Sorry if this isn't the right boad, I have been searching for a thread related to this but I couldn't find one and this seemed like an appropriate place to put it. Also I apologise if this is long.
Ok how to start this? Hmm how about a question.
Is everyone so stuck in the mindset of their high level job that they can't adapt to how things work pre 50 or are they all just forgetful?
I just walked away from a party with my 40drk. Now I rarely walk away from parties, I always try to make them work, no matter how bad they are, and my main is rdm so its not like I couldn't get a fast invite if I did drop pts more often. The party setup was pretty good; nin, thf, whm, rdm, cor, drk (me). The problem was the attitudes within the party (all rank6+ except the rdm).
So, I got an invite from someone asking me to meet them in Crawler's Nest to replace a member. I hopped on a chicken and set off to CN. Got the invite about halfway across Rol Fields so I thought I would use my travelling time to discuss tactics.
I had the following weapons with me (all capped skills from my warrior);
Horror Voulge, Mutilator, Ice Brand.
I asked the party which weapon they would prefer me to use, hinting that Great Axe would benefit the party more given the stats of my weapons and both Sturmwind and Shield Break weapon skills. They responded with alot of "lolz" and "Drks use scythe" so I equipped my Mutilator as I entered CN.
We ventured down to the Soldier Crawler room and began to fight. I noticed the party were missing alot (I had Woodsman ring, Tilt Belt, Bream Sushi and lots of +dex from RSE). I believe I was actually out tp-ing the ninja who was my SC partner (Blade:rin >> Nightmare Scythe = Distortion).
On about the fifth Crawler (after we managed to make chain #1) I suggested that it would speed things up if I switched to GA and used Shield Break at the start of every battle. After much um-ing and ah-ing I convinced them to let me try, so I switched got to 100% and used it. The miss rate of the party dropped through the floor and my damage was consistant (if not better) with that of my scythe. I was actually able to still SC with the Nin being able to get a Sturmwind out mid fight and gain enough tp for a break at the start of the next one.
We must of killed another 5-6 Crawlers when the thf suddenly decided he had enough of me using my GA and went on the offensive saying that I "have" to use scythe and that he was a drk main and knew what was best for the party. Once the thf started the rest of the party decided to quip in again saying I was a "n00b" for using a GA and that my damage sucked.
An argument broke out and the exp stopped altogether so I switched back to scythe and we continued. The kills slowed right down again and the miss rate went right up. It was at this point when the rdm (who hadn't said anything until now) said "I think we were better off earlier". The high ranks all turned on the rdm calling him a "n00b" saying he was just as bad as me and that he couldn't have an opinion on the situation because he had never levelled drk. In actual fact they got very offensive at the rdm, who was doing a good job (melee and casting) and was willing to listen to advice.
The rdm clearly upset disbanded and warped. The thf and nin now started slagging him off completely saying rdm shouldn't melee etc and that they would replace the "n00b" with one of their friends. I was promptly told that if I didn't use my scythe I would be kicked. So I disbanded and warped. Got a few angry /tells from them saying they would tell their HNMLS never to party with me etc. I just ignored them and logged to my mule to level my cooking.
So I will ask again
Is everyone so stuck in the mindset of their high level job that they can't adapt to how things work pre 50 or are they all just forgetful?
It is this mindset and inflexability that slowed the party down. It is their "I know all" attitude that caused the innocent rdm upset and forced him to stop his enjoyment (I checked after I warped, he had logged off). Just because somethign works one way in your merit/burn parties does not mean it has to work that way in lower level parties.
The previous party I had with my drk (all low ranks) were very happy I had a GA with me and skilled up. They were willing to let me try my GA, Scythe (Harvester til I hit 40) and GS to see what worked best on the particular mobs we were fighting (beetles).
Well I suppose thats my rant over. Gained 3 cooking levels whilst typing this
so I am happier now.
Thanks for reading it, you may now all flame away if you wish.
Uma xx
Ok how to start this? Hmm how about a question.
Is everyone so stuck in the mindset of their high level job that they can't adapt to how things work pre 50 or are they all just forgetful?
I just walked away from a party with my 40drk. Now I rarely walk away from parties, I always try to make them work, no matter how bad they are, and my main is rdm so its not like I couldn't get a fast invite if I did drop pts more often. The party setup was pretty good; nin, thf, whm, rdm, cor, drk (me). The problem was the attitudes within the party (all rank6+ except the rdm).
So, I got an invite from someone asking me to meet them in Crawler's Nest to replace a member. I hopped on a chicken and set off to CN. Got the invite about halfway across Rol Fields so I thought I would use my travelling time to discuss tactics.
I had the following weapons with me (all capped skills from my warrior);
Horror Voulge, Mutilator, Ice Brand.
I asked the party which weapon they would prefer me to use, hinting that Great Axe would benefit the party more given the stats of my weapons and both Sturmwind and Shield Break weapon skills. They responded with alot of "lolz" and "Drks use scythe" so I equipped my Mutilator as I entered CN.
We ventured down to the Soldier Crawler room and began to fight. I noticed the party were missing alot (I had Woodsman ring, Tilt Belt, Bream Sushi and lots of +dex from RSE). I believe I was actually out tp-ing the ninja who was my SC partner (Blade:rin >> Nightmare Scythe = Distortion).
On about the fifth Crawler (after we managed to make chain #1) I suggested that it would speed things up if I switched to GA and used Shield Break at the start of every battle. After much um-ing and ah-ing I convinced them to let me try, so I switched got to 100% and used it. The miss rate of the party dropped through the floor and my damage was consistant (if not better) with that of my scythe. I was actually able to still SC with the Nin being able to get a Sturmwind out mid fight and gain enough tp for a break at the start of the next one.
We must of killed another 5-6 Crawlers when the thf suddenly decided he had enough of me using my GA and went on the offensive saying that I "have" to use scythe and that he was a drk main and knew what was best for the party. Once the thf started the rest of the party decided to quip in again saying I was a "n00b" for using a GA and that my damage sucked.
An argument broke out and the exp stopped altogether so I switched back to scythe and we continued. The kills slowed right down again and the miss rate went right up. It was at this point when the rdm (who hadn't said anything until now) said "I think we were better off earlier". The high ranks all turned on the rdm calling him a "n00b" saying he was just as bad as me and that he couldn't have an opinion on the situation because he had never levelled drk. In actual fact they got very offensive at the rdm, who was doing a good job (melee and casting) and was willing to listen to advice.
The rdm clearly upset disbanded and warped. The thf and nin now started slagging him off completely saying rdm shouldn't melee etc and that they would replace the "n00b" with one of their friends. I was promptly told that if I didn't use my scythe I would be kicked. So I disbanded and warped. Got a few angry /tells from them saying they would tell their HNMLS never to party with me etc. I just ignored them and logged to my mule to level my cooking.
So I will ask again
Is everyone so stuck in the mindset of their high level job that they can't adapt to how things work pre 50 or are they all just forgetful?
It is this mindset and inflexability that slowed the party down. It is their "I know all" attitude that caused the innocent rdm upset and forced him to stop his enjoyment (I checked after I warped, he had logged off). Just because somethign works one way in your merit/burn parties does not mean it has to work that way in lower level parties.
The previous party I had with my drk (all low ranks) were very happy I had a GA with me and skilled up. They were willing to let me try my GA, Scythe (Harvester til I hit 40) and GS to see what worked best on the particular mobs we were fighting (beetles).
Well I suppose thats my rant over. Gained 3 cooking levels whilst typing this

Thanks for reading it, you may now all flame away if you wish.
Uma xx
