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Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

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  • #61
    Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

    Originally posted by Shopee
    This would merely be the actual, singular self, deciding not to let those two factors influence it for some reason or another. The I was refusing the environment and culture any influence because they are not selves and do not have any power other than what the self gives them.
    Yeah, then what if the 1 out of the 2 was not the "I" but was environment, culture, or something else?

    They hold this situation in a lot of the somewhat hero's were they got a decision to kill someone else innocent or a hostage they try to protect dies, culture and himself say's it is wrong to kill yet he does it still due to the environment?

    Going to say that the he himself was actually in agreement to kill someone else to protect a hostage?

    Double Post Edited:
    Originally posted by Shopee
    But that in no way establishes that they exist as selves, I am well aware that there is a concept of how I think others see me, and how they see me, but that in no way necessitates those concepts becoming entities capable of decision making.
    Yes, it does. Everytime you refuse to do something because of a first thought being (So-and-so wouldn't approve of this). Just considering how they'd view you after an action proves it to be an entity capable of influencing the decision.

    This is being proven positive in my life right know as views my brother takes defies what I already know what he wouldn't choose and what the culture he grew up it states against. It's his environment the 1 out of 3 that is winning even though the other 2 say it's wrong.
    Last edited by Macht; 07-12-2006, 05:35 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #62
      Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

      Well, what if you don't refuse to do something because someone else might disapprove of it?

      I'm not talking about not doing something because it's a rule, because that's an entirely different situation. I'm just talking about not basing one's actions around what someone else would think of it.


      • #63
        Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

        Originally posted by Aelathir
        Well, what if you don't refuse to do something because someone else might disapprove of it?

        I'm not talking about not doing something because it's a rule, because that's an entirely different situation. I'm just talking about not basing one's actions around what someone else would think of it.
        Same thing I stated different wording. The fact you act "because someone else might disapprove of it" proves the reflective self as an entity.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #64
          Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

          Originally posted by Macht

          Yes, it does. Everytime you refuse to do something because of a first thought being (So-and-so wouldn't approve of this). Just considering how they'd view you after an action proves it to be an entity capable of influencing the decision.
          Obviously the I is considering how they would view itself after the action, agreed?

          So then the I decides how to act with that consideration in mind.

          If an entity is a thing capable of independent decision making process, I fail to see how that enters into the above thought process other than as the I which is considering the reaction of someone else.

          Double Post Edited:
          Originally posted by Macht
          Same thing I stated different wording. The fact you act "because someone else might disapprove of it" proves the reflective self as an entity.
          I'm afraid you are mixing up something. They aren't acting BECAUSE someone might dissaprove they are acting REGARDLESS.
          Last edited by Shopee; 07-12-2006, 05:40 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
          The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

          Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


          • #65
            Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

            Originally posted by Macht
            Same thing I stated different wording. The fact you act "because someone else might disapprove of it" proves the reflective self as an entity.
            See, no. What I meant was "What if I don't take what others will think of this" into consideration at all?


            • #66
              Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

              i was in the dune, one time and the leader got tired of dunes and decided on going to korro
              and yes i'm all for korro XP instead of dunes, so 2 of the other PT memebers were like..."no thats too far?" i was like omg...-_-

              in conclusion
              dunes suck
              Korro ftw xD

              ^Sig made by Krill master or making teh siggy ^


              • #67
                Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                This topic opened at page 3. WTF is going on lol.

                To answer the topics title (which is probably actually OT to the thread by now), people go to the Dunes because it's the best place to get a party. People are generally short with their playing times in the early lvls, so it's nice to have everyone in one place.

                If you think about, the Dunes is a really nice XP ground. It's good for alot of levels, and there's many safe camps. There can be overcrowding, but I haven't seen that lately. I think most of the problems with the Dunes is the fact that the players suck (they may be new, but they still suck), not with the Dunes itself. It's a good xp zone.


                • #68
                  Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                  Are we back on topic yet? I don't think the OP was being a fanboy for pointing out these areas are empty outside JP prime time. I am in Australia, basically the same timezone as Japan. I have been in plenty of Japanese parties in the dunes, and the two times I went to Korraloka(sp?) was with English players. Yet those two times were during JP prime time, and the place is usually empty outside of this.

                  I have been through Korrokola twice, once on Paladin and again on Ranger, probably two of the silliest jobs to fight worms against. We didn't need a tank or puller for worms, I basically DDed on both jobs, where if I'd taken them through the Dunes, I would have learnt pulling and tanking a whole lot better. Korrokola isn't always the best, even if the xp/hour is better. Both times I made 6 levels in around three or four hours, which might be possible in the dunes (though I've never experienced it), but it is easy off the worms.

                  I noticed someone state that Full Force Blow hurts. This has only been true for me when I fought worms in Maze of Shakhrami when I was lv. 10. Outside of that equipping right for your targeted enemy works wonders. Once I got my equipped with all the +stone equipment Full Force Blow was more like a Full Force Tap a whooping 30 damage when each hit is doing 15-20.
                  Take note that Barstone and Barstonra are two of the earliest rdm/whm spells (level 5 I think), and work wonders here, and stack with your +stone gear. It helps earth-based spell resistance as well as full force.

                  Everyone talks about the pain of getting to Bastok. If its your first job, sure, but if you can get to Valkrum you can get to Bastok. If you have the airship, tele-crystals and/or chocopass, how is it harder to get to than Valkrum? If anything its easier to get to from Jeuno, as is Carpenters Landing.


                  • #69
                    Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                    Originally posted by nazlfrag
                    I have been through Korrokola twice, once on Paladin and again on Ranger, probably two of the silliest jobs to fight worms against. We didn't need a tank or puller for worms, I basically DDed on both jobs, where if I'd taken them through the Dunes, I would have learnt pulling and tanking a whole lot better. Korrokola isn't always the best, even if the xp/hour is better. Both times I made 6 levels in around three or four hours, which might be possible in the dunes (though I've never experienced it), but it is easy off the worms.
                    Not that you don't make a really good point, but Worms are excellent mobs for RNG to level on. Even without a party. Actually, especially without a party.


                    • #70
                      Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                      Originally posted by Maju
                      I consider anyone who has not yet reached L50 with a single job a newbie. Past L50 I expect anyone I PT with to know how to play their job. Sadly it doesn't always go like that. Thus most newbies do have sub jobs.
                      ITT Maju is superior. In the future drop the elitist attitude. You said yourself in that quote right there that levels do not matter, which completely defeats the entire point of that statement. Lurk moar.


                      • #71
                        Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                        Originally posted by Kikku
                        i was in the dune, one time and the leader got tired of dunes and decided on going to korro
                        and yes i'm all for korro XP instead of dunes, so 2 of the other PT memebers were like..."no thats too far?" i was like omg...-_-
                        This is a valid complaint. Since at low levels there is so little required to level up people will log on to get a party when they only have a little while to play. The 20 minute walk and dealing with aggro from Selbina to Korroloka can significantly cut into playtime.

                        Last time I was in Korroloka the EXP sucked anyway.
                        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                        • #72
                          Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                          Originally posted by dirtyclown
                          ITT Maju is superior. In the future drop the elitist attitude. You said yourself in that quote right there that levels do not matter, which completely defeats the entire point of that statement. Lurk moar.
                          Where did I say levels don't matter? What elititst attitude? Please elaborate.


                          • #73
                            Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                            Can everyone stop posting garbage please?

                            The OP has his opinions. Sure they're very generalised and his personality is highly caustic but not everyone is agreeable.

                            Let's put this thread to rest and level our low level jobs where we please.


                            • #74
                              Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                              Wow, who'd of though the dunes were so philosophical?
                              Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


                              • #75
                                Re: Why are NAs obsessed with Valkurm?

                                Originally posted by ikkleste
                                Wow, who'd of though the dunes were so philosophical?
                                Actually I think the dunes themselves are more theological. Every time I go through I wonder:

                                Is this what hell is like?

                                Thank goodness it's only a temporary levelling spot.

                                Originally posted by Feenicks
                                Can everyone stop posting garbage please?
                                I'm confused as to what garbage you are referring to. If you clarify we might possibly be able to help you take it out so it can be collected.

                                Originally posted by dirtyclown
                                ITT Maju is superior. In the future drop the elitist attitude. You said yourself in that quote right there that levels do not matter, which completely defeats the entire point of that statement. Lurk moar.
                                I understand you were addressing Maju, but in the interest of keeping up with the thread, could you clarify what you are saying here? I'm afraid I just don't get it.
                                The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

                                Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.

