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What are your 'rules' for exp?

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  • #61
    Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

    Funny, four out of five times, newbies take my advice well. Heck, they even ask for more.

    As for refusing to level support job, I don't see that. After I tell them invite will drop off soon if they don't do it, they all promise they'd start leveling support jobs right away.

    * * *

    A month and a half ago or so, I helped a new Valkrum Dunes player get support job items, keys for airship pass to Kazham, and get her(?) started on the Chocobo License quest along with another high level player.

    Wasn't for me to dispense advice, since the player was Japanese and my Japanese is barely good enough for ordering ramen. Then again, the player obviously did a lot research already and knew about all those things already, except the Kazham airship pass. S/he did take the advice given by JP players in while we were in party, of course.

    The newbie was so excited, and his/her enthusiasm was infectious. Very nostalgic night for me, and I rather enjoyed it.
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #62
      Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

      Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
      Funny, four out of five times, newbies take my advice well. Heck, they even ask for more.

      As for refusing to level support job, I don't see that. After I tell them invite will drop off soon if they don't do it, they all promise they'd start leveling support jobs right away.
      It's not only underleveled subjob though. Some people think that leveling job XXX/YYY is the best combination for all levels, while all it does is hurt the party. If I tell him that rdm/war isn't very useful for exp and they don't agree...well I can't do anything about that.

      Could come up with more party-mechanic examples if needed.
      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


      • #63
        Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

        Originally posted by Mog View Post
        It's not only underleveled subjob though. Some people think that leveling job XXX/YYY is the best combination for all levels, while all it does is hurt the party.
        Like, for example, anyone who shows up to the dunes /NIN? Gah! There's one for the pet peeve thread ><

        WHM99 - RDM99 - WAR99 - BRD99 - MNK99 - BLM99 - DNC99 - SCH 99 - BST 99
        WorldSlayers ~ Asura


        • #64
          Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

          I punt anyone, in the dunes who /nin
          Espically later on passed the dunes, like wars who use /nin before 74 >_>
          And rngs
          And drg
          And war
          And mnks /nin at any time outside of ls events
          And war
          And drks
          And sam
          And war
          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


          • #65
            Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

            Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
            I punt anyone, in the dunes who /nin
            Espically later on passed the dunes, like wars who use /nin before 74 >_>
            And rngs
            And drg
            And war
            And mnks /nin at any time outside of ls events
            And war
            And drks
            And sam
            And war

            Frustrated with wars much? lol


            • #66
              Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

              Originally posted by WovenDarkness View Post
              Frustrated with wars much? lol
              Espically DD onry.
              And parser.
              And ridill.
              And with other DD onry jobs at 75.
              And DD onry.
              Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


              • #67
                Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

                I see. lmao!!


                • #68
                  Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

                  Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
                  Espically DD onry.
                  And parser.
                  And ridill.
                  And with other DD onry jobs at 75.
                  And DD onry.
                  How about lvl 25 monks with black belt?

                  And you could just say espically Sevv
                  [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                  • #69
                    Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

                    Originally posted by Sevv View Post
                    How about lvl 25 monks with black belt?

                    And you could just say espically Sevv
                    If it was possible to hate someone more than ray and occassionally feba in off topics, combined, you're #1 there. >_>
                    Don't get me started about ppl with black belts either.
                    Why can't you go back to Sevvvy the Absent? >_>;
                    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                    • #70
                      Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

                      As Brd:

                      1. If my flag is not up, I'm not interested in a party. Please leave me alone. I even keep a /seacom up constantly. Read it.
                      2. Bring sneak oils and prism powders. I'm a Bard, and I have about 150mp. Your needing sneak/invis is not my problem. And no, I have no songs that give Sneak/Invis. (you would not believe the amount of people that actually still ask that)
                      3. It has been mentioned before, but please voke my mob after I sleep it. There is nothing I love more than being out of party range while pulling, and having three members of my party chasing after me because they didn't manage to voke the mob properly before laying into it.
                      4. If you are PLD, and you want Ballad, then I expect you to compromise, and line yourself up with the Mages so I can get my Ballads off on you. If you can't manage that, tfb. I've got three other songs and pulling to also worry about.
                      5. @melee: I am not a short order cook. I ask at the beginning of the party if there are any particular songs that you need. In normal situations, this typically translates to: Choose two from the Minuets, Marches, and Madrigals, or Mambo. I don't want to hear 4 different Etudes, and Ballads, and March and Madrigal for the DRK. Work it out, or you are getting Minuets.
                      6. I am willing to find my own rep, but you must be prepared to settle for something other than Bard. No, I don't ask Bards that don't have their flags up; No, I'm not going to party an additional two hours waiting for another Bard. I give 30-45 minutes notice, and I have to pull. Work it out, or we disband in 45 minutes.
                      7. I've been doing this a long, long time. I'm certainly not the best Bard out there, but I can do what needs to be done. Please stop hounding me if things are not happening the way you would have them happen in your 'ultra perfect get all the chainsomg' world. I am not your automoton. If you don't like it, then boot me. I can assure you I have no problems finding other parties.
                      8. Please give me 5 minutes or so to acclimate myself to the party setup. I'm not a burn onry Bard, I actually enjoy the challenge of using my job in many different situations. Please be patient, and give me a chance to get my timing down, before you start whining.

                      Oy...tee hee
                      Originally Posted by Neosutra
                      Jesus Christ guys, no one will get banned from this Salvage dupe. It isnt trackable, it isnt traceable, and you dont alter any game mechanics to do it. Anyone thinking people will get banned is a fucking moron.
                      Bard 75 ~ Bard Relic: 4/5 ~ Windy Rank 10


                      • #71
                        Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

                        1. If my flag is not up, I'm not interested in a party. Please leave me alone. I even keep a /seacom up constantly. Read it
                        I just dont like to /anon and despite having
                        "Party no thanks, im playing solo right now" in my /seacom, i still manage to get /tells from blind morons who go "Burn party, do you need it?"
                        62Dancer | 75Corsair | 75Beastmaster | 75Paladin | 75Bard

                        Your resource for FFXI Farming


                        • #72
                          Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

                          Originally posted by Sevv View Post

                          - Must be atleast 1 brd in the part
                          - If we have a cor you better not think about warriors roll
                          - Rdm/whm preferred unless the whm is very good
                          - If it isn't a burn pt don't waste my time
                          - Other Wars need to learn to voke off
                          Explain why you don't want Fighter's Roll, please. Just because its not of great benefit to you doesn't mean it won't benefit the other melees in party. Addtionally, you insist other WARs should learn to voke, but later state that when it comes to PLD/NIN, they can't tell you to voke off them? Confusing.

                          - Tp or mana burn set up
                          - Must have good melees
                          - War if you pull out a great axe gtfo my pt
                          - Another brd or a cor is a big help
                          WAR/SAM gets +15% Haste with Hasso and evasion abilities with Seigan, they've never caused me any problems in merits or EXP.

                          My rules for EXP:

                          As RNG: Sir Bard, don't do March x2 on the PT. Do Minuet x2 or I'm coming /WAR no matter how badly you want me to come /NIN. I will not accept gimp buffs on RNG, period. Additionally, if I'm RNG, I'm not pulling in a merit camp, no exceptions. I have Loxley Bow, but I refuse to use it for party pulls. If I'm meritting as RNG, I'm there for epeen just like all the other DDs and mostly just there to laugh at WARs or MNK WS damage. Someone else pulls, not me. Ranged Weapon =/= puller.

                          As COR: If I'm not in the mood to pull, I'm not in the mood to pull. Don't engineer a situation in which I have to pull, I'll just leave. Don't ask me to sub /NIN or /WHM if I'm not pulling, I'll just drop, I won't play with the inferior EXP/Merit subjobs when I have /RNG and /WAR for DD and /DNC for PT healing/support. If I'm in the mood to pull, which does happen, I'm down for any setup, so long as its functional.

                          As BST: If I was there before you, don't expect me to leave just because you brought an EXP PT. If I was there before you, farm somewhere else, I'm probably EXPing. If you're a BST "soloing" with a WHM or RDM tethered to your ankle, please just fucking quit BST, you poser.

                          As BRD: I'll take any PT setup so long as its effective. I don't see my being BRD as something that makes me special I just see it as an opportunity to help my friends get merits and get easier merits for my other jobs.

                          As SCH: I'm here to free up the other mages' roles, as such I should be invited to help a RDM or SMN focus on thier main job's role rather than make them a main healer. If we have a WHM, I'm there to support heal and play a nuking role. My job is what the party makes of it.

                          As DNC: See SCH, I'm there to take pressure off other jobs. I'm here to support/cure/DD, I'm not here because you couldn't find a tank. I'm not tank, I dance. If you expect me to tank just because you couldn't find one, I will leave.

                          As DRG: Keep in mind I can be more than just a DD, I can help support as well. If the situation calls for it, I don't mind subbing mage.
                          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-21-2008, 08:25 AM.


                          • #73
                            Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

                            I just dont like to /anon and despite having
                            "Party no thanks, im playing solo right now" in my /seacom, i still manage to get /tells from blind morons who go "Burn party, do you need it?"

                            I absolutely agree with you. I shouldn't have to roam about Vana'diel /anon in fear of being harassed incessantly for parties, when I provide a /seacom. I mean, you had to check me before you /telled me. There is a little yellow dot by my either didn't bother to read it, or you just didn't care. Either reason is cause for me to ignore you, or simply say: {/seacom} {Please check it.}. To be fair though, 95% of the time, when I say that, they apologize after. The other 5% just get mad at me; and they get blacklisted.

                            Oh well, it is still going to happen, no matter how much I gripe about it here, lol.
                            Originally Posted by Neosutra
                            Jesus Christ guys, no one will get banned from this Salvage dupe. It isnt trackable, it isnt traceable, and you dont alter any game mechanics to do it. Anyone thinking people will get banned is a fucking moron.
                            Bard 75 ~ Bard Relic: 4/5 ~ Windy Rank 10


                            • #74
                              Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

                              Most likely any new player, or prospective buyer of FFXI, reading this thread could be forgiven for thinking this game is full of min/maxing elitist pricks and move on to something else. This has always been the irony behind the superior community FFXI claims to possess.


                              • #75
                                Re: What are your 'rules' for exp?

                                Heres my rules for exping:

                                75 Corsair:

                                -Don't tell me what rolls you WANT, I AS THE CORSAIR will decide based on the party setup what rolls to give, you are not the corsair, your the warrior who engages and goes AFK only to come back to WS.

                                -Don't get mad if i roll and unlucky number, dont make an example of me either or laugh at me, corsairs CAN and will find a way to bust the effect so you dont get the bad effect.

                                -Don't beg for rolls, we can't apply fighter's roll again if i still have fighter's roll active, we aren't Bards.

                                75 Bard:

                                -Don't ask me to sub /ninja, because I won't im going to sub /rdm for Phalanx and to keep my own cures in check so dumbasses won't cure me knowing i have a Minstrel's ring on, I also get fast cast, and blink, i dont even both with stoneskin.

                                -Don't get mad if you dont see "omgwtfchain300" Im going to do my job, if its not good enough for you then find another bard, its not that hard to find a party as Bard anyway.

                                -Don't, and i seriously mean DON'T invite me to a camp that is already taken, im sorry but i refuse to camp on top of anyone. You can say we can outpull them, but im not an asshat like you that wants to steal other peoples camps, seriously, you hate it when its done to you, don't do it to other people.

                                -PLEASE search ahead of time for a camp before inviting me, God if freakin Mamool Ja staging point only has one party but Caedarva mire has mobs spawning purple WHY would you bring 6 more people to Caedarva mire.

                                75 Paladin:

                                -I won't sub Ninja
                                -I'm a blood tank, its PALADIN, Paladins are not Ninjas. You lazy TOAU Mages need to understand that Tanking is not sitting there NOT taking its, its taking hits for the party so you dont die.

                                75 Beastmaster

                                -I don't party as BST anyway lol, but at the same time for you Beastmasters, PLEASE search ahead of time before coming to a camp and camping on another BST, I am never /anon and i have it in my /seacom where I am and what Im fighting. ALthough despite doing this there are still these idiot Beastmasters who show up and start stealing my pets and mobs, your only killing your own exp for being a douchebag.

                                57 Warrior:

                                -I'll sub whatever i damn well want to sub, if i come to the party as WAR/DNC then im going to play WAR/DNC, If i come to the party as WAR/SAM with a great axe, then im going to play WAR/SAM with a great axe. Get out of your TOAU mindset with only "lol WAR/NIN onry dual axe ftw". Can you beleive there are 75 WARs with no Great Axe skill. Its embaressing.

                                -WARs are tanks, I enjoy tanking, i don't mind if you invite me to tank, just dont expect me to blink tank or take hits as well as a PLD, get off ur butt WHM and play your job like it used to be.

                                37 Red Mage:

                                -Im not a pink mage, im coming to exp as RDM/BLM, if u dont like it, oh well, finding partys isnt that hard anyway, but you'll be begging for me back once i hit refresh level.

                                -Im a RDM not a WHM.


                                -Summoners are not gimp WHMs, I don't bust my ass for fame and avatars just to sit there and be a curebot. If you don't like it, wait for a WHM to start seeking.

                                62 Dancer:

                                -DANCER IS NOT A TANK
                                -No I won't main heal
                                -I am going to sub /samurai for Store TP and Meditate, don't ask me to come sub /nin, because I won't.
                                62Dancer | 75Corsair | 75Beastmaster | 75Paladin | 75Bard

                                Your resource for FFXI Farming

