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Unusual yet effective party setups

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  • Unusual yet effective party setups

    In the past few days of exp on my thf, i've find this style great for days where you see nothing but a mage or 2, a bunch of other thf and drgs.
    Day one. Party started as thf/nin x3 drg/nin, drg/rdm and whm. Area Mamool Ja staging point where we chained Sea Puks and a few mimicers/drgs.
    Day two. Party was same drg/nin and one of the other thf besides me. thfx3, pld/nin, drg/nin, smn/whm. Few misshaps and more or less, pld and smn left. One forced d/c other afk too long. Then our drg left ; ; But we still kept going, blu/nin, whm, and smn came to the rescue~! Over all exp was a typical slow paced bibiki bay party would pull around 3-4k/hour. More or less, just because how fast paced it seemed. Post some interesting none standard parties you've had, :3 or some unusual experiances in normal exp
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi

  • #2
    Re: Unusual yet effective party setups

    There's lots of unusual party setups at higher levels.

    TP-burn (melee/NIN, melee/NIN, melee/NIN, melee/NIN, healer, BRD) is pretty popular right now.

    Mana-burn (BLM, BLM, BLM, BLM, MP-support, optional 5th BLM or additional support or healer mage).

    SMN-burn (SMN, SMN, SMN, SMN, MP-support, optional additional MP-support or 5th SMN)

    Double Bard party (BRD, BRD, melee/NIN, melee/NIN, melee/NIN, support/healer/optional 4th melee).

    As long as a party as sufficient targets of adequate difficulty and enough damage and recovery output, you can set up a lot of creative parties if you do enough planning (I've hit XP chain #204 with a TP-burn setup, and I've heard of people getting much more).



    • #3
      Re: Unusual yet effective party setups

      Specially now with the new zones, people can experiment alot.
      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


      • #4
        Re: Unusual yet effective party setups

        chain 204? O.O woah mobs didn't just die, they were genocided
        Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


        • #5
          Re: Unusual yet effective party setups

          my favorite setup ^^, got invited into it once around level65. in bibiky bay killing birds, around 6K/Hour ^^
          usually i don't bother looking for another DRG to form such a party with (most of them refuse =_=) so it's sorta rare ; ;

          75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69


          • #6
            Re: Unusual yet effective party setups

            I always thought Jug and Jump burns were highly innovative.
            The coolest one I've ever heard of is a dagger burn (not sure what they're called) when you have 5 or 6 thfs all continually SATA'ing on eachother. Takes a LOT of coordination, but an incredible idea.
            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

            PSN: Caspian


            • #7
              Re: Unusual yet effective party setups

              as for SATA burn i did a mini-SATA burn when 2 members disconnected, 4 members 3 of them are friends of me and the 4th is a THF
              THF/NIN (me) THF/NIN RDM/BLM and WHM/SMN at 66~ mobs dreamt to hit us, only hits we got is from the multi-hit WS Colibri does.
              wanna try a 4 or 5 THF party!

              75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69

