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Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

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  • Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

    After exhausting every other MMO on the market, I've finally decided to go ahead and give FFXI a try. Before anyone posts that "this is a party game, so get lost," bear in mind that I am WELL aware of this fact already; I'm simply looking for some information I haven't been able to dig up through any forum search or whatnot. So if you're looking to argue, go somewhere else.

    I will be in a static duo/trio 90% of the time and that's the way it's going to stay. As I said before, don't post in here trying to argue with me about that; just post int this thread if you can answer the following question: Is it possible to get your NPC partner--I already know it requires rank 4/level 30--without getting into a 6-man party? I noticed one of the missions (2-3) is level capped at 25--does this mean that if you're over level 25 the mission will scale your character down to the equivalent of a level 25 character, or does it simply mean you have to be wearing gear that's under level 25?

    Any informative answers are greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: Oh, and while I'm at it, are quests--not missions--generally completable by small groups?
    Last edited by misskitten; 09-30-2007, 01:21 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

    I can't remember much about the NPC quest. It requires you to travel into some mid level dungeons and could be quite hard with just the 3 of you at exactly level 30.

    For level cap areas, yes your character's level will be scaled down. You will also have to bring along equipments below the level cap.

    Quests varie a lot. Most of them, yes, you can even do them alone. Some will need groups, and a few you'll need full scale alliance.

    Now that you have group of 2-3, it's easy to invite other people to make a full party. I'm not saying you can't play with just 3, but normally, forming a full group is not very easy these days if you're alone. But if you're set with your group of friends, you're at a very good starting point to form a full group. Use that to your advantage.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

      the npc quest would be very hard to solo at 30, i'd wait until 40 if you want to solo it.

      also, note that neither quests nor missions will give you xp (in case you didn't know) so it's all just grinding

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

        Yes, but I can only speak for the nation of Bastok since I have not done any other nation's missions. I was able to complete all the Bastok mission with less than 6 party members, but that is only because I had some high lvl help for some of them.

        As for the level cap, you will be scale down to level 25 character and your equipment that is over level 25 cannot be worn.

        Most quests can be done in small groups(quests in FFXI does not give experience points like WOW). Like I said before, some high level help may be needed for some of them.

        A suggestion for the NPC Fellow quests is to duo/trio with some others. The quests cannot be solo at 30, but high level help or more members will be able to complete the quests.
        Last edited by Losrase; 09-30-2007, 01:46 PM. Reason: Grammer correction
        PSN ID: Kelshan
        Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
        Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez


        • #5
          Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

          I think the NPC quest is worth it, and if possible you should find some one to help you out. The first fight in the quest is in an open enviroment, so if you can find help for it that's great. It's right outside of Jeuno so hopefully it wouldn't take too much to convince somebody to help. The second fight is inside a BCNM capped at level 40, and is soloable by a naked level 40 character. Half way through your NPC comes in to help out, so it shouldn't be too difficult for three level thirty characters.

          Getting to Rank 4, on the other hand, might be. Luckily if you're with two other friends Attaining Rank 3 should be cake. The boss fight capped at level 25 really only needs a Black Mage or Red Mage to sleep the Dragon, a melee to take down the eyeball and Dragon, and somebody to heal. Getting Rank 4 requires a run up through Delkfutt which can be a hassle if you don't have a guide and/or a map and medicine.


          • #6
            Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

            Thanks for the replies, everyone. I believe all of my questions have been answered.


            • #7
              Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

              I know the tendency for small circles of friends is to associate exclusively with one another, but FFXI is one of those games that truly pushes you to socialize. It's not that you can't accomplis a lot of things with only a few people; but having high level friends never hurts when you're looking at trying to do something like Artifact Armor quests or some of the thornier rank missions.

              You don't have to lean on such friendships (and truth be told, if you want to keep them you shouldn't impose beyond your welcome), but there's a certain comfort level in knowing that there's someone out there you can count on to lend a hand if things spiral out of your ability to accomplish at your current level.



              • #8
                Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

                Welcome to Vana'diel Misskitten

                I wish you many enjoyable experiences with your friends. There are many restrictions on Adventuring Fellows that make them weak replacements for party members. I'm not experienced enough with fellows to help you understand them, but don't count on your fellow to replace a member in an XP party.

                That said, the game definitely supports 2-3 member parties, but truly effective 2-3 member parties require smart job choices or strategies. Once you and your friends have an idea what jobs you want to play, come back and I'll happily explain how that combination could successfully level together. Some jobs such as RDM and NIN make it much easier to have flexibility in the other members.

                I've leveled RDM and SAM together in a duo/trio for most of the game (currently Lv74). For a little variety, I would invite a third member. I've experimented with many jobs as the third member and even played RDM for hours without the job ability Convert to better understand how well a WHM would work in a trio.


                • #9
                  Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

                  I solo the majority of play time because I can't
                  put in the time that parties require. I only get 1 or 2
                  hours play time a day. I belong to a great shell that
                  I do help them on occasion (promy runs-cop missions) and
                  they help me once in a while when I reach things I can't solo.
                  I suggest finding a good shell , they will understand your main
                  play style and be glad to have a small group that loves the game.
                  Beast 69 Blue 42 War 36 Pld 35 Red 35
                  Thf 30 Nin 23 Rgr 17 Sam 15

                  Cook 100 Wood 52 Fish 31 Leather 30 Cloth 30
                  Smith 22 Alchemy 20 Gold 16 Bone 15


                  • #10
                    Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

                    Originally posted by Ryoii/Nonomii View Post
                    That said, the game definitely supports 2-3 member parties, but truly effective 2-3 member parties require smart job choices or strategies. Once you and your friends have an idea what jobs you want to play, come back and I'll happily explain how that combination could successfully level together. Some jobs such as RDM and NIN make it much easier to have flexibility in the other members.
                    Well, I've been researching practically every thread/website I can find on good duo combinations, and like most MMORPGs, I'm assuming the traditional tank/healer combo would be best for our main jobs? For example, I was thinking of a NIN-WHM team, but is that effective? Also, what about subjobs? I've heard that SMN would make a good subjob for the WHM, but what about RDM or BLM? Or would a RDM make a better main job?

                    I really want to make sure that we pick an effective combo since that is what will make or break the game in the end. Some other suggestions I've seen in various threads are RDM-PLD, THF-WHM, WAR-WHM, BST-BRD, BST-BST , DRG-DRG, and BLM-BLM.

                    Due to the plethora of class combinations available in this game, I'm finding it a daunting task when it comes to choosing what class combo we'll go with, so any advice is greatly appreciated.

                    EDIT: Also, as far as the third person is concerned, due to work/school, I'm not exactly certain how often he'll be playing with me and my duo partner, so it's crucial that we choose an effective duo combo above all else.
                    Last edited by misskitten; 10-02-2007, 06:05 AM. Reason: Grammar edit


                    • #11
                      Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

                      Not sure if there is a single combination which would be effective in all duo'ing. There is also a matter of personal preferences to consider...

                      Healer and Tank is generally a good idea, but not the only idea.

                      With Beastmaster, for example, you let the pet tank, and the player hold back until the monster can be killed with one (or two for duo) weapon skill.

                      Three people in my LS used to trio, on WHM (/BLM?), THF/NIN, and DRG/WHM. The DRG is actually the main healer (via the Wyvern's Healing Breath), while the WHM stick mostly to dealing damage, buff party members, debuff monsters, and 'refresh' the DRG's MP using Moonlight (WS).

                      To be perfectly honest, it's quite likely you'd make a decision on a combination, try it, and find out you don't like it. Nice thing about FFXI is that you can switch job anytime at your Mog House, without any exp penalty.

                      So, try different things, and see what works out for you and your friend. Don't be afraid of picking the "wrong" combination--you can always switch to different jobs.

                      * * *

                      For the original question regarding the NPC Adventuring Fellow, there are actually three quests to unlock:

                      Unlisted Qualities: (no fighting)

                      Girl in the Looking Glass: Fight against an NM skeleton. Can probably be duo'ed with two reasonable, Lv.40+ jobs. (Should kill an Gazer nearby first, though, which may be a tad dangerous for two Lv.40 players, depending on jobs used.)

                      Mirror, Mirror: Fight against an NM dragon, in an Lv.40 capped battle field. Can be easily duo'ed with two reasonable Lv.40 jobs.

                      So, yes, duo is fine.
                      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                      leaving no trace in the water.

                      - Mugaku


                      • #12
                        Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

                        Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                        With Beastmaster, for example, you let the pet tank, and the player hold back until the monster can be killed with one (or two for duo) weapon skill.
                        Would NIN as a main job with BST as a sub-job work for the tank then? Or should that be reversed? Also, as far as my partner is concerned, would WHM/RDM or WHM/(something else) work better?


                        • #13
                          Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

                          Beastmaster Subjob (SJ)
                          BST SJ is an effective way to level any job solo or in a duo, but you are required to first level BST. This is because your charm success rate is determined by the level of your BST job. Charmed pets usually come uncharmed after less than 3 minutes, so it is important that you can recharm them reliably.

                          BST subjob also restricts you to leveling where you can find pets to tank for you. Pets in Vana'diel cannot be healed with magic or raised. This requires you to find a new pet when your pet dies, so you need to level where pets of an appropriate level can be found. This restricts where you can go to level with BST. BST main job does get the ability to call a familiar, but this pet will be far weaker than a charmed pet.

                          Character A:
                          Main: Lv30 RDM
                          Sub: Lv70 BST

                          This character will have their charm success rate determined as if they were a Lv30 BST main. They will be able to often charm even match (EM) or weaker enemies.

                          Character B:
                          Main: Lv30 RDM
                          Sub: Lv15 BST

                          This character will have their charm success rate determined as if they were a Lv15 BST main. They will not be able to often successfully charm enemies over too weak (TW).

                          I just wanted to quickly point out a little bit about BST. However, first leveling BST is a great way to later level any job you choose. Also BST is an advanced job, so you will first have to reach level 30 to unlock it. I'll respond more completely later about possible job combinations.
                          Last edited by Ryoii/Nonomii; 10-02-2007, 11:43 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

                            Beast as main gives you access to jug pets , which can save your
                            life many times. Recent changes give jug pets longer life and they
                            can now heal themselves with stay command. You can use jugs to pull
                            and they never mis charm -great for emergencies.
                            Beast 69 Blue 42 War 36 Pld 35 Red 35
                            Thf 30 Nin 23 Rgr 17 Sam 15

                            Cook 100 Wood 52 Fish 31 Leather 30 Cloth 30
                            Smith 22 Alchemy 20 Gold 16 Bone 15


                            • #15
                              Re: Can You Solo/Duo in Order to Get Your NPC Partner/Fellow?

                              What duo should we start with?
                              When you first start FFXI, you will only have access to the six starting jobs and no subjob. At this stage, an effective duo will consist of a DD/Tank and a Healer, but later in game with access to subjobs (Lv18) and advanced jobs (Lv30), many more combinations and styles of play open up.

                              A typical way to get to Lv30 in a duo would be to follow the two paths below:

                              Character A
                              Lv1 WAR -> Lv18 WAR
                              Lv1 ???/WAR -> Lv15 ???/WAR
                              Lv18 WAR/??? -> Lv30 WAR/???

                              ??? could be any job you believe will be useful while duoing later.

                              Character B
                              Lv1 WHM -> Lv18 WHM
                              Lv1 ???/WHM -> Lv15 ???/WHM
                              Lv18 WHM/??? -> Lv30 WHM/???

                              You could substitute RDM for WHM if you plan to play RDM past Lv30. Also ??? should probably be a magic user unless Character A is leveling a magic user at that time. You could even both go to Lv30 as WAR/WHM by fighting EP enemies and resting between fights.

                              What is your preferred play style?
                              Could you help me understand your preferred playing style once you have access to the advanced jobs and subjobs? Do you both want to contribute to the damage? Does one of you prefer to only play a support role? Would you prefer to do damage slowly over time or in large spikes? Would both you and your duo partner prefer to do spikes of damage followed by resting for MP?

                              Let me give you an example of how I duo with my RDM/WHM and SAM/WAR at Lv74:

                              1. RDM sits and rests MP while the SAM pulls an enemy to the camp
                              2. RDM stands and casts enfeebles (Paralyze, Slow, Dia II)
                              3. RDM cures SAM to full HP and sits again to rest MP
                              4. SAM uses the Seigan and Third Eye abilities together to mitigate damage while meleeing the enemy and using weaponskills and abilities such as Provoke, Berserk, Meditate, and Warcry
                              5. RDM stands to cure SAM whenever the SAM's HP gets dangerously low
                              6. RDM casts enhancing spells when they wear off (Refresh, Haste, Barspells)
                              7. RDM casts magic attack spells (Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Aero) when Convert is ready and MP is plentiful

                              I know you don't entirely understand how each job and their abilities work, but I wanted to point out that one player may spend a fair amount of time just sitting. It is possible for both players to always be standing if they do not use up MP faster than they replenish it.

                              RDM has access to Refresh and Convert for replenishing their MP. These could allow the RDM to never sit and help melee the enemy if the other melee does not take too much damage. An example of a pair that could both melee nearly forever without rest would be a PLD/WAR and RDM/WHM after Lv41. Many other combinations like this exist, but most require one player to be a BST, NIN over Lv37, or RDM over Lv41. There are combinations where only one player ever rests (SAM+WHM) and combinations where both players will have to rest (DRGx2, BLMx2, BLUx2).
                              Last edited by Ryoii/Nonomii; 10-02-2007, 02:28 PM.

