OK so im on the other night lvlin NIN and it was getting a bit dry so I 2 houred to Whitegate and changed to PLD/WAR.LS buddy says rep him late but wth set up pld,war/nin,mnk/?,snm/whmx2,blu/?
Not a bad party set up for farming lessers right.......well this is a rant so no.
War=puller fair enough bang voke pull ?no range ...ok
me voke against insane damage = nothing mob dies
Next mob same except this time i use sentinal and hold aggro for a bit untill war vokes off of me <wtf> mob dies
3 mobs later war is starting each fight on yellow/ orange hp and drawing too much h8 bang cure3 on war snm follow suit h8 back on me..WAR VOKES!
After 2 fights like this I'm starting with 40-60 mp and healers are also strained ..>> please don't voke off me still does it idc anymore.So i stop tanking and laugh as his hp goes into the red.The next 20 min involve a snm asking me why im not tanking.I try again same.So I log come back im repped by a taru war/nin and look at the origional war/nin.die I laughed and told him how pleased i was told him nvr to call me again ever..what did i do wrong ..ur a bad pld there all saying it how am i a bad nin.But by far my favourite one was For all u know I have my pld at 75.I wasnt letting this go i had to defend the honour of all pld's everywhere.If you were i said then how come you cant handle a proper PLD in a party .....blah blah blah ur a bad tank idc if i cant call u.Why do i attract trouble>
Not a bad party set up for farming lessers right.......well this is a rant so no.
War=puller fair enough bang voke pull ?no range ...ok
me voke against insane damage = nothing mob dies
Next mob same except this time i use sentinal and hold aggro for a bit untill war vokes off of me <wtf> mob dies
3 mobs later war is starting each fight on yellow/ orange hp and drawing too much h8 bang cure3 on war snm follow suit h8 back on me..WAR VOKES!
After 2 fights like this I'm starting with 40-60 mp and healers are also strained ..>> please don't voke off me still does it idc anymore.So i stop tanking and laugh as his hp goes into the red.The next 20 min involve a snm asking me why im not tanking.I try again same.So I log come back im repped by a taru war/nin and look at the origional war/nin.die I laughed and told him how pleased i was told him nvr to call me again ever..what did i do wrong ..ur a bad pld there all saying it how am i a bad nin.But by far my favourite one was For all u know I have my pld at 75.I wasnt letting this go i had to defend the honour of all pld's everywhere.If you were i said then how come you cant handle a proper PLD in a party .....blah blah blah ur a bad tank idc if i cant call u.Why do i attract trouble>