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Drunk players

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  • SharMarali
    Re: Drunk players

    Yep, I've done it, and I'll do it again.

    The sad thing is, I've played this game for so damned long now (this February it'll be 4 years) that it's practically second nature to me by now. So I don't really make very many more mistakes when I'm under the influence than I do when I'm not, except for spelling errors.

    Now, getting into a PT in the late evening and staying well past I should have gone to bed is another story. I've caused plenty of problems falling asleep on people. Just a few weeks ago I was in a TP burn in Uleguerand Range and I fell asleep, which ultimately caused the entire PT to wipe, since I was, for all intents and purposes, the only healer. Granted, if the BRD had been a little less insane and had pulled one thing at a time instead of 4, they probably would have lived long enough to figure out that I'd fallen asleep. But that's neither here nor there. Fortunately it was all people I knew from various linkshells, so apart from laughing their asses off at me, nobody was really angry.

    In conclusion, I think playing FFXI while drowsy is generally more dangerous to others than playing while intoxicated. DRINK UP!

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  • klvino
    Re: Drunk players

    Originally posted by Jarre
    Have you every played FFXI while drunk?
    Have you ever created a poll while drunk? Sounds like a "yes".

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  • Susurrus
    Re: Drunk players

    I logged on drunk and chatted (even gave away a bunch of gil once), but I didn't exp or anything.

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  • Ameroth
    Re: Drunk players

    I've played many a-time while not sober, alcohol or otherwise.

    Depending on what job I'm doing I find I can do just as well as I could sober. I usually try to not Exp on my PLD unless I'm completely sober and focused, as I find it quite difficult to judge hate when I'm all tipsy.

    In the very least, if I find my intoxication is starting to become a noticable problem/slow-down for the party, I generally try to find a replacement; and then go do something else that is equally as challenging, yet harms no one but myself (like fishing ).

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  • Caspian
    Re: Drunk players

    Yes, but only once or twice, and I never xp'd drunk. I don't really ever get drunk, so if I do drink and play, at most I get a slight buzz. And this game really isn't mentally taxing enough for that to make any difference at all.
    The one time I did get absolutely hammered I just got on for a few minutes and talked to the ls. Didn't even remember it though, they had to tell me the next day.

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  • Nerotu
    Re: Drunk players

    aw hell no. When I've had a few, I cannot go through that whole log in screen before FXI.
    I prefer to sit back and play some cod3 or rainbow 6

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  • Skoal
    Re: Drunk players

    I tanked like a maniac on my level 18 nin one day after playing golf drunk. I woke up that night and wondered how my nin went from 18-20. The party consisted of my friends and they really had no idea that I was that bad off.

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  • DrivenTooFar
    Re: Drunk players

    I admit, I have played the game while intoxicated many times. However, I do not cause any problems for my party and sometimes I seem to focus more on the task at hand. It's like when you drink until your good at bowling or pool. I would never do something stupid to cause the party to wipe just because I was tipsy.

    The only time I really show that I am drunk is when I am talking in the LS or sometimes in the party chat (if I am getting along with everyone). You can sometimes tell that I am drunk from my choice of words but never by my actions.

    The only funny thing that I can remember is that one time my LS leader was smashed and every sentence she typed was full of spelling errors. Even when she tried to correct herself those were full of errors too. It was like this until she informed us that she had to go lay down.

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  • Jarre
    started a poll Drunk players

    Drunk players

    I can't drink
    I wont admit to anything..
    I was playing FFXI while drunk!?

    The poll is expired.

    Christmas is coming and New Year is just around the corner and many of us older players who can legally drink may have one or two tipples before we log on.

    Only last night I was partying with my monk is Yhoahter Jungle and an over zealous (and he admitted it) drunk theif decided that the mandy was not good enough to attack and ended up bringing a white lizzard and a goblin smithy along to join the party, we wipped obviously (we were all around lvl 28 and too far from zone) The theif was duely kicked and blisted.


    Come on lets get some people admitting it, How many of you have played while not extactly sober.

    How many of you have casued problems in a party due to be a bit worse for wear.

    And how many of you have been in a party where a character or 2 is noticably not doing their job due to the controller being intoxicated?

    Any funny stories would be welcomed

    Members will be glad to know I have unticked the box which displays characters names so you are completely anomonous.
    Last edited by Jarre; 12-16-2006, 11:09 AM.