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TP burn PTs, how early?

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  • #16
    Re: TP burn PTs, how early?

    Do the rngs just stand miles apart so they get maximum dmg when the mob goes after another rng then it goes back for them and that rng does more dmg or do they all just stand close to the mob and spam ws's?
    75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
    Woodworking 91.9+2
    ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


    • #17
      Re: TP burn PTs, how early?

      Not really, the basis of it was TP burn, just with SC and MB tossed in. They could've worked with another WAR, but two 800 damage MBs per fight were nice.

      Except in the rare occasions they lived...


      • #18
        Re: TP burn PTs, how early?

        colibiries would be perfect as the higher tier have a reflect trait that cripples black mages, they're perfect for a sidewinder>rampage or an arrowburn type of party (they're weak to piercing). as long you got some sort of distortion or darkness skillchain these mobs are as good as dead. the only major drawback is you have to use cheap food and pray it doesn't use feather tickle often.

        imps and puks are perfect for arrowburn parties. imps are blm type mobs, which mean they have little evasion to start. both are weak to piercing, but like any mob they have thier drawbacks.

        my favorite is those weapons up in sky. d-weapons or a-weapons, they don't matter. a-weapons will require a dispeller that will slow down those chains slightly. they got that one aoe ws you got to put up with, but rampage will put them out of thier misery.

        tigers/cockatries in kuftal are another target for axeburn if sky isn't available. tigers are weak to slashing attacks, cockatrices are vt-it at 75.
        Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
        Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7


        • #19
          Re: TP burn PTs, how early?

          Imps are lame weak in the defense department (But hit like a runaway freight train) My NIN friend is only level 71 and can toss out 900 Blade: Jin without even trying...

          Aeolus, in that PT, it was in Bibiki Bay. I believe the setup was the NIN was the puller and then would bring it out in the middle of RNGs. From there, you just shoot it, always giving at least 4 of the 5 range attacks effective distance for accuracy and damage. WHM was there just for show (j/k) but mostly to dole out Erase and emergency curing. Plus a teleport-mea in case they caught a bad link (which never happened, fortunately for them)


          • #20
            Re: TP burn PTs, how early?

            TP burn PT is that you don't wait for people to gain TP for SC. You just spam the most damaging WS macro once you get close to 100%. Sometimes you can delay a bit for if you want a SC and know that the guy next to you is about to use his fav WS. It's not common for a TP burn PT to report TP to each other, setup SC and wait TP. It doesn't matter where the SC or the WS should take place, at start, middle even if using the WS to finish the monster is possible too.

            Usually you will find some common SC around which are not mean to be SC but since the melees are getting TP at the same rate they can do SC without talking/report TP to each other. Asusra Fists <> Blade: Jin (make fusion or liquifaction) or Asura Fists <> Tachi Gekko or Rampage <> Rampage or Raging Rush <> Gillotine...etc. The speed of the PT rely heavily on the amount of raw damage and WS the melees can pull off. Like all 'burn' PT, there is no static tank in TP burn. You might have a main tank but he will constantly lose hate after the 1st few seconds of the fight so you can't really call him a static tank.

            PT that rely on MB and SCing are not TP burn but more of traditional PT. It is generally a misconception that TP burn PT gains more exp than traditional PT (10k per hour vs 5k per hour) but it is not true. A traditional PT can earn up to 8~10k exp per hour given that the member are perfectly match (or very close to it) with each other on timing and MB. When you see a Tank, a SC, a nuker and a MB then you know it's a traditional PT you're in. If you see no SC, people with /nin sub and no static tank then you can be sure it's a burn type PT.

            The earliest TP burn PT I could recall was lv 65 with 2 War/Nin + 1 Thf. We don't do SC but the Thf can use Dancing Edge to create SC with Rampage and vice versa when we get matching TP or it just happend that we are close at TP gain. Pretty much rely on 3 melees for damage, no pure nuker just rdm/whm/smn for the back line. I think TP burn can be as early as the 50s where you get 3mnks for bones.
            Last edited by Kenki; 06-20-2006, 09:18 AM.


            • #21
              Re: TP burn PTs, how early?

              I'd just like to add my 2 gil here. I really, really cannot trust, or stand pickup parties, so I make statics with my friends who I am lucky enough to know enough to play various jobs, our setup from 30 was WAR/NIN, WAR/THF, MNK/WAR, NIN/WAR, RDM/WHM, BRD/WHM me being the /THF, to those advocating /THF > /NIN you're right, but it's *totally* not smart, the amount of damage you'll be doing, especially if you do it right, is going to rip hate so massively from anybody else that you'll get your ass handed to you up and down, and make your PT wait more. But even with my 'gimpness' @ 30 in Bibiki bay, raping *everything* we saw up and down the docks, up higher, and near the zone to the beach, with exp ring, i read around 15,000exp/hr (checked w/ time and w/ the expwatch) but before my expwatch would level out and stop rising, the exp ring wore, people were leveling every 20-30min, it was the most insane thing I had ever seen in my life.

              You can refute this if you like, but in one session we went from 30-34ish there when the mobs started to wane in exp per kill, but we raped all that was there, and i had never seen such good exp in my life outside of 75ish TP burns on my nin. I switched to /nin and have been ever since, which makes bouncing hate much easier, and we have never gotten under 8k/hr, it seems 8k/hr is our low, with 9k/hr being the norm, and 10-13k/hr being the highs. All without an exp ring that is. This of course is not for everybody, a burn party takes a decent amount of skill and a lot of concentration and attention, and a ninja or maybe a set of WAR's who don't mind dual tanking, or a nin who can hold onto their sanity of losing hate to raging axes and raging fists.

              We've tried on many mobs, mainly VT-IT's, we tried on IT's that everybody says burn PT's suck at, and we were getting semi-slow kills for exp cap everytime, and easily getting the same type of exp, without having to pull all the mobs in the zone an piss off the other parties. But a true burn PT will rape exp best on VT's b/c you can nearly kill it with a set of WS', especially now that we're 55, and we have 2x rampage, which took our damage from 200~ to 400+. VT's are the most fun, they're weaker, and they miss more, which is good of course, but finding a large supply is a huge problem. Our nin, as very skilled and insanely geared as she is, is going to try being a WAR/NIN to do more dmg, and b/c she's going insane w/ being weaker, and getting hate ripped from her with one WS, can't say I blame her. I'll post the results of that, but doing 1.2k DMG from 3 WS to mobs w/ roughly 4k HP seems to be a large difference, and three of us to bounce hate, I'll edit to let those who are interested know, but definitely burn parties can be done as early as 30, we got from 30-45 in just 3 SPT sessions, all between 2-5hrs only one about 5-6hrs.



              • #22
                Re: TP burn PTs, how early?

                Originally posted by Kenki
                It is generally a misconception that TP burn PT gains more exp than traditional PT (10k per hour vs 5k per hour) but it is not true.
                Hmm.. I don't think I agree that it's a misconception. The decent or better TP-burn parties I've been in in the 65+ range gained anywhere from 9-15K per hour. Traditional XP parties have great difficulty breaking 7K per hour due to their non-roaming nature.


