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How to deal with someone like this?

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  • How to deal with someone like this?

    Well, things are going pretty well for my LS. Got lots of kids enthusiatic about sky. Even did our first Kirin for them last night. We had to kite it, but got it done in an hour, which is pretty good for a first Kirin. Long ago I had done Kirins with LSes that actually took longer (back before RNG nerf, when WAR was lolWAR and all).

    Anyway, we got this guy. Fellow RNG and COR at that. I invited him in because we needed more RNGs, COR is a bonus and I had always enjoyed talking to him.

    I've come to find his approach to RNG rather quirky. First off, he abhors Holy Bolts. I don't know why because Holy Bolts are the best DoT you can get in high level EXP unless we're talking colibri, then other weapons win out. He doesn't like it because the bolts are cheap, I think.

    I don't see the problem, cheap + great DoT is A-OK in my RNG's book and wallet. Truth is, though, I spend more on Kabura and Marid arrows than he does on ammo period. Not that Demon arrows are bad, but still, dunno why he'd epeen over the holys. He doesn't seem to have his facts together, just gil.

    That aside, he's clearly on something while he plays. I'm cool with people doin their own thing in RL, but I think he takes it a step too far.

    But then he spams me and the other leaders with tells. He has a very competitive personality. He's suggested putting a cap on how many points people can get a week, he tries to get us to call it a night on farming or gods when he has to go. He also tries to butt into anything that could be good for him.

    Just as an example, we had a group up in IC last week helping a BLU learn Radiant Breath. Well, I was on the Opo-crown quest and needed a skull, so I went up to assist. Another LS mate, a RDM and BRD, went up to help as well and also needed a skull. Well, my buddy forces his way in. He's levelling BRD, but is not of the level to use crown and never subs /WHM to COR. He was actually lost in the Cauldron, yet lotted the skull when he hadn't helped with anything yet. RDM actually needed it more, the BRD was closer to being able to use crown.

    We killed Gae Bolg NM while waiting. He lotted that, too. Doesn't even level DRG. Thankfully the guy with a DRG levelled got it, but still.

    Last night after Kirin, he logged because a PLD won bid on Wyrmal Abjuration (Legs). What did he expect? PLD was points leader and he was #3. I was just impressed this group of people new to sky did so well.

    I dunno what to do with this guy, I think he's a drama bomb waiting to happen.

  • #2
    Re: How to deal with someone like this?

    I think you need to tell him straight up to change his attitude or you would have to drop him because, like you say, he sounds like a drama bomb just waiting to go off. If he contines to not care about others in the ls and only does things that mainly benefit him you should chuck him Id say. Endgame shells work better Ive found when people are more like a family (cant believe i said that) and work together too obtain items for others, it eventually comes back to you. I know its hard to become selfless in an online game but it really does work and pays off for all in the end. If he cant do that then maybe he shouldnt be in the shell, unless you want loldrama.

    I would have just had to say something when he lotted on that skull, mainly along the lines of "wtf are you doing, you arnt even at camp..pass", especially seens as points had nothing to do with that situation. It was like a social gathering to help.
    75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
    Woodworking 91.9+2
    ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


    • #3
      Re: How to deal with someone like this?

      I'd say talk to him. If he doesn't accept the LS rules, what's his point in it at all? You could just talk to him, tell him in a normal way that he's welcome to stay in the LS as long as he accepts all the rules that come with it, otherwise you'd have to ask him to leave. You could also tell him that he can return after a while, if he decided to accept the LS rules the way they are.
      That's what I'd do anyway.

      In wilderness is the preservation of the world.


      • #4
        Re: How to deal with someone like this?

        My instinct is to sit him down and explain why some of the rules are the way they are, then point to some specific behaviors of his which violate/bend rules or annoy other people. He really needs to understand that lotting on something valuable is declaring "It's better for the LS if I have this item rather than someone else," and is not something to be done without consensus from LS members.

        Would take a bit of time, but may help him understand his situation in the context of LS.
        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
        leaving no trace in the water.

        - Mugaku


        • #5
          Re: How to deal with someone like this?

          Originally posted by Aeolus View Post
          I would have just had to say something when he lotted on that skull, mainly along the lines of "wtf are you doing, you arnt even at camp..pass", especially seens as points had nothing to do with that situation. It was like a social gathering to help.
          If you would take my advice, kitten, please refrain from using words and abbreviations like "wtf". If you want to leave a proffessional impression, try to use at least normal spelling!

          In wilderness is the preservation of the world.


          • #6
            Re: How to deal with someone like this?

            Its going to get messy if he keeps doing that. Theres always someone who does that in some Dynamis lots too.


            • #7
              Re: How to deal with someone like this?

              I say kick him out, but then, I've never had someone be a jackass and then change for the better.

              If you would take my advice, kitten, please refrain from using words and abbreviations like "wtf". If you want to leave a proffessional impression, try to use at least normal spelling!
              Also, this is an FFXI forum. Az long as u dont type lik a idiot, ur fine kk?

              Remember. FFXI forum. Professional Impression. Big difference.


              • #8
                Re: How to deal with someone like this?

                Originally posted by Feba View Post
                I say kick him out, but then, I've never had someone be a jackass and then change for the better.
                He's hired, he should deserve atleast a warning first, in an appropriate way.

                In wilderness is the preservation of the world.


                • #9
                  Re: How to deal with someone like this?

                  I don't think I've ever seen BBQ use much netspeak anyway, so I doubt that's anything that we have to worry about. Not that most of us were "worried" anyway.

                  Anyway - this should definitely be addressed. I tend to take a hard line with things like this, however, and would lean more towards Feba's suggestion. Perhaps a conversation with him, expressing the need to follow the rules, make it clear that if there is another problem that he's out, period.

                  So many people take the easy way out and refuse to deal with troublemakers like this. So months down the line, they are still in the LS, still acting the same, and yet benefiting from being in a capable LS. They'll never learn if you keep rewarding them for bad behavior.

                  edit: Being in an LS is not the same as being hired. This is not a job.


                  • #10
                    Re: How to deal with someone like this?

                    Originally posted by Feba View Post
                    I say kick him out, but then, I've never had someone be a jackass and then change for the better.

                    Also, this is an FFXI forum. Az long as u dont type lik a idiot, ur fine kk?

                    Remember. FFXI forum. Professional Impression. Big difference.
                    I was referring to in-game, during linkshell events, thanks for your contribution though, very useful.

                    Originally posted by Murphie
                    Anyway - this should definitely be addressed. I tend to take a hard line with things like this, however, and would lean more towards Feba's suggestion. Perhaps a conversation with him, expressing the need to follow the rules, make it clear that if there is another problem that he's out, period.
                    In fact, Feba said to just bluntly kick them out!

                    In wilderness is the preservation of the world.


                    • #11
                      Re: How to deal with someone like this?

                      In fact, Feba said to just bluntly kick them out!
                      Yes, Ael is literate. He knows.


                      • #12
                        Re: How to deal with someone like this?

                        Originally posted by Arctic Wolf View Post
                        In fact, Feba said to just bluntly kick them out!
                        I'm well aware of what Feba wrote. That's why I said "lean towards" and not "do exactly as" what he said.


                        • #13
                          Re: How to deal with someone like this?

                          Ah, I see. I hope I can be forgiven for missunderstanding.

                          In wilderness is the preservation of the world.


                          • #14
                            Re: How to deal with someone like this?

                            I doubt it, considering the insults you keep sending to me via PMs. Rest assured those are being forwarded on to those in charge.


                            • #15
                              Re: How to deal with someone like this?

                              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                              I doubt it, considering the insults you keep sending to me via PMs. Rest assured those are being forwarded on to those in charge.
                              Right, I don't know why you post this here, in this thread, that's about something else. Do you need attention? I have not insulted, I asked something normally. Appearantly you're not able for a normal conversation. Maybe that's because of me, I don't know. Either way, I do not want to have a conversation here, in a public thread, as i said before. I'm done with you, you've proven yourself already.

                              In wilderness is the preservation of the world.

