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Drunk players

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  • #61
    Re: Drunk players

    I can't get drunk personally, partially because alchohol is repulsive to me (I can't stand the odur, and one out of the two times I had something with alchohol in it I spit it right back out because of it), partially because i'm underage.

    The one time I did have a drink, I didn't even realize it until my mom noticed. I'd ordered a virgin pina colada (which is good ^_^), and gotten a strawbery daquari. So, waiters, if you serve a 10 year old drinks, be very careful, unless you enjoyed being yelled at.


    • #62
      Re: Drunk players

      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
      So he was getting drunk in the late morning, early afternoon.

      There is an epidemic of this in Texas (at least my neck of the woods). Any little get together I may have at my house (birthday, wife's birthday, about it), some redneck shows up drunk already, then proceeds to pontificate on the virtues of drinking since 9:00 AM. Usually more than one. Thank my drummer for bringing these lushes around.

      I've been playing drunk a lot lately, mostly just during farming. But if I do get into an xp party whilst drunk, I don't want anybody knowing it. Usually it's counterproductive, but in the reverse: XPing really cuts into my ability to drink. So I may start shitty, but I'll miraculously get better and better.


      • #63
        Re: Drunk players

        Originally posted by GiaCorleone View Post
        My linkshell has a Dynamis drinking game we play. The rules are something like:

        ~1 drink for every junk drop (sparkling stone, infinity core, relic weapons, etc)
        ~1 drink for every af drop
        ~1 drink if you receive an af drop
        ~1 drink every time someone says "woot" (spelled exactly this way) (2 if you said it)
        ~1 drink every time someone complains about af drop rate (2 if you complained)
        ~1 drink every time the puller says "big pull"
        ~1 drink every time someone dies (2 if you died)
        ~1 drink every time ls leader says "stun" in /linkshell
        ~1 drink every time main assist says "this is a {some job}"
        ~Finish your drink if we wipe
        ~Finish your drink if Trig speaks in /linkshell (Trig almost never talks)

        The first time we played, almost the entire BLM alliance was too drunk to talk straight, and we almost completely cleared the zone and took home 500+ currency and 9 or so af.
        lol that sounds like fun. As long as it isn't an unsuspecting xp party whatever everyone is willing to go into should be fine.
        Just as long as it doesn't look like the below example of drunken posting.

        Originally posted by kRUSTY View Post
        being a whinging pommy aint nuthing to be proud of either in fact its worse id gladly invite random drunks into my home before i did a brit , with your horrible breath an yellow teeth
        *Snip* Sorry just couldn't repost that much idiocy.

        In answer to the poll never XPed drunk have explored while tipsy and tends to cause occasional dying. I seem to remember a whitemage that was on Garuda before following an ingame girlfriend to another server. He would brag to his ls buddies about how drunk he was while main healing. Funny thing was he'ld stress that he was still doing his job and that his "party" sucked. Some people can probably manage drunk but I haven't yet run accross a person that acknowledges they were drinking in the pt that didn't suck.

        btw Theyaden's necromancy skill went up .1, but failing to ignore the search function and create a new post went down .1 ^..^


        • #64
          Re: Drunk players

          Mostly no one is ever actually drunk when they play FFXI. Anyone who say they are are actually desperately seeking attention to fill a void that having no friends (to drink with) creates.

          Also, anyone who is drinking and playing a MMORPG alone is probably an alcoholic. Tell him to seek AA.

          There is a chance you might actually encounter a real drunk person on FFXI, but if his 'messy' typing is accurate to the point of mathematical patterns being involved, he isn't drunk.
          Read my blog.

          Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
          Entry 32: Death to Castro


          • #65
            Re: Drunk players

            There are people who will get drunk at home by themselves. Personally I never understood someone getting drunk by themself, but have know a few people who do it. It's not much more of a stretch for them to turn on their computer and play a game badly than it is for them to call friends, exgirlfriends, or internet tech support. (I've taken the late shift calls in the call center for these /groan). Regardless of the reasons they do it you do run into them once in a while. Thankfully not very often though.

            Actually ran into a whm in the dunes that couldn't get a pt invite because of how bad his playing was help get invited then kicked. My pt broke up when our healer left rather than inviting him.
            Last edited by Theyaden; 03-15-2007, 01:50 AM.


            • #66
              Re: Drunk players

              /moderator hat on

              Please don't feed the trolls. Thank you.

              /moderator hat off



              • #67
                Re: Drunk players

                Originally posted by Theyaden View Post
                Personally I never understood someone getting drunk by themself
                This reminds me of the many hilarious pictures I've seen online of drunk people being owned by their sober (or semi-drunk) friends.

                Maybe the loners want to avoid such embarassment.


                • #68
                  Re: Drunk players

                  {Thank You}
                  I havent laughed like that for AGES!


                  • #69
                    Re: Drunk players

                    Lol, Krusty is pretty much the definition of a dumb troll XD. Thanks for the laugh kid, enjoy your ban.
                    Cleverness - Hades
                    DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                    • #70
                      Re: Drunk players

                      Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
                      Mostly no one is ever actually drunk when they play FFXI. Anyone who say they are are actually desperately seeking attention to fill a void that having no friends (to drink with) creates.
                      I get drunk as hell while I'm tele-whoring. I play ffxi a lot while I'm drunk. In fact, lots of the time I'll smoke a bowl while I'm playing too. Don't usually exp on my main job while I'm drunk and/or stoned, but I do play blm a lot. Or tele-whore. Or farm. Or lots of other stuff.

                      Basically the point of this post is to point out the ignorance and inaccuracy of your post.

                      PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                      Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                      When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                      • #71
                        Re: Drunk players

                        Originally posted by kRUSTY
                        blah blah blah
                        Has KI and alla finally filled thier quota of idiots that the overflow is coming here? I did so enjoy the community, and we stayed hidden for so long.

                        I think we stayed hidden because people like krusty couldn't spell vanadiel in the google search bar to find us. But alas our nice little community is coming down.


                        • #72
                          Re: Drunk players

                          Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
                          Has KI and alla finally filled thier quota of idiots that the overflow is coming here? I did so enjoy the community, and we stayed hidden for so long.

                          I think we stayed hidden because people like krusty couldn't spell vanadiel in the google search bar to find us. But alas our nice little community is coming down.
                          Not on my watch it isn't.

                          Enjoy the peace.



                          • #73
                            Re: Drunk players

                            lmao @ krusty... I can't remember what other post of his clued me in, but I figured he wouldn't last long.

                            most of my friends or ls mates who have played drunk have come home after a night out and then signed on. typically they just show up a minute or two to check the AH or something like that.

                            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                            • #74
                              Re: Drunk players

                              Thanks for trimming his post icemage, my post was justified though, have to defend my country from major slandar and racist acusations.


                              • #75
                                Re: Drunk players

                                I'm glad to say that I've never drank, and that I never will (unless it were completely unknowingly, even then... Bleagh hope it never happens)

                                Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

                                Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

                                80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.

