling up portion of the game as before, though you may still see it from time to time.
                      3. Skillchain and Magic burst style of play is fun!

                      The reason it's fun is because it requires teamwork; makes a player feel a part of a bigger whole, instead of just "Doing my thing and trying not to fall sleep."
                      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                      leaving no trace in the water.

                      - Mugaku


                      • #12
                        Re: Skillchains?

                        Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
                        Lots o' stuff
                        While most of what you said is true, it really only applies to "squishy" type parties, such as Imps. The problem is, people are taking this TP-burn mentality and using it on monsters that are not "squishy", and the efficiency of this is much lower then SC + MB in these setups.

                        For instance: With Imps and Colobri, you are trying to kill a monster with a low amount of HP in a short amount of time. If you tried to set up a Skillchain on these monsters, you would usually end up with drastic overkill, and wasted TP from waiting for other members to get enough TP to SC.

                        On the other hand, when you are fighing normal monsters, lvs 10-54 and sometimes higher, even in EXP situations SC + MB is drastically
                        more efficient. The reason for this, is even though you lose potential damage from letting your TP go into the 101-150% range, that damage is nearly, if not completely made up for with the damage from a skillchain effect alone, let alone the extra damage from a magi burst. With Light and Darkness skillchains, the SC damage can be mirrored 100%, letting you get off "3" WS for ~250% TP. Add in the Magic Burst M. Acc. and M. Atk. from even one mage, and it is already superior even in an EXP setting.
                        Originally posted by Ellipses
                        Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                        Originally posted by MCLV
                        A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                        More Sig:


                        • #13
                          Re: Skillchains?

                          Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
                          While most of what you said is true, it really only applies to "squishy" type parties, such as Imps.
                          Is Imp squishy or just low HP? Crawlers are squishy, but better for SC+MB style than Imps.

                          Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
                          For instance: With Imps and Colobri, you are trying to kill a monster with a low amount of HP in a short amount of time. If you tried to set up a Skillchain on these monsters, you would usually end up with drastic overkill, and wasted TP from waiting for other members to get enough TP to SC.
                          You can't SC on Imps. Amnesia means you have to WS as soon as you can, or else risk another Amnesia holding you from WS for a long time.

                          Colibri isn't so much low HP as merely target for nukes, with built-in magic damage cut. Even MB Freeze was lackluster. (No, not joking; my BLM had a static at that level--I literally MB Freeze'd one out of three Lesser Colibris and sulked after each Freeze.) Free nuking was just horrible.

                          Normal and Greater Colibri can only be worse, with fast (uniformed) casting Parrot sending you or the tank back every nuke. Two second cast time Freeze! Any BLM would get kicked fast from the party after one of those on the PLD--assuming any BLM was let in the party to begin with.

                          Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
                          On the other hand, when you are fighing normal monsters, lvs 10-54 and sometimes higher, even in EXP situations SC + MB is drastically more efficient.
                          This is overstating the case for SC+MB, whose effectiveness really depends on the level differences between the party and the monster, and whether the party has the right setup for it.

                          If chaining VTs to low ITs, WS spam will usually win out on most targets. You need higher ITs to make the SC+MB worthwhile.

                          Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
                          The reason for this, is even though you lose potential damage from letting your TP go into the 101-150% range, that damage is nearly, if not completely made up for with the damage from a skillchain effect alone
                          SC effects are usually resisted badly. A BRD and/or NIN lowering elemental resistance on the target will help a lot, but good luck getting those kind of BRDs and NINs. (I remember thinking that using a THF to close SC tends to lower the resist rate, but that may be just wishful thinking on my part.)

                          MB accuracy and potency for the nukes are nice, but too often it's more efficient to just replace the BLM with another melee.

                          I like BLMs, I love SC+MB, but "exp/hour" rules the players' behavior and expectation.

                          * * *

                          Before the BLMs get upset and post angry words at me, let me reassure all of you I never turned down an invite from BLMs--in fact, I'm always happy to have (competent) BLMs when playing RDM or any other job.

                          Not all RDMs are slaves to fast merits.
                          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                          leaving no trace in the water.

                          - Mugaku


                          • #14
                            Re: Skillchains?

                            When it comes to some mobs that can eat your TP or give you amnesia, I can see why TP burn is more appealing; if you wait for the skillchain and something goes wrong (say, the tank loses hate, the imp uses that stupid tantra - I forgot what it was called, I haven't partied on them in ages) then your TP goes to waste. In the case of imps it's not much so, but that tantra can get really annoying.

                            Colibri are evil in more ways than one, so skillchaining on them can be a bad idea as well.

                            Aside from that reasoning, however, people are just too damn lazy to even think of skillchains anymore. In fact, I've taken some friends of mine to places like Cape Terrigan, Valley of Sorrows, and the Boyahda Tree - all common leveling spots before the empire took over. Their response when I bring them there?

                            "This place is cool! I've never been here before!"
                            Me: *silently whimpering to herself*

                            That, and the EXP bonus on Sanction (and the refresh/regen/food enhancements with it) makes people's eyes see teh shineyz.

                            Seriously. 10 more exp per mob isn't going to make you level from 1 to 75 in half the time. Geez.

                            I miss Skillchains. In fact, I miss the whole partying system before Treasures of Aht Urhgan. It was fun, and I actually was entertained enough to pay attention. Nowadays I mention leveling in places like the Boyahda Tree and I almost expect someone to ask me stuff like "Where's that?" or "Is that in Aht Urhgan? I don't see it on the region map."

                            It gets even worse when people ask me what a skillchain is...whether they're sarcastic or not.

                            I even met a BLM in the 50's knowing nothing of AF or Ancient Magic. If he simply didn't know about it in the first place, then my theory is correct and Aht Urhgan dropped some of our players several hundred IQ levels. Next thing you know they'll ask me to spam stoneskin on them when we're TPburning on fire-breathing crawlers, and expect me to cure/haste/buff them at the same time.

                            (Okay, okay, enough of that...end rant.)

                            I miss the shiney-looking skillchains.



                            • #15
                              Re: Skillchains?

                              There are several problems with Skill Chains IMO that SE needs to address;

                              1) They're weak to begin with. Until you start doing Light or Darkness (and even then, they're fairly weak unless you can get at least 3 WS in the chain) the damage isn't a whole lot. Though in 30's, it's pretty hard to beat Double Thrust to Viper Bite.

                              2) Resist Rates. Oh lordy, mobs just resist these way too often, especially in ToAU. On the odd times I've managed to SC light on imps (which was quite often actually on SAM) they tended to do like.... 80 dmg at best. SE has already said they'd adjust this, but didn't say when. Hopefully in the Feb update.

                              3) Magic Bursting. It's been debated to death on here just what kinds of additional benefits should be bestowed upon magic bursts, but it's clear that we need something more. As is, you only gain a marginal boost to magic accuracy and attack on a burst.

                              SE should take this a step further with an automatic conserve MP effect (minimum 50%) as well as making spells un-resistable. Nothing sucks harder for a BLM (even with Ice staff and on crabs as a taru ... @_ @) to magic burst Freeze only to see it resisted, especially when said mob is weak to the element to begin with!

                              So in short, SC's are a tactical advantage that are worth doing if the people involved can gain TP at the same rate. Most of us had to memorize the charts back in the good old days, it's a damn shame they're so rare now.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

