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BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

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  • #31
    Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

    Originally posted by Illuen View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but do NMs not give experience? What about normal, non NM mobs that are heavily camped because they drop useful items? At what point does someone become "entitled" to a mob if they are there first? If you're in for a penny, you should be in for a pound, so to say.
    oh gosh, this is a bit nit picky. dont play naive now, you know that nm's are different that regular mobs. yea some do give xp but do they pop every 12 minutes? nm's are an exception.

    dont disagree just to disagree.

    if you see 1 pt in an area that holds 1 pt, do you crowd them? no you wouldnt. but many times, a pt will see a bst and not think twice about crowding him because they think its only 1 person and 1 person doesnt matter when you have 6 ppl.

    its something that non-bst will never realize until they have it happen to them. i think the closest thing is that if you solo your af keys and a pt comes and xp's on those mobs.
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #32
      Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

      Originally posted by Omni View Post
      its something that non-bst will never realize until they have it happen to them. i think the closest thing is that if you solo your af keys and a pt comes and xp's on those mobs.
      I have experienced it, actually, and I do not believe it is just BST hate. I solo PUP, and I've had numerous people drop in on me at one time or another, full parties AND BST solo/duo/trio groups. Once BST, in particular, when I sent him a /t to ask him to move, replied rather snottily that this is a "BST camp" and that I had no right to be there.

      So honestly, I don't care much for the battered BST syndrome talk. I love BST, I do plan on leveling it when I have time to fully devote to it, but I think that saying that BST are the only group who can realize what it is like to have your camp taken from you is more than a bit daft.

      Originally posted by Omni View Post
      oh gosh, this is a bit nit picky. dont play naive now, you know that nm's are different that regular mobs. yea some do give xp but do they pop every 12 minutes? nm's are an exception.
      That doesn't change the fact that it has been said that people are entitled to mobs. Who gets to decide if a mob is one which they are "entitled" to?
      Last edited by Illuen; 02-13-2007, 08:13 AM.


      • #33
        Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

        that has no bearing on what we are talking about. which is about camps and your comment about nms. obviously other solo jobs will experience the same things as a bst. my inability to credit all soloists doesnt make my point any different. which you left out in your reply.

        nm's are special. dont disagree just to disagree with 'well nm's give xp too' now -thats- a bit daft. you know theyre special mobs.

        ok now youre playing word games. i, as a bst dont believe i am entitled to any mob however, i think as with any xp'ing player, if i arrive first at a camp i shouldnt be told to leave or pushed out. just like any xping party. do you goto mamook (puk and skoffin camp, if you're wondering where) when theres 2 pts already and ask one of the pts to leave? no you dont. the pt's that are already there shouldnt have to leave since they got there first. this is what the other bst that posted meant by entitled to... somewhat poor choice of words but i dont think its too hard to figure out.
        Last edited by Omni; 02-13-2007, 08:27 AM. Reason: spelling
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #34
          Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

          Originally posted by RunningDemon View Post
          Also omgwtfbbqkitten, how is the A-01 solo stuff? I need a good place to solo and am tired of Mount Z (just broke my trials dagger).
          Posted the Info in the Anthology forum a while back. Its not the fastest EXP in the world, but definately doable and /NIN is a must. I don't know how good the EXP is to a high level BST as it did wane for me when I hit 42. I thought SE had adjusted it so you got more EXP in those zones based on the capped level and not your real one, but that didn't seem to be the case.

          I'll go back and check it out sometime to be sure, but I want to get my axe recapped since I did gob pets all last week and didn't melee since they hit like trucks.

          And just to add a little more perspective (which I'm sure will be ignored by our Devil's Advocate sector) last night I looked for a new camp at 52. West Altepa at Revelation Rock, Beetles vs Beetles or works or Antican. No good, beetles were all DC. mobs raned T to VT.

          So I tried the entrance to QC in West Altepa. Mobs were too high. Checked Onzozo before heading out there, too hight, but possibly viable for Scorpions vs Gobs in a level or two.

          So I tried the entrance in East Altepa. Mobs were of the appropriate range, but this is generally.... an EXP PT camp.

          And, as stated before, the Leshy camp in Lufaise Meadows is seal-farming territory most of the time.

          Crawlers Nest it would be Exos vs Exos, which would be slow since Blazer Beetles/rumble crawlers are too high and Soliders and Flies are EXP PT mobs. Labrynth lizards too low, Scorpions too high.

          So its the East Altepa QC camp and I may have to wait any time a PT shows up because they probably wpn't care about my EXP. But if they're just after the beetles (which is usually the case) that's not so much of a problem, I can just do Anticans, Spiders and Worms since no one wants 'em.

          QC west is rarely done by EXP PTs, but not viable for another level or so.
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-13-2007, 03:03 PM.


          • #35
            Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

            The way capped exp works is you get less exp points if you are capped, but if you are on merit mode, you'd get the same as if you were level 40 as I am to understand.


            • #36
              Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

              Well it happened to me again - 2 times in 1 night! First camp was E-5 of Map 1 Quicksand Caves, I buff etc n start to go to town on the ants, get about 1k n what happens...two dragoons show up with a PL, and of course kill my pets first. I say thank you very much ^^ and move to my next camp J-9 on map 2, camp not as good because only 1 pet per tunnel, but still doable get about another 1k and this happens...I pull a Antican with dia, had my pet waiting back at camp...well I thought it was, this time its a duo rdm n sam party, and yes they killed my pet...made a b-line for the zone n needless to say was a little perturbed. They had passed me earlier and knew I was using beetles as people just ignorant?


              • #37
                Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

                Originally posted by Visper View Post
                They had passed me earlier and knew I was using beetles as people just ignorant?
                I don't think they gave any thoughts to you being there, or being a bst, or what kind of pet you were using. The same way I don't think you give much thought about what other players are doing when you are running around doing your own stuff.

                Don't take it personally, and remember that even though you are soloing you don't own the mobs. It's sad and inconvenient at times for all players (not just soloers), but that's the way it is.
                "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                • #38
                  Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

                  never said I owned the mobs, it just seems people know a bst is there - kill of the pets, then move onto the real prey that they know i can't touch without pets. So in a way they are "claiming" the area...I don't mind sharing. Like I wasn't touching the PLD ants - a lot of them floating around that they started fighting anyway after my pets where killed off.


                  • #39
                    Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

                    Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                    I don't think they gave any thoughts to you being there, or being a bst, or what kind of pet you were using. The same way I don't think you give much thought about what other players are doing when you are running around doing your own stuff.
                    I've been in Fei'yin for the past week (spending anywhere from half hour to an hour per session, and logging out there) skilling up / leveling my NPC on various bat and magic pot mobs there. On one occasion, I noticed a lvl 54 BST was there, with a search comment indicating his camps and intended exp mobs. On another occasion I observed a lvl 54 PUP was solo exp'ing on Dromas.

                    Both times, I gave those players a wide berth so that my solo activities didn't infringe on their solo activities. There are more than enough mobs in that zone for me that I didn't need to encroach on someone elses ongoing activity.

                    See? It can be done. Being considerate of others is a life skill which everyone should strive to develop by practicing on a regular basis.
                    lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                    Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                    Fishing 60

                    Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                    Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                    Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                    Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                    • #40
                      Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

                      Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                      Don't take it personally, and remember that even though you are soloing you don't own the mobs. It's sad and inconvenient at times for all players (not just soloers), but that's the way it is.
                      It happens to EXP PTs very rarely, save for merit levels. What people aren't understanding here is the frequency in which other players bring a BST's EXP to a complete halt. It happens a lot.

                      Your EXP PT might get 3k EXP and then have 20 mins downtime. Best I'm going to do in an hour with no downtime is maybe 2.5k. Maybe. Now factor in the people crashing your camp, the random WHM that drops that chain-breaking, hate-stealing Cure IV on you or that dunce out levelling his NPC fellow.

                      It happens a lot. Unless I'm in a CoP zone, that is.

                      We need another CoP-type expansion. Level-capped zones, places that make EXP PTs crap their pants. Missions that actually have challenges. It gives BSTs more options. ToA is very lacking for BST. Not really any good area to go to. Too many chimera-type, many charm resistant mobs.

                      And there's the bothersome lack of rarhabs. The principle that "every corner of Vana'diel has a rabbit that can kick your ass" has not been met with ToA. That is, unless Odin is a rarhab in disguise.
                      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-22-2007, 10:49 AM.


                      • #41
                        Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.



                        • #42
                          Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

                          Last edited by Hantz; 02-22-2007, 10:35 AM. Reason: Visual Aide


                          • #43
                            Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

                            Is this my cue to find a picture of a white whale?


                            • #44
                              Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              Your EXP PT might get 3k EXP and then have 20 mins downtime. Best I'm going to do in an hour with no downtime is maybe 2.5k. Maybe. Now factor in the people crashing your camp, the random WHM that drops that chain-breaking, hate-stealing Cure IV on you or that dunce out levelling his NPC fellow.
                              Another thing non-BSTs likely don't realize is just how much it hurts when a BST loses an EM pet. Just to convert 2 pets to EM often takes me 15 to 20 minutes. It doesn't even have to be someone who comes along and kills those EM pets. I've lost EMs to players who get aggro from those mobs and drag them to the zone. The best I can do is run after them and salvage one of the pets before they despawn.

                              Other jobs can solo, and can empathize with BSTs when it comes to exp camps being raided. But none of them rely on native pets of proper level like BSTs do. Unless you've leveled BST, I don't think you quite understand that killing off one of our pets is like forcing a pt to replace a pt member.
                              lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                              Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                              Fishing 60

                              Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                              Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                              Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                              Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                              • #45
                                Re: BST solo camps and the ignorant players that ruin them.

                                Holy off topic, when did this turn into pirates discussion :/

                                Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi View Post
                                I've been in Fei'yin for the past week (spending anywhere from half hour to an hour per session, and logging out there) skilling up / leveling my NPC on various bat and magic pot mobs there. On one occasion, I noticed a lvl 54 BST was there, with a search comment indicating his camps and intended exp mobs. On another occasion I observed a lvl 54 PUP was solo exp'ing on Dromas.

                                Both times, I gave those players a wide berth so that my solo activities didn't infringe on their solo activities. There are more than enough mobs in that zone for me that I didn't need to encroach on someone elses ongoing activity.

                                See? It can be done. Being considerate of others is a life skill which everyone should strive to develop by practicing on a regular basis.

                                Anyway this is how I play the game, I have never or will never camp on a bst or a party, I have for NM's etc but thats a different story. I will actually just move rather than argue most of the time like I did, I don't want a rep as a whining bst, but come on people show some common courtesy.

                                Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi View Post
                                Another thing non-BSTs likely don't realize is just how much it hurts when a BST loses an EM pet. Just to convert 2 pets to EM often takes me 15 to 20 minutes. It doesn't even have to be someone who comes along and kills those EM pets. I've lost EMs to players who get aggro from those mobs and drag them to the zone. The best I can do is run after them and salvage one of the pets before they despawn.

                                Other jobs can solo, and can empathize with BSTs when it comes to exp camps being raided. But none of them rely on native pets of proper level like BSTs do. Unless you've leveled BST, I don't think you quite understand that killing off one of our pets is like forcing a pt to replace a pt member.
                                exactly what happened to me on my second camp - I converted the beetles there and they killed them all - it did take me a good 15 min.

