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A very good Skillchain Calculator

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  • A very good Skillchain Calculator

    While still a work in progress...I did find this calculator that is very cool and gives you all the skillchains possible (still being updated) when you enter in players information.

    In the calculator in this info:

    Player 1: <level> BLU/<sub> Weapon: Sword
    Player 2: <level> BLU/<sub> Weapon: Blue Magic

    This will show you all the possibilites you can skillchain at whatever level you are currently at.

    Very cool...although most of us can read the Renkei chart this probably is a little quicker and gives you many options. It does show Skillchains involving beginning with physical spells, but remember the calculator thinks 2 BLU mages are trying to Skillchain and not one. So just stick to the Skillchains that begin with a Weapon Skill if you are looking for solo skillchains.

    Last edited by IgotGAME; 06-12-2006, 08:11 AM.
    "Sub jobs are a lot like sex, you shouldn't have it until you're 18 and if you don't have it by 21 then you're made fun of"

  • #2
    Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

    This looks to have just the options I was after on a SC calc, even better than the firefox plugin one.

    The interface needs some work since text bleeds all over the place in firefox (not tried IE yet), but giving you a list of mobs to choose the best SC with is awesome.



    • #3
      Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

      Very nice, I'll be bookmarking this.
      Originally posted by Ellipses
      Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
      Originally posted by MCLV
      A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
      More Sig:


      • #4
        Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

        I spoke with the creator last night and this thing is a work in progress, but it's a great calculator so far. He is going to work on the spacing, colors, text, and everything to make it easier to read. He will also be adding some other options in the future like this:

        I originally (and still plan to) add in a 'Player X First/Last', so that this can be more useful not only to BLUs, but to parties with a THF or /THF in them. As well, I want to add in support for selecting specifically which weaponskill from each player you want to use (i.e. for THFs they would select VB 34-60, DE to 66, then SB 66+, always closing).
        "Sub jobs are a lot like sex, you shouldn't have it until you're 18 and if you don't have it by 21 then you're made fun of"


        • #5
          Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

          This looks to have just the options I was after on a SC calc, even better than the firefox plugin one.
          It cannot be! ...I'll have to check this out then.
          Generic Info!


          • #6
            Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

            Hi, AlexisLucia of Kujata Here

            I'm glad you guys like my calculator. Feel free to link to in on your LS forums or whatever, I coded it to be used (I'm up to around 400 hits/day now, not much yet but it's growing).
            I ask that if you notice any bugs, or qould like to request features, please email me, as trolling every FFXI forum for requests would be a pain in the ass.
            AlexisLucia of Kujata
            Post-whore of Allakhazam's Kujata, BRD, NIN, and BLU forums


            • #7
              Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

              OMG! :D!! this is so awsome, i must lick you! :O
              *licks* =D this is my new and best SC refrence... i love it
              thank you :D


              • #8
                Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

                Ok guys, quick update, I think this calculator is functionally complete.

                It seems to be working (aside form the wierd bug with Arcuballista's properties sometimes not making Liquefaction, but none of us SC gurus know what is going on there yet).

                I've added all I can think of that it really 'required' (in my opinion).
                As always, though, suggestions are always welcome (just not always implemented, at my discretion, of course)

                Edit: 1 more thing
                I want to add Japanese support, but I myself don't know any.
                If someone would be so kind as to translate for me that would be awesome, I don't really trust the babelfish.
                AlexisLucia of Kujata
                Post-whore of Allakhazam's Kujata, BRD, NIN, and BLU forums


                • #9
                  Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

                  WOW, this is great. Seems to have every feature i've ever wanted...... great job. Only thing i see missing is in the Mob menu, it is missing some ToA mobs.

                  Keep up the good work!


                  • #10
                    Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

                    Only thing i see missing is in the Mob menu, it is missing some ToA mobs.
                    Yeah I'm looking for a good up-to-date list of mob weaknesses, if you know one please let me know and I'll update the calculator post-haste.
                    AlexisLucia of Kujata
                    Post-whore of Allakhazam's Kujata, BRD, NIN, and BLU forums


                    • #11
                      Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

                      somepage seems to have decent coverage of expansion mobs weaknesses, but I don't know that they've been confirmed by anyone. For example it says Ziz are weak to wind and ice, even though Mysterytour has Cockatrice listed as weak to wind, strong to earth, so I don't know if there's actually a difference between the 2 or just discrepencies between the information of the 2 sites.
                      ~ Araius - 75 RDM - 75 BLU - 99.8 +3 Alchemy - Valefor ~


                      • #12
                        Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

                        Having just broken through the lvl 70 limit, I would have liked to see the option of excluding my "Asuran Fists" weaponskill from the searches until I had obtained it. I've got it now (lvl 72 and climbing), but perhaps if its easy you could add another tickbox above the "Exclude Relic Weaponskills" to read something like "exclude WSNM quest weaponskill" or something similar.

                        Its probably not worth the effort, but if you get the chance could you also add a state remembering cookie to the calculator, so that "Player 1" details could be remembered, since most of the time that will be your character each time.

                        By the way, great work on this calculator, it really is fine as it is but almost each time I go back you've added something else cool

                        ps. I just thought of another set of mobs you could add for us really lazy DDs. I realise that Empty mobs are dependant on their inner colours, but if you could put in a section for them with a colour description, it would help us guys that still don't really know all the strengths against each element (let alone knowing exactly what colour Empty is which element, ie, is that ice or light?)
                        Last edited by Amarok; 08-24-2006, 03:21 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

                          Well I've added in the color-coding for the empty mobs (as well broken up Elementals into their respective element and added the Avatars)
                          The cookie idea is good, I'll look into keeping that.
                          The WSNM idea, though, would be difficult.
                          Something like relic weaponskills, most people don't have, so excluding it for all players regardless can be a global yes/no flag.
                          Most people do have quested weaponskills, though, so in your case you'd want to exclude it for just you, but still show everyone elses.
                          Although that's a good idea, there really isn't room in the UI for it, and I don't really want to make the player boxes scrolling like the options box is.
                          I think what I'll add though is some sort of flag in the output (maybe a big, bolded (Q), or something) like I did with the Relic weaponskills.
                          AlexisLucia of Kujata
                          Post-whore of Allakhazam's Kujata, BRD, NIN, and BLU forums


                          • #14
                            Re: A very good Skillchain Calculator

                            as this has become more general than just BLU discussions, I'm moving this to party tatics discussion.

                            Thanks Yyg!

