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Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

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  • #31
    Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

    Originally posted by Shopee
    Since both your avatar and signature involve anime, and you are applying a positive generalization to JP players and a negative to NA players, this would lead me to generalize using my experience that you are no more than a JP fanboy/girl, and in actuality this is merely the projection of your idea that Japanese culture and/or certain entertainment mediums are superior to anything of North American (or European) production.

    I am not responsible for any reader failing to detect the irony and/or point of this post.
    Your signature contains an image from a Japanese game. Thus you are obviously a JP fanboy.

    When I look for entertainment I look for the kind of entertainment I like, not entertainment from the country I like. Nationalism is the bane of our world, almost as bad as another part of human culture, but I'm not going to touch that subject with a 10-ft pole.


    • #32
      Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

      While the generalisations aren't needed, the OP does raise an intersting question of why people litterally cram into valkrum at times when there's dozens of other places (and not just Korrolka). While they might not have the same range of mobs (and i've never got the opertunity to try a lot of these places, so i can't testify for how good they are) people with a little effort could party at horutoro, shakrami, KRP, carpenters Landing, meriphaud, pashow, jugner at various points 10-20.

      But the dunes is like a convenience store. Every thing you need under one roof, subjob items check, mobs for full range 10-20, check, safe place nearby for LFG, check, easy to build a party (and thats the big one), check. Who cares if the exp is worse, it takes so little effort to organise thigns when you get there people are drawn in. So much so that anyone not going to valkrum has a hard time finding anyone to join them.

      I'd personally argue that the dunes is a pain in the backside to get to for everyone, but pretty much a equal pain the behind. People from windy could get to shakrami easier, people from sandy could get to KRT or carpenters easier, People from bastok could get to Korrolka easier. But for some reason instead we end up with 3 parties of the same level in the dunes instead, fighting over one clipper.
      Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


      • #33
        Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

        Originally posted by Maju
        Your signature contains an image from a Japanese game. Thus you are obviously a JP fanboy.
        Fallacious point. Note that I am not showing my obvious fanboyism by attacking people from certain nations with negative generalizations and raising people from a different nation up using positive generalizations.

        In fact, if one followed the fact (which is patently obvious fromt he previous post) that I appear to have a negative view of Japan fanboy/girls, one would in fact conclude that I am sending contradictory signals (if having a signature containing material originating in Japan indicates on its own Japan fanboy/girlism) and would not be able to draw a conclusion.

        You on the other hand are sending coinciding and self-reinforcing signals leading me to the inevitable conclusion. Japan fanboy/girl.

        DISCLAIMER: If your name is Maju, re-read the small text in my previous post. Keywords: Irony.
        The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

        Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


        • #34
          Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

          The big irony to this debate though is that anime in essence is still a NA created thing. Anime style originated off of old NA cartoons, just they advanced it one way and NA advanced it another. Real Irony though is NA or other industries reconizes the Anime style as being superior to their creation, which is why you start to see these cartoons such as "Teen Titans", "Justice Leauge" (newer versions), "Batman Returns" (Cartoon version), "The Boondocks" (Animated not comic) and others moving to more of a anime like style.

          Only those cartoonist trying to make a "unique" style that create the aboritions that are no were near anime and some are honestly quite pathetic. These cartoonist doing this exist on all sides of the spectrum.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #35
            Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

            Originally posted by Maju
            Nationalism is the bane of our world.
            No political correctness is the bane of the world, such that having a Union Jack painted on the roof of a mini is now apparently "inciting nationalism".

            Maju, you did seem to miss the irony of Shopee's post. Anyway to the point, someone mentioned Carpenter's Landing. What a good xp spot that is for 15-20, honestly got great xp there with my static but you never see anyone there except a few bst or people farming thunder elements. So why doesn't everyone run all the way to San d'Oria and level there? Simple really, because no-one talks about it and you'd be surprised at the amount of players who don't know the San d'Orian entrance exists.

            Originally posted by macht
            cartoons such as "Teen Titans"
            Nooooooooooooooo!!! Its been cancelled. Bring it back Cartoon Network!!


            • #36
              Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

              Actually I'd heard that the carpenter's landing you could party in there from level 10-27 on many different mobs. Ive parties there once, and I liked it. Now if only i could find a nice party, static, or group of friends to level there.

              I will live, and die by the Sword


              • #37
                Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                Off Topic:
                Nooooooooooooooo!!! Its been cancelled. Bring it back Cartoon Network!!
                Teen Titans annoyed the hell out of me, I'm glad it's cancelled. They are producing Legion of Super Heroes though (not sure if it'll be regular broadcast or CN).

                Thanks Yyg!


                • #38
                  Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                  Originally posted by queenuma
                  No political correctness is the bane of the world, such that having a Union Jack painted on the roof of a mini is now apparently "inciting nationalism".
                  A Union Jack on the roof of your mini only shows your bad taste. Real nationalism causes wars.

                  Maju, you did seem to miss the irony of Shopee's post.
                  Yes I did.


                  • #39
                    Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                    Originally posted by Macht
                    Real Irony though is NA or other industries reconizes the Anime style as being superior to their creation.

                    Anime is superior? I think not.


                    • #40
                      Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                      Originally posted by Hantz
                      Anime is superior? I think not.
                      I have seen the light. Thank you.


                      • #41
                        Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                        Originally posted by Maju
                        I have seen the light. Thank you.
                        You're welcome.

                        Once I saw Oswald with my kids, I realized all other forms of color, movement, sound, and storytelling were inferior.

                        Then my head blew up.


                        • #42
                          Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                          Originally posted by Hantz
                          Anime is superior? I think not.
                          Haha very funny.

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #43
                            Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                            Originally posted by Ellipses
                            We're allergic to communication and planning, and strangers are icky. Some weirdo with red and green thingies around his words trying to get me to go to some Kallookidydookidy Tunnel isn't getting that crab killed any faster. Now shut up and lemme work! 16MNK LFP goldarnit!
                            I love this response!

                            YOUR LANGUAGE IS SILLY!!

                            I've tried to build parties and then go to the tunnel, and then I have problems with impatience. You're heading there, you're Rank 10 so you get there pretty fast, but the Rank 1 or 2 may have never been there. Suddenly they think, "hmm, I've been walking for 20 minutes, I'm having an anxioty attack trying to avoid Goblins, and I was in an area where people my level were already killing." Next thing you know they disband, and you're looking for somebody else you'll have to drag kicking and screaming to Bastok.

                            I often play during a time where there are a lot of JPN players, so I've had pretty good amount of parties there. NIN, SAM, RNG, and DRG all went from Lv.14~19 or 20 in one simple, beautiful night.

                            I usually seek in Jeuno as well, then go where I'm needed, but I'm finding some people don't quite know how to use that damn /search command. Then again, I usually build my own parties during the Dunes range so I can go some place else. Maze or Tunnel, or the Peninsula.
                            PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                            RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                            Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                            SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                            • #44
                              Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                              In all seriousness though, Carpenter's Landing would be a godsend if it's really viable from 10-25. Sandy citizens could solo the first ten in Ronfaure, then go back to town and slip into CL. You wouldn't have to come out of there for 15 freaking levels. I gotta go to Campsitarus.


                              • #45
                                Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                                Originally posted by neighbortaru
                                Off Topic:
                                Teen Titans annoyed the hell out of me, I'm glad it's cancelled.
                                You lie!! I will say this only once

                                Best theme song ever!

                                I don't like any of the other Puffy Ami-Yumi J-Pop crap but the TT theme was great.

                                Originally posted by Maju
                                A Union Jack on the roof of your mini only shows your bad taste. Real nationalism causes wars.
                                Actually a Union Jack on the roof of a mini (original 60s not this BMW crap) shown that you were proud of your country and supported British industry, it was actually in bad taste if you chose a plain white roof when the option of a Jack was available. Side note: Original 60s Mini Cooper in British Racing green with the chequered flag roof is beyond cool.
                                Last edited by Queen Uma; 07-12-2006, 02:30 PM. Reason: spelling

